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Search results for parenting through separation.

1320 items matching your search terms

  1. Youth Justice Indicators Counting Rules and Limitations June 2024 [pdf, 252 KB]

    ...within the period. Where an individual is proceeded against for more than one offence at the same time, and the offences occurred either side of a birthday, age is at the time of the earlier offence. Where an individual is proceeded against on two separate occasions, once for an offence committed at age 13, and once for an offence committed at age 14, within the same 12- month period, the individual will only be counted in the offending rate for children measure. Population data...

  2. Youth-Justice-Indicators-Counting-Rules-and-Limitations-December-2024_v1.0.pdf [pdf, 252 KB]

    ...within that period. Where an individual is proceeded against for more than one offence at the same time, and the offences occurred either side of a birthday, age is at the time of the earlier offence. Where an individual is proceeded against on two separate occasions, once for an offence committed at age 13, and once for an offence committed at age 14, within the same 12- month period, the individual will only be counted in the offending rate for children measure. Population data...

  3. [2018] NZEnvC 221 Giles v Auckland Council [pdf, 8.8 MB]

    ...houses on each site exist, and the oonditions proposed will ensure no additional houses are constructed. The proposed cot.1dltions are attaohed as B. The Issues [4] This case Is a clear example of a non-complying activity where assertion is made through AEE that there are no additional effects on the environment by granting the SUbdivision. The overall conclusion of Mr D Wren, the planner providing the further AEE, is that, subject to the mitigation proposed In the letter, the propo...

  4. Craig - Wainui 2F4D (2005) 37 Kaikohe MB 19 (37 KH 19) [pdf, 687 KB]

    ...of the interests: Minute Book: 37 KH 19-27 4 "Weti Haare: Waima Williams is not a Hona. Waima has a right under gift from Waaka Hona but she has no right to include the rights of other members of the Hona family. . .. The shares came through the side of the Hanas and therefore should not be in the list of Mrs Williams." The Consolidation Officer, P Taua, said that Waaka Hona had included her when he spoke to him at Waima's house before he died. He went on to say t...

  5. [2016] NZEmpC 67 Bay of Plenty DHB v Rahiri [pdf, 143 KB]

    ...focused significantly and appropriately on the question of whether Ms Rahiri had been dismissed constructively, having so found, the Authority then concluded, in a sentence, that her dismissal was also unjustified. In such cases, those are separate considerations and although sometimes the facts may overlap, it is necessary to determine whether someone has been unjustifiably dismissed, even after a finding that they have been constructively dismissed. The focus in such cases...

  6. Trends in conviction and sentencing in New Zealand 2011 [pdf, 577 KB]

    ...crime1 is expected to have a positive impact on prosecution numbers. Agencies from across government are working together to target four priority areas that are known to contribute to people becoming involved in crime: improving support for new parents; addressing behaviour problems in children; reducing the harm caused by alcohol; and managing low-level (less serious) repeat offenders. 2.2. Police practices have a major impact on the numbers coming through the justice system The N...

  7. Algie & Others v ACC [2013] NZACA 6 [pdf, 56 KB] the appellants, and secondly, that the question is such that by reason of the general and public importance and wide potential application, the question ought to be submitted to the High Court for decision. [3] The appellants have indicated through Mr Miller that they will abide by the decision of the Authority. 2 The Authority’s right to be heard [4] As the Authority is not a District Court, under Rule 20.17 of the High Court Rules, it is entitled as the decision...

  8. Abyaneh v Auckland City Council [pdf, 175 KB]

    ...roofing work, but is now in liquidation, and no order was made against that company. [42] Counsel for the second respondent, Mr Asad Ali, submitted that the evidence referred to in para 41 above established that Mr Page 14 Abyaneh through his actions must be held to be a developer as his conduct came within the definition of “developer” as outlined by Harrison J in Body Corporate 188273 v Leuschke Group Architects Ltd (2007) 8 NZCPR 914, 922 at para [32]. “...

  9. Trends for children and youth in the New Zealand justice system 2001 to 2010 [pdf, 586 KB]

    ...children and young people charged in the Youth Court. These decreases can be seen across gender, age and ethnic group since 2003. Only the most serious youth offending reaches court. The majority (80%) of youth offending is dealt with out of court through alternative action, including warnings, diversionary programmes and Family Group Conferences. The most serious youth offending (which results in the transfer to the District or High Court) has also decreased. The number of children and...

  10. [2020] NZEnvC 013 Edens v Thames Coromandel District Council [pdf, 23 MB]

    ...relating to subdivision in Section 38 of Part VII (District Wide Rules) of the Thames-Coromandel District Council's proposed Plan (the proposed Plan). [2] · The range of issues raised by the appeals had been reduced prior to the hearing through direct negotiations and mediation. At the commencement of the hearing, Mr Green for the Thames'-Coromandel District Council (the Council) advised that three main issues remained outstanding among the parties relating to the propose...