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Search results for parenting through separation.

1320 items matching your search terms

  1. MOJ0569 Answering difficult questions [pdf, 42 KB]

    Answering difficult questions from children A Parenting Through Separation programme factsheet M O J0 56 9_ M AY 19 To find out more, go to Do your best to answer your children’s questions Children need to understand what’s going on when their parents split up. They deal with things better if parents and family/ whānau give them honest answers in a gentle way. • Don’t make up reasons why a parent has gone away. • Nearly all children hope t...

  2. Evaluation of Family Dispute Resolution service and mandatory self-representation [pdf, 2 MB]

    ...Summary 1.1 Background In March 2014 changes were made to how the family justice system (FJS) works. The Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) service is one of the major features of these changes. This service supports separating parents to reach mediated parenting agreements out-of-court. The FDR service consists of:  An assessment of whether a case is appropriate for mediation  A service that prepares people for mediation  A mediation process in which the mediator typically me...

  3. MOJ0561C_Jun21_WEB.pdf [pdf, 305 KB]

    Children need parents to help them with the tough times A Parenting Through Separation programme factsheet 1. Your children will deal with things better if they have a strong, positive relationship with you • Your children need lots of warm time with you to relax and laugh. • There are activity ideas online, for example, at • You build relationships with your children by putting them first, spending time with them, listening to them and d...

  4. How to manage changeovers, new partners and step-families [pdf, 313 KB]

    Changeovers and helping children move between two homes A Parenting Through Separation programme factsheet. M O J0 56 7C _O C T1 8 To find out more, go to 1. What to expect at changeover between parents • Young children may be clingy, cry or put up a fight. • Older children may complain and not want to go. 2. Understand why your children may be upset about moving between homes • It’s hard for your children to leave you behind. They love...

  5. Fair-Way-FDR-Brochure-Eng.pdf [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    Why mediate? With Fair Way you can: • Make future parenting plans for your whānau • Focus on your children rather than the conflict • Create a new co-parenting relationship • Learn tools for future conversations • Make your own decisions for your future. Chat to us about your needs • Mediators in your neighbourhood • Online and in-person options • Tumeke whānau whanui - Fair Way’s mediation approach based on Māori values • Voice of Child Specialists...

  6. MOJ0501_Childrens-Guide-A5_DEC22_WEB.pdf [pdf, 748 KB]

    1 Children’s guide to separation What happens to us when our parents break up? 2 This book will help you answer some questions you might have when your parents split up. It talks about: Page Does this happen to lots of other kids? 4 You could feel lots of different things – even at the same time! 5 What can I do to feel better? 6 What if I keep feeling really bad? 7 Will I still see everyone? 8 Will things get back to normal? 8 Who w...

  7. Service providers

    ...providers Domestic and family violence providers are contracted by the Ministry of Justice to deliver safety and non-violence courses and services. We fund these through community-based provider groups across the country. Family mediation & parenting course providers Family Dispute Resolution providers are mediators who help families settle disputes about the care of their children. Parenting Through Separation courses give separating or separated parents information and support...

  8. MOJ0569_FEB22_WEB.pdf [pdf, 72 KB]

    Answering difficult questions from children A Parenting Through Separation programme factsheet M O J0 56 9_ FE B 22 To find out more, go to break-up/ Do your best to answer your children’s questions Children need to understand what’s going on when their parents split up. They deal with things better if parents and family/ whānau give them honest answers in a gentle way. • Don’t make up reasons why a parent has gone away. • Nearly all...

  9. Going to Court after Mediation factsheet [pdf, 153 KB]

    Applying for a Parenting Order or Order to settle a dispute between Guardians If you want to apply to the Family Court, you usually need to have completed a Parenting Through Separation course within the last two years and Family Dispute Resolution mediation within the last 12 months. If it’s urgent - If the situation involves, or might involve, serious injury, undue hardship, risk to personal safety to you or your children and you need a court order urgently,...

  10. Qualitative study on behalf of the Independent Panel examining the 2014 family justice system reforms [pdf, 943 KB]

    ............................................................................................................ 36 5.1 Family Legal Advice Service (FLAS) ................................................................................................. 36 5.2 Parenting through Separation (PTS) ............................................................................................... 38 5.2.1 What worked well? .....................................................................................