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Search results for parenting through separation.

1320 items matching your search terms

  1. 2015 Ministry of Justice annual report - report in relation to selected non-departmental appropriations [pdf, 329 KB]

    ...the justice sector outcomes of reduced crime, reduced impact of crime and a trusted justice system. The intended impact of these services and activities is that local authorities and communities are engaged in programmes that focus on reducing crime through preventative measures, and on increasing community safety. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES This non-departmental output class covers coordinating and delivering a range of crime prevention initiatives and programmes in partnership with local...

  2. [2015] NZEmpC 122 Campbell v The Commissioner of Salford School [pdf, 631 KB]

    ...was catalysed by the introduction of changes which Ms Campbell introduced following her appointment. This resulted in the Board appointing outside facilitators, who assisted in establishing more collegial relationships. Staff turnover was high throughout 2006 and 2007. [8] On 30 June 2009, the ERO issued an evaluation for the school, which recorded good progress since Ms Campbell’s appointment three and a half years previously. The report stated that the Principal’s leadershi...

  3. Complaints Assessment Committee 409 v Andrew Rankin [2017] NZREADT 59 [pdf, 234 KB] determining the extent of cleaning necessary), and that as the property was contaminated, appropriate personal protective equipment should be worn by all authorised persons entering the site. The initial report was provided to Mr Rankin and, through him, to Ms Taylor. Ms Taylor decided not to proceed with her offer, and did not follow up on the recommendation of a detailed site investigation. [10] In March 2015, Mr and Mrs Brogden were looking for a property to buy for their da...

  4. NZCVS Methodology Report Cycle 2 (2019) [pdf, 4.9 MB]

    ...distress 81 Demographic coding 81 Ethnicity 81 Household composition 82 ‘Other – Specify’ responses 83 Geographic derivations 83 The New Zealand Index of Deprivation 84 Urbanisation 84 Regional Classifications 84 Offence groupings 84 Separating damage offences 86 Interpersonal violence groupings 87 Victim’s relationship to the offender 87 Type of offences experienced 88 10. Weighting 89 Introduction 89 Household weights 89 Household selection weights 89 Adjustment for...

  5. 2017 to 2022 Ministry of Justice statement of intent [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...procure and manage contracts with community-based providers to help people in need. These services include the Whānau Protect National Home Safety Service, domestic violence programmes, restorative justice services, family dispute resolution mediation, parenting through separation programmes, Victim Support and the Victims Information Service. The Victims Information Service gives people affected by crime, quick and easy access to information about the criminal justice system and support...

  6. Kaupapa Maori responses to violence against wahine Maori [pdf, 965 KB]

    ...has had on whānau, hapū and iwi wellbeing is an epidemic.3 A critical factor in the transmission and maintenance of intergenerational cycles of violence is the extent to which violence toward wāhine Māori has been normalised and entrenched through several generations of learned behaviour and practice4 as in children’s and youth’s exposure to violence and abuse.56 Any violence towards whānau has been described as the compromise of Te Ao Māori values, and is the absence or...

  7. Community Law Centre client survey – report on findings [pdf, 926 KB]

    ...facing these problems did not go to a CLC for help). A fifth of clients experience three or more different types of problem – these are more likely to be low income clients, clients with a long-term disability or health problem, and single-parents ▪ A fifth (20%) of clients experienced three or more of the problem-types across a two year period. This was more common among: o Clients with a long-term disability or health problem (32%). o Clients with a household income up to...

  8. Rec-Recap-2023-Q1-FINAL.pdf [pdf, 889 KB]

    ...from a crane while under the influence of LSD. On 13 December 2019, Edgar arrived at an address in Karangahape Road, Auckland to spend the weekend with his friend. At about 4:30pm on 14 December 2019, Edgar and two friends took an LSD tab each. Throughout that evening, Edgar exhibited multiple signs of being drug affected, including screaming while walking on Karangahape Road. The following day, Edgar appeared unsettled and at 3pm left his friend’s house, leaving his vehicle and...

  9. Research on the effectiveness of police practice in reducing residential burglary part 4: case study of Manurewa Local Police Area [pdf, 588 KB]

    ...for Research, Science and Technology. In the spirit of the CDRP, it has been an excellent example of cross-departmental research on a subject of high priority to government. The real commitment of the New Zealand Police to reducing crime is evident throughout the ten reports of the Burglary Reduction Research Programme. This substantial series of reports is published to be used in part or in its entirety by front-line Police, as well as managers, advisers and policy makers, all of whom play...

  10. KL v WS LCRO 160/2013 (15 June 2016) [pdf, 89 KB]

    ...for Mr KL in late September 2008 when he was first arrested and charged with drug dealing and related offences. Mr KL approached Ms WS directly and Ms WS arranged a reverse brief with her instructing solicitor, Ms YL. [3] Ms WS represented Mr KL through the various pre-trial court appearances and throughout a 16 day trial in June 2011. Mr KL was convicted of some offences and 2 acquitted of others. Ms WS was also initially instructed to act for Mr KL on sentencing. He terminat...