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Search results for parenting through separation.

1320 items matching your search terms

  1. Nicholas v Kameta - Estate of Whakaahua Walker Kameta Te Puke 2A2A3B1 and 2A2A3B2 [2011] Māori Appellate Court MB 500 (2011 APPEAL 500) [pdf, 265 KB]

    ...that if any of the said JANE TIWHA, ANDRE GEORGE NICHOLAS, CHARMAINE NICHOLAS, MARSHALL NICHOLAS and BRUCE NICHOLAS should die before me leaving a child or children living at my death, that child or children shall be entitled equally to their parent’s share as if that parent had been living at my death. The remaining share shall be held for the benefit of such of the children of my friend’s late daughter NESSIE ANGELINA NICHOLAS as survive me and attain the age of 21 years and...

  2. 2022 archive

    ...Ministry is currently doing in providing essential information to people going through Care of Children matters. We have created a survey designed for Family Lawyers, Lawyers for Child, Community Law Centre lawyers, Family Dispute Resolution providers and Parenting Through Separation providers. We would like to understand your views of the existing resources and your feedback will inform their refresh. Please click here to complete this short survey.(external link) (external link)  The sur...

  3. Chand and Kumari v Prakash [2012] NZIACDT 85 (3 December 2012) [pdf, 178 KB]

    ...have a written agreement, and withholding the passport, and concluded it was withheld as leverage in order to make Mr Chand pay fees. Submissions from Mr Prakash on Penalty [3] Mr Prakash provided submissions on the sanctions that may be imposed through his counsel Mr Laurent. [4] Key elements in the submissions as to the circumstances were that Mr Prakash: [4.1] Has always accepted that he did not have a written agreement for the additional work he performed. [4.2] Now accepts th...

  4. Taka v Watene - Koparakore A32A2B3B (2017) 34 Tākitimu MB 163 (34 TKT 163) [pdf, 427 KB] was originally part of a bigger house situated a few blocks north. However, after the older generations passed on, the house was literally cut up and divided amongst the descendants, with the parts containing two rooms each. He says that through the generations the house was passed to his father, Penetana Taka Wairama, who extended the house from the two rooms. When his father died, his mother remarried and the whānau moved away. [9] Mr Taka said that when he grew up he...

  5. Taka - Koparakore A32 A2 B3B (2016) 55 Takitimu 134 (55 TKT 134) [pdf, 327 KB]

    ...sought abuts the Benjamin Richard Taka’s occupation order (previously granted) and will not impede access to the land as Te Kura Pohatu on behalf of Robin Taka has confirmed. Their consent that access can be gained to the balance of the land through their access way was also important. 11 In addition, there were no meritorious objections to Daniel Taka himself being granted an occupation order. [22] I am satisfied that there is a sufficient degree of support having regard to t...

  6. 2017 NZSSAA 074 (19 December 2017) [pdf, 120 KB]

    ...dealings with the Ministry. [6] There have been a number of matters where there has been tension between the appellant and the Ministry. The appellant has been trespassed from the Ministry’s local offices, and must engage with the Ministry through its Remote Client Unit; he is not allowed face-to-face contact with Ministry staff. [7] It was clear that the appellant is very suspicious of people he engages with. He expressed his views as to a lack of integrity on the part of the...

  7. Gray v Paikea - Otara 5D2 (2022) 252 Taitokerau MB 210 (252 TTK 210) [pdf, 231 KB]

    ...for family members in the future; and (c) To safeguard the land for future generations. [6] The Whānau Trust is the sole owner of Otara 5D2, which is 33.7525 hectares of Māori Freehold land which borders the Otamatea River near Kaiwaka. The parent block, Otara 5D was owned by Ben Paikea who obtained orders partitioning the land into three parcels on 17 April 1986:1 (a) Otara 5D1 being 4.0485 hectares for Esther Gray solely; (b) Otara 5D2 being 33.7525 hectares for Ben Paikea s...

  8. Regeling - Orokawa 3B Residue (2008) 127 Whangarei MB 169 (127 WH 169) [pdf, 2.6 MB]

    ...once again expressing opposition to the application. Kiri MUIU'oe holds 30 shares in the land. She also indicated that different whanau opposed pattition including the Bennetts, ShOltlands, Tokis and Munroes. Jim ShOltland appeared with his parents on behalf of the Motatau me Hilda ShOltland Whanau Tl1lst. June Bennett appeared on behalf of her husband Pat Berutett and also Mrs Rea, Grant Berghan and Richard Dobbs. They were appearing with a watching brief as a meeting of owner...

  9. 2018 archive

    ...the out of court process.” At FLAS stage 1 the purpose is to advise clients of what to expect in the family justice system so matters can be resolved out-of-court. At stage 2 the purpose is to assist in filling out forms or notices of response for parenting or guardianship orders. We do not consider advice on proceedings involving OT would fit the description of either stage. If you have any questions about this, please contact the Provider Services (Legal Aid) team at legalaidprovider@justic...

  10. Foreman v Sanders – Estate of Rachel Ngeungeu Zister (2013) 63 Waikato Maniapoto MB 286 (63 WMN 286) [pdf, 191 KB] force. Whilst Dr Manuka Henare’s article is reasonably wide-ranging, nowhere does he ascribe the definition people for the word whenua. The closest he comes to it is when he indicates that philosophically people do not see themselves as separate from nature, humanity and the natural world being descendants of the earth mother, thus the resources of the earth do not belong to humankind but rather humans belong to the earth. [47] Ms Sanders also attaches an extract from a wel...