Gibbs v Te Runanga o Ngati Tama - Part Lot 2 and Lot 1 DP 4866 (TNK 4/901) and Section 1 SO 10359 CT TNK4/792 (2011) 274 Aotea MB 47 (274 AOT 47) [pdf, 370 KB]
...Māori. The Applicants are supported by tangata whenua including Ngā Hapū o Poutama and whānau and hapū affiliating primarily with Ngāti Maniapoto and Tainui waka. The Respondents Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Tama [5] Ngāti Tama of Taranaki, through Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Tama, opposes the applications. They say that, if granted, the applications will set an unintended precedent in 274 Aotea MB 51 permitting ―non tangata whenua‖ to create large Māori reservations in are...