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Search results for parenting through separation.

1307 items matching your search terms

  1. [2015] NZEmpC 77 Adams t/a Untouchable hair & Skin v Brown [pdf, 281 KB]

    ...Ms Brown’s parents had “become involved” because Ms X had sent such offensive texts to Ms Brown. In the note relating to the meeting with Ms Brown, it was recorded that legal advice had been taken, and that it would be necessary to work through a procedure and that both should be given written warnings. The note relating to the joint meeting recorded that if there was a recurrence “termination of employment will follow”. Because of the nature of the texting incide...

  2. Speaking about cultural background at sentencing: section 16 of the Criminal Justice Act 1985 [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ...Samoan, and one European offender). The use by Mäori and Pacific Peoples offenders represented only 0.25% of cases where Mäori and Pacific Peoples offenders were convicted. Anecdotal evidence suggested that section 16 continued to be used rarely throughout the 1990s and that there was a general lack of awareness of the availability of the provision despite there being a pamphlet in five languages available in the courts about the section. There was however no extensive information about the...

  3. Fisher v Potroz - Mohakatino Parininihi No 1C West 3A2 (2016) 361 Aotea MB 146 (361 AOT 146) [pdf, 552 KB]

    ...submitted that the principle of indefeasibility should apply to Kereni Wetini and his successors, as land ownership is subject to registration and not assumption. He pointed out that until 2013 the whole of Mohakatino Parininihi No 1C West 3A (the parent title) was registered in the name of the Māori owners, under the former certificate of title TNB1/1352. There were no transfers registered against TNB1/1352 or the former title, and when the new certificate of title was issued for...

  4. YAL final evaluation report July 2021-21 July version [pdf, 569 KB]

    ...While the trial began in March 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions delayed its official launch until 31 July 2020. At the launch, local iwi Ngāti Toa gifted the name Iti rearea teitei kahikatea ka taea to the initiative. The initiative separates those aged 18-25 years from older defendants appearing in the existing list court and introduces a revised court process that recognises and adjusts for special characteristics that could limit executive functioning (thinking, memory and...

  5. CVA research report into use of restorative justice in family violence cases [pdf, 630 KB]

    ...exactly: o what referral information is needed by restorative justice providers at the early stage of the restorative justice process o how the information is most efficiently obtained and shared o how the information might be checked for accuracy through agreed quality standards o how the information might be shared with the restorative justice provider in a timely fashion • increasing the number of opportunities for restorative justice facilitators of family violence cases to...

  6. [2006] NZEmpC AC 53/06 Graham v Crestline Pty Ltd [pdf, 86 KB] in a position to call you over the weekend with Dad’s acceptance of this proposal. I have cc’ed my home email address if you need to correspond by email over the weekend. Kind regards, Ian Graham [13] Mr Ian Graham then telephoned his parents and advised them of the settlement proposals that had been discussed. He describes their reaction as being one of shock and surprise that he had communicated with Mr Reynolds, and that a settlement had been proposed. Mr Ian Graham t...

  7. Gibbs v Te Runanga o Ngati Tama - Part Lot 2 and Lot 1 DP 4866 (TNK 4/901) and Section 1 SO 10359 CT TNK4/792 (2011) 274 Aotea MB 47 (274 AOT 47) [pdf, 370 KB]

    ...Māori. The Applicants are supported by tangata whenua including Ngā Hapū o Poutama and whānau and hapū affiliating primarily with Ngāti Maniapoto and Tainui waka. The Respondents Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Tama [5] Ngāti Tama of Taranaki, through Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Tama, opposes the applications. They say that, if granted, the applications will set an unintended precedent in 274 Aotea MB 51 permitting ―non tangata whenua‖ to create large Māori reservations in are...

  8. OWRUG - EiC - A M Gillespie (3 Feb 2021) [pdf, 3.9 MB]

    ...technician in Te Anau for 3 Stations with 5 breeding studs (2006 -07) moving to Taupo to work with Landcorp Pastoral as a budget and management analyst (2007 -09) working with dairy and dry stock units 14. My husband Ben and I met at Lincoln and moved through Landcorp together, following a brief stint overseas, Ben managed a sheep farm in South Otago, and we moved to Omakau in 2011. 15. Trading initially as a partnership we leased the farm from Ben’s parents, we then purchase...

  9. Standard explanation of effects and implications of anEPA in relation to property [pdf, 249 KB] to make decisions on your behalf about your property affairs. There are various options that you can have in your EPA. For example, if you appoint more than 1 attorney, you can say whether they must act together (jointly) or can act separately (severally). You can also appoint successor attorneys, cancel (revoke) previous EPAs, determine the extent of your attorney’s authority to act, and say who they must consult. See sections B to M of the EPA form for these options....

  10. Gray - Mohaka A4 Trust (2014) 36 Takitimu MB 254 (36 TKT 254) [pdf, 176 KB]

    ...views of the owners in rare circumstances. The Court is not bound to appoint the leading candidates resulting from an election by the beneficial owners. A candidate who has strong support from the owners might be regarded by the Court as unsuitable through lack of ability, experience and knowledge or for other reasons. For example, the existence of conflicts of interest might be relevant or the need to obtain a suitable spread of skills amongst the trustees. Nevertheless, the Court wo...