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Search results for parenting through separation.

1349 items matching your search terms

  1. NZCVS FAQs Core Report Cycle 3 June 2021 v1.2 [pdf, 252 KB]

    ...Have you found anything new with this latest Survey? The Cycle 3 report found that the number of burglaries fell significantly since the Cycle 1 data collection. Comparing different demographic groups, the analysis reveals that females who are separated or divorced are significantly more likely to be victimised, while males who are married, in a civil union, or in a de facto relationship are significantly less likely to be victimised. The report provides some new results not inclu...

  2. FAQs - NZCVS Cycle 3 [pdf, 252 KB]

    ...Have you found anything new with this latest Survey? The Cycle 3 report found that the number of burglaries fell significantly since the Cycle 1 data collection. Comparing different demographic groups, the analysis reveals that females who are separated or divorced are significantly more likely to be victimised, while males who are married, in a civil union, or in a de facto relationship are significantly less likely to be victimised. The report provides some new results not inclu...

  3. McKeogh v Attorney-General [2020] NZHRRT 39 [pdf, 368 KB]

    ...that exceeds her entitlement to NZS has been deducted from Mr Larsen’s entitlement to NZS because he is married to Ms Stensrud. Mrs Burke [25] The Director also called Mrs JS Burke who is not a plaintiff but is affected by the spousal deduction through her marriage to a citizen of the United States of America. Her husband is not eligible for NZS but the entire amount of his overseas pension is deducted from Mrs Burke’s pension. Alleged differential treatment or effect [26] In r...

  4. [2021] NZEnvC 032 Cabra Rural Developments Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 32 MB]

    ...documents as set out in the various Decisions. Outcome [12] The final rural subdivision provisions are attached to this Decision. Annexure B is a colour-coded copy of the provisions with new text shown as underlined and deleted text as strikethrough. Annexure C is a clean version of the provisions. Annexure D is a copy of the map that is referred to in the attached rural subdivision provisions as Map [X]. [13] Auckland Council is to alter its plan accordingly as soon as possible...

  5. [2007] NZEmpC AC 3/07 McGreal v Television New Zealand Ltd [pdf, 59 KB]

    ...application as conscientiously as I can. Factual events [6] The history of this matter was set out by Mr Drake in a chronology of events filed at the outset. This document is referred to as an agreed chronology although when I took Mr McGreal through it, he disagreed on one or two points, which I shall shortly mention. [7] The chronology is set out as follows: 8 November 1989 Paul McGreal commences employment with Television New Zealand as a sound operator. 6 April 1994 P...

  6. Victims of crime in the adult criminal justice system: a stocktake of the literature [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...coordinated. Factors influencing victimisation • Victimisation is not evenly distributed, with specific groups being at increased risk of experiencing crime. Inherent disadvantage, rather than individual risk factors (such as being Māori or a sole parent), underlies heightened risk, and it is this that should be the focus of crime prevention and victim initiatives. State responses – victims’ rights and standards of care • Victims’ rights instruments have been developed an...

  7. Pirikahu v Hohaia - Awanui Haparapara No 1 (2021) 253 Waiariki MB 112 (253 WAR 112) [pdf, 297 KB]

    ...equal portions if more 9 As amended by Te Ture Whenua Māori (Succession, Dispute Resolution, and Related Matters) Amendment Act 2020, which came into force on 6 February 2021 253 Waiariki MB 126 than 1, the portion to which their parent would have been entitled if living at the death of the deceased: (b) where the deceased leaves no issue, but leaves brothers and sisters, the persons entitled shall be the deceased’s brothers and sisters living at the death of...

  8. Appendix-M4-Economic-Impact-Report-on-the-New-Zealand-Sport-Horse-Industry-2012-.pdf [pdf, 695 KB]

    ...leaving 80,000 to be classified as sport horses for the purpose of this research. The implications of using the Agribase Biosecurity database information is outlined later in this report. The report firstly looks to define the industry and how it is separated from other industries; it also looks at what factors contribute to the makeup of the industry and how these factors are inter- related. The ability to look at comparable industries or in this case sporting pursuits is not possib...

  9. Wiringi - Succession to Ngahuiatapu Rogers [2024] Chief Judge's MB 144 (2024 CJ 144) [pdf, 238 KB]

    ...shares of the deceased solely with the true intention being that all of her four deceased siblings would also receive their entitlement equally and that the present situation needed to be rectified. 2024 Chief Judge's MB 146 4. In a separate application made during 2022, the applicants sought to have the matter corrected pursuant to section 86 Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993. That application was however unable to proceed with the Court being unable to amend orders older...

  10. Family and Sexual Violence work programme April [pdf, 327 KB] the April update from the Multi-Agency Team on Family and Sexual Violence. The Multi-Agency Team is leading government efforts to create a coordinated, cross-government approach to preventing and responding to family and sexual violence. Through this newsletter you will receive updates on current work, including the implementation of the Family and Whānau Violence Legislation Bill. We welcome your feedback so please email us at In...