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Search results for parenting through separation.

1320 items matching your search terms

  1. Le Lievre v Muriwhenua Incorporation - Muriwhenua Incorporation (2016) 123 Taitokerau MB 240 (123 TTK 240) [pdf, 303 KB]

    ...AMBLER 123 Taitokerau MB 241 Introduction [1] For over 30 years the Muriwhenua Incorporation (“the Incorporation”) has enabled shareholders and their whānau to live on the Incorporation’s land through what were originally known as residential leases and which subsequently came to be known as licences to occupy (“LTO”). [2] These arrangements were effected through a process whereby shareholders or their whānau applied to the...

  2. Consultation Document - AML/CFT Early Regulatory Package Exposure Draft February 2023 [pdf, 494 KB]

    ...Gaps in regulations relating to known high-risk areas of cash, virtual assets, high-risk countries, and high-risk customers. These gaps mean that important intelligence is not being provided, small cash purchases of high-value goods are occurring through pawnbrokers (and outside of the AML/CFT regime, since pawnbrokers are currently exempt from the regime), and generally that important AML/CFT obligations do not match the level of risk in these areas. These are also all areas where we...

  3. Consultation Document AML/CFT Early Regulatory Package Exposure Draft [pdf, 494 KB]

    ...Gaps in regulations relating to known high-risk areas of cash, virtual assets, high-risk countries, and high-risk customers. These gaps mean that important intelligence is not being provided, small cash purchases of high-value goods are occurring through pawnbrokers (and outside of the AML/CFT regime, since pawnbrokers are currently exempt from the regime), and generally that important AML/CFT obligations do not match the level of risk in these areas. These are also all areas where we...

  4. Guidelines on common core documents [pdf, 528 KB]

    ...reporting 7. The reporting system as described in these guidelines is intended to provide a coherent framework within which States can meet their reporting obligations under all of the international human rights treaties to which they are a party through a coordinated and streamlined process. Commitment to treaties 8. The reporting process constitutes an essential element in the continuing commitment of a State to respect, protect and fulfil the rights set out in the treaties to which...

  5. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights - summary record 5th report (continued) [pdf, 96 KB] the questions raised by Ms. Keller, said that approximately 550 people had filed claims against the Government for ill-treatment in State-run institutions, most of which pertained to events from the 1980s or earlier. The claims had been funded through legal aid. The Government had settled a number of the compensation claims and was continuing to engage with the remaining claimants. Rehabilitation and other assistance was available through New Zealand’s Accident Compensation schem...

  6. Final-Technical-Assessment-N-Productive-Land-v2.pdf [pdf, 2.3 MB]

    ...37.1 and 55.8 ha is from dairying; (d) between 14.4 and 21.7 ha is from lifestyle/dwellings; (e) between 4.6 and 6.1 ha is from horticulture; and (f) less than 1 ha each is from forestry and bush. 11. The Ō2NL Project corridor will run through a number of existing properties. This will create between 57 and 71 new areas of land that will be physically separated (by the highway) from the remainder of the relevant property. Of BF\BF FINAL TECHNICAL ASSESSMENT N - PRODUCT...

  7. 2010 to 2013 Ministry of Justice statement of intent [pdf, 498 KB]

    ...and effective functioning of the justice system as a whole. The Government is considering changing alcohol laws to reduce alcohol-related offending and other harm related to alcohol. I also intend to make improvements to the criminal justice system through the simplification of criminal procedure and the introduction of modern technologies into our courts. I expect that this work will reduce the complexity and cost of our court system, providing New Zealanders with more efficient service...

  8. [2017] NZEmpC 47 Singh v Trustees of the Wellington Rudolf Steiner Kindergarten Trust [pdf, 104 KB]

    ...throughout the negotiations, Ms Singh was being advised and supported in the negotiations by an officer of her union and that following the payment and the provision of the reference, Ms Singh’s resignation from employment was announced at the regular parents’ evening meeting at the kindergarten. Discussion of legal issues arising [15] Section 149 of the Act enables parties to an employment relationship problem which is resolved through the provision of the mediation service...

  9. Access to Justice Legal Needs Survey Final Report - October 2024 [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ...guided, and advised the project team. Our special thanks go to the Law and Justice Foundation of New South Wales. In particular, Catriona Mirrlees-Black, Delphine Bellerose, Dr Kerryn Butler and Dr Emily Kothe for their advice, time and expertise throughout the survey process and for drafting the survey questionnaire. We acknowledge Dr Michael Slyuzberg, Dr Tadhg Daly, and Tianying Chu for providing ongoing help and support. The project team at the Ministry of Justice was made up o...

  10. Mairs v The Real Estates Agents Authority (CAC 413) NZREADT 9 [pdf, 819 KB]

    ...following matters. On the night of 27 February 2017 Mr Mairs entered the property and stayed the night there. He was discovered at the property the following morning by a Mrs Court whose son owns the property. The son was absent overseas and his parents visited the apartment from time to time to carry out maintenance and for other purposes. In the morning of 28 February, his mother, Mrs Court called at the apartment with another person. When she entered the apartment she found that...