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Search results for parenting through separation.

1320 items matching your search terms

  1. [2016] NZEmpC 37 Zespri International Limited v Yu third Interlocutory [pdf, 100 KB]

    ...process that may subsequently see some documents subjected to closer scrutiny on these grounds. Nevertheless, this initial filter is an important mechanism because it should not be so coarse as to allow potentially privileged documents to pass through the filter and be disclosable and so find that it catches inappropriate documents. It is a particular problem in this case because neither party can say more than very generally what may or may not be contained in electronic media whi...

  2. Children and young people data notes and trends December 2020 [pdf, 295 KB]

    ...should be cautious when drawing conclusions using the 2020 statistics. Youth justice system Most children and young people in the youth justice system don't go to court but are instead dealt with by Police in the community. This could be through a Police warning or being referred to Police Youth Aid. A family group conference happens in more serious circumstances where the offending can’t be dealt with in the community. Children and young people only appear in cour...

  3. Tito – Estate of Te Anga Whanga (2014) 71 Taitokerau MB 94 (71 TTK 94) [pdf, 107 KB]

    ...1 36 Whangarei MB 126 (36 WH 126). 2 2 Registrar Taitokerau MB 209 (2 RGTO 209). 71 Taitokerau MB 96 arise in relation to those interests. Under s 109 of the Act, those entitled to succeed would need to be traced back through Te Anga’s father, Kepa Whanga. [9] According to the Court succession records, Kepa Whanga had only one sibling, a sister, Naki Whanga or Naki Rewanui. Kepa and Naki Whanga’s parents were Whanga Te Pato (father) and Terehia Whanga

  4. Lairg v Canterbury LCRO 219 / 2009 (24 April 2010) [pdf, 81 KB]

    ...Applicant referred to her original complaint; she also enclosed a copy of a document that had been sent to her partner from the Practitioner’s firm who acts for the partner’s ex wife more recently, this document set out submissions in relation to a parenting order sought by the ex wife against the Applicant’s partner. [2] The original complaint had been made on the applicant’s behalf by her solicitor, who acts not only for the Applicant but also for her partner. Her solici...

  5. 2021-03-14 Joanna Gilroy - Evidence (13 March 2021) [pdf, 20 MB]

    ...than one location or where applications are recent. (b) Map 1.2: includes all current Deemed Permits and Resource Consents to take water expiring on or before 31 December 2025. It should be read in conjunction with map 1.1. The two maps are separate as replacement consents are not always issued on a 1 to- 1 basis to a parent consent. Only consents with spatial information recorded are showing on the map. Spatial information can be lacking where consents relate to more than one l...

  6. Family violence reform paper 1: Context and supporting integrated responses [pdf, 582 KB]

    ...victims bear approximately one- third of the costs of violence, affecting relationships, health, and workforce participation. 1 Children are also affected, as both the direct victims of violence and as witnesses of violence against others, usually a parent. In 2013, children were present at over 63 percent of all family violence incidents attended by Police. 2 31. The impacts of family violence fall disproportionately on Māori and their whānau. Māori are significantly over-represe...

  7. FV Reform Paper 1 Context [pdf, 554 KB]

    ...victims bear approximately one- third of the costs of violence, affecting relationships, health, and workforce participation. 1 Children are also affected, as both the direct victims of violence and as witnesses of violence against others, usually a parent. In 2013, children were present at over 63 percent of all family violence incidents attended by Police. 2 31. The impacts of family violence fall disproportionately on Māori and their whānau. Māori are significantly over-represe...

  8. NZCVS topical report Cycle 2 (2019) – Māori victimisation in Aotearoa New Zealand [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...intimate partner or sexual violence during their lifetime. • Factors associated with a higher chance of having experienced intimate partner or sexual violence include being female, being aged 40–49, identifying as gay/lesbian or bisexual, being separated or divorced, and living in a single-parent household. 1 Non-legally recognised partnerships are any intimate partnership where the couple are not married/in a civil union and have not been living together for two years (de fa...

  9. Ngati Pahauwera Affidavits 2 of 4 [pdf, 11 MB]

    ...taught about this by my D0708020.62V1 5469.5 Page 167 of 317 Page4 Great Grand Uncle Erueti Hokena who died when I was eight years old. His wife Hine-te-Kawa then instructed our whanau on how to make the drains. This was a whanau project where parents and their children took turns to 'man' the drain. The produce was shared by all of the village. 10. Drains were used for a specific period only, usually when the fish were urgent to get to the sea. When whanau had suff...

  10. [2012] NZEmpC 207 Hutton and Others v Provencocadamus Ltd (in receivership) [pdf, 252 KB]

    ...proceedings were commenced on behalf of 112 named plaintiffs. The focus of the proceedings currently before the Court is on six of the plaintiffs. The intention was to avoid the expense and time involved in preparing what are effectively 112 separate claims by having an initial hearing to determine the claims of six of those plaintiffs. This judgment accordingly relates to the six “test case” plaintiffs. [3] The six plaintiffs contend that they were jointly employed by the...