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Search results for parenting through separation.

1320 items matching your search terms

  1. Grants-Handbook-v4.88.pdf [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...person’s details. 18 Application made by a minor If an application is made on behalf of a minor aged under 16 years, then their representative must be a natural person 20 years or older with full mental capacity and the person’s parent/guardian/ custodial parent or next friend/guardian ad litem. Legal aid will be granted in the name of the minor, but the application must be signed by their representative. If an application is made on behalf of a minor over 16 years,...

  2. Evaluation of Victim Support Services [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...than the equivalent figure among the low income population (0.69). People more likely to experience problems The following types of respondent were more likely than average to experience an impactful problem in the past two years: ▪ Single parents (63%) ▪ Those who have moved home two or more times in the past year (53%) ▪ People with a long-term health problem or disability (51%) ▪ People who are in receipt of benefits (50%) ▪ Māori respondents (49%) ▪ Pacifi...

  3. LCRO 24/2023 RD v KE and PS (5 September 2023) [pdf, 329 KB]

    ...relevant to RD’s complaint but I record it to provide the context in which the complaint was made and the underlying concerns that prompted it. [6] RD is one of three siblings. His sister is Ms WD (WD) and his brother is Mr UD (UD). [7] Their parents, Mr BD (BD) and Mrs MD (MD), lived in a home at [Road A], [Suburb A]. The home was owned by the D Family Trust. She had Alzheimer’s disease and he had Parkinson’s disease. [8] The [Suburb A] home was sold in 2015 and Mr BD...

  4. Moko Sayviah RANGITOHERIRI (CSU-2015-ROT-000302) [pdf, 2 MB]

    ...(iii) What checks were made on the safety and wellbeing of this child whilst in the care of the two caregivers? (iv) Was anyone else aware of the assaults and injuries this child was receiving whilst in the care of these caregivers? (v) Had the parents, the child or the caregivers come to the attention of any child welfare and/or educational agencies and if so, what were the circumstances of that attention? (vi) What agencies, if any, check on the welfare of young children so that...

  5. 2019 to 2024 Ministry of Justice statement of intent [pdf, 2.3 MB]

    ...efficiently and effectively as possible. To ensure public health, the response to COVID-19 has seen individual’s rights and liberties constrained. As these liberties return it is vital to ensure we maintain trust and confidence in our justice system, through high levels of transparency and public accountability. The COVID-19 crisis has also demanded that we adapt quickly, to ensure the essential work of the justice system continues. We need to harness that adaptability, agility an...

  6. Youth Court - Signed, sealed – (but not yet fully) delivered [pdf, 817 KB]

    ...complete their FGC plans. This judicially led initiative has been driven by Judge Heemi Taumaunu and a team of eight Māori District Court Judges over the past five years. There are now 12 Rangatahi Courts around the country. Judge Taumaunu will separately address the context, philosophy and development of Rangatahi Courts, and their success to date, at this conference. 5 1. The Gathering Storm A The concerning state of Youth Justice in New Zealand New Zealand...

  7. Innis - Tahora 2B 3B 4A, Tahora 2A 3B 4B and Tahora 2A 3B 5 (2007) 95 Opotiki MB 180 (95 OPO 180) [pdf, 452 KB]

    ...Court was part of the Maori Affairs Department. The Department of Maori Affairs was a multi purpose department. It encompassed Maori housing,. Maori land development, welfare, the Maori Land Court, and the Maori Trust office. Each entity was run separately under the overall control of the District Officer. T116s the Court was run by the Court section and the Maori Trust Office by the trust section. [11] The sections were all.part of the one Department, generally under the one roof,...

  8. Preece v Hokotehi Moriori Trust (2010) 5 Te Waipounamu MB 83 (5 TWP 83) [pdf, 109 KB]

    ...that: 5 Te Waipounamu MB 84 “I belong to the Ngatimutunga Tribe. I was born in New Zealand. I came with the people when they came in the year 1836. I know this block now under investigation. I claim part of this land called Te Ihu. My parents lived on the land…” [3] Thus many descendants of Ngahiwi Dix consider themselves to be of Ngāti Mutunga descent. [4] The Hokotehi Moriori Trust (“HMT”) represents the imi/iwi of Moriori on Rekohu/Chatham Islands. Since...

  9. [2018] NZEmpC 153 Rauland NZ Limited v Delvo [pdf, 224 KB]

    ...<>. (a) failed to keep in confidence, confidential information he obtained whilst employed by the applicant; (b) retained for his own benefit, copyrighted works belonging to the applicant and/or its parent company, Rauland Australia Pty Ltd (Rauland Australia); (c) held or maintained works, documents and information that is the property of the applicant and/or Rauland Australia; (d) by retaining, copying and, u...

  10. Grants Handbook v4.89 [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...person’s details. 18 Application made by a minor If an application is made on behalf of a minor aged under 16 years, then their representative must be a natural person 20 years or older with full mental capacity and the person’s parent/guardian/ custodial parent or next friend/guardian ad litem. Legal aid will be granted in the name of the minor, but the application must be signed by their representative. If an application is made on behalf of a minor over 16 year...