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Search results for parenting through separation.

1320 items matching your search terms

  1. MOJ0504 Making a parenting plan workbook [pdf, 6.1 MB]

    1 Parenting Plan Workbook To help you decide what’s best for your child after a separation or change in family situation How to use the Parenting Plan Workbook 1 Make your parenting plan 2 PART 1: Day-to-Day care and contact, changeovers, holidays, special occasions 3 Tear off copy of weekly plan 6 Tear off copy of monthly plan 7 PART 2: Guardianship decisions (home life, school, healthcare, and relationships) 13 PART 3: Reviewing the plan, commitment, and signatures 19 Help...

  2. Technical report of Parenting Hearings programme pilot [pdf, 1 MB]

    ...Interview guide – Judges 21 Appendix 6: Interview Guide – Lawyers (including Lawyer for the Child) 25 Appendix 7: Interview Guide – Report Writers 29 Appendix 8: Letter – interview with PHP parent 33 Appendix 9: Interview Guide – PHP Parents 35 Appendix 10: Letter PHP Parents’ postal survey 39 Appendix 11: PHP parents’ postal survey 41 Appendix 12: Letter non-PHP parents’ postal survey 47 Appendix 13: Non-PHP parents’ postal survey 49 Appendix 14: Reminder p...

  3. Family Court Rewrite Submission - Parent (2) [pdf, 425 KB]

    ...available to children? In an ideal world counselling for children would be great - however there is a limit to what the state can afford and I feel if the parents get counselling when needed then the children will benefit from that immensely. 11. Are Parenting Through Separation/Family Dispute Resolution suppliers, Family Justice Service Coordinators and Judges best placed to refer people to counselling? Yes. Are there any other service providers who should be able to refer to counselling...

  4. MOJ0505 Children need parents to understand Oct18 [pdf, 170 KB]

    Children need parents to understand what they’re going through A Parenting Through Separation programme factsheet. To find out more, go to M O J0 50 5_ O C T1 8 1. You can make separation better for your children • Most children will want to continue their relationship with both parents. • Put aside what’s happening in your relationship and understand the effect of your separation on your children. • The more you help your children, th...

  5. MOJ0561C Children need parents to protect and help them factsheet [pdf, 312 KB]

    Children need parents to protect them from conflict A Parenting Through Separation programme factsheet. M O J0 56 1C _O C T1 8 To find out more, go to 1. Your children need to be away from conflict because: • seeing or hearing conflict with your ex-partner can damage them, even if they seem resilient or ‘tough’ • they’re likely to worry deeply if they see a parent they love being upset • they may think they’re the cause of their p...

  6. MOJ0608-Making-parenting-arrangements-Simiplified-Chinese.pdf [pdf, 842 KB]

    ... 如需更多信息 • 访问 • 免费拨打司法部电...

  7. MOJ0608-Making-parenting-arrangements-Large-Print.pdf [pdf, 173 KB]

    1 Making parenting arrangements After a separation or change in family situation, it can be hard to figure out how parents, guardians and whānau (family and friends) can continue to be part of their child’s life. It helps if everyone can come to an agreement. This is usually quicker, cheaper, and less stressful than going to court. It also means your child doesn’t need to go through the court process. 2 Resources and services to help y...

  8. LA Request to registrar to vary final Parenting Order - by consent [pdf, 238 KB]

    MOJ0522/02/14 Request to registrar to vary final Parenting Order – by consent 1 Request to registrar to vary final Parenting Order – by consent SECTION 57 – CARE OF CHILDREN ACT 2004 Use this form when ALL parties to a Parenting Order have agreed to vary (change) the existing Order by consent. This means you have all agreed to change the parenting arrangements that are outlined in the existing Order. To help you complete this form, follow the Guidelines document. You may also be e...

  9. MOJ0510_Work-out-parenting-arrangements_Mar23.pdf [pdf, 430 KB] family situation, it can be hard for parents, guardians and whānau (family and friends) to agree on a child’s care. While going to court is usually the last option, it might be what’s needed. Going through the Family Court to work out parenting arrangements When you apply, the Court makes a decision based on your situation and what they think is in the child’s best interests. When working out parenting arrangements you can apply to the Family Court for: • a Parenting O...

  10. MOJ0608-Making-parenting-arrangements-Arabic.pdf [pdf, 421 KB]

    ...إىل محكمة األرسة Family Court للحصول عىل أمر من املحكمة بهذا الشأن، عادة بعد التحاقك بدورة "رعاية أولياء األمور ألطفالهم خالل االنفصال" Parenting Through Separation خالل Family Dispute "السنتني املاضية و"حل النزاعات األرسية Resolution خالل الـ 12 شهراً املاضية. لك الحق يف الشعور باألمان ميك...