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Search results for parenting through separation.

1307 items matching your search terms

  1. Restorative justice: Practice standards for family violence cases 2019 [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ...offender. Restorative justice in New Zealand The application of restorative justice principles and practices in New Zealand as a response to offending and victimisation began with the introduction of Family Group Conferences for young offenders through the Children, Young Persons, and Their Families Act 1989. During the 1990s, similar principles and practices were applied on an ad hoc basis to cases involving adult offenders. However, it wasn’t until the passage of the Sentencing...

  2. COVID-19 Response (Further Management Measures) Legislation Bill – Ministry of Justice [pdf, 215 KB]

    ...of any dealer’s licence or firearms licence that have or are set to expire during the COVID-19 outbreak. LEGAL ADVICE LPA 01 01 24 Schedule 17 – Workplace Relations and Safety 26. Schedule 17 provides for a temporary amendment to the Parental Leave and Employment Protection Act 1987 under a new Part 3B to that Act. The amendments would last until two years after the date when the COVID-19 emergency period ends and have retrospective application, covering persons to whom the...

  3. IEAA - 2013 annual report [pdf, 45 KB]

    ...both in primary and secondary schools who have been accepted by the Code Office to enrol international students, to file annual self- attestation forms. The Code Administrator had 39 defaulters. In fairness it should be noted that part arose through faxed material not being received by the Code Office when there was a breakdown in receiving facsimiles within the office. 7. All the forms were finally received as is required over a period of time and several providers retired from...

  4. MOJ0610-Responding-to-a-Notice-of-Application-Hindi.pdf [pdf, 335 KB]

    ...पररस्स्ततयो ंमडें बदलाव उन्हडें कैसे प्रभातवत करता ह।ै इस कोस्ण के बारे मडें अधधक जानकारी के ललए वेबसाइि पर जाएं या ममतनस्ट्ी ऑफ जस्स्स (न्ाय मंत्रालय) को 0800 224 733 नंबर पर मुफ...

  5. BORA Wills Bill [pdf, 381 KB]

    ...Court. 3. This clause would distinguish between persons who are 18 or over (or who are under 18 but married, in a civil union or a de facto relationship), and persons who are under 18 and are not in such a relationship. The latter group have to go through the additional procedural hurdle of obtaining Family Court approval in order to do a testamentary action. 4. These distinctions are prima facie inconsistent with the freedom from discrimination on the grounds of age affirmed by section...

  6. Evaluation of the Te Hurihanga pilot [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ...provided practical assistance during our regular field trips, despite occasions when these coincided with very busy programme commitments. They provided organisational help around interviewing of the young people and their whaanau; provided advice throughout many iterations of the file review schedule; and gave considerable time to the file review and collection of Police offending data. In particular, we would like to thank the Programme Manager, David McCarthy, the Clinical Leader, Mari...

  7. MLC - Glossary of terms [pdf, 184 KB]

    ...a grant of letters of administration. AFFIDAVIT A written statement that is signed and either affirmed or sworn on oath and therefore able to be used as evidence in Court. AGGREGATION ORDER Aggregation of titles occurs when two or more separate blocks of land share a common ownership list. The titles remain separate, but there is only one common ownership list for all of the land. (Refer to section 308 of the Act.) ALIENATION Alienation occurs is when landowners gra...

  8. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights - 5th report [pdf, 386 KB]

    ...where it was previously restricted to married couples • Care of Children Act 2004, which repealed and replaced the Guardianship Act 1968 with an updated Act to promote children’s welfare • Armed Forces Law Reform Bill 2007 (enacted as four separate Acts), which improved the compliance of the military justice system with the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 and the Covenant 9. Other significant developments are: • New Zealand Action Plan for Human Rights, (attached as Anne...

  9. Western Bay of Plenty District Council - Pt Taumata 3A2B (2015) 128 Waiariki MB 49 (128 WAR 49) [pdf, 209 KB]

    ...cancellation so that they can grant easements over the land to benefit three iwi, who as a result of their Treaty settlements, now own forests on adjoining lands. It is argued that the easements cannot be registered while the road line remains as a separate parcel of land without ownership or title. [3] A hearing was held on 4 September 2015. Mr Bidois confirmed that cancellation of the road line as depicted in the partition order (as amended) for Taumata 3A2B is sought. At the c...

  10. Family Court Rewrite Submission - Court Staff Member (2) [pdf, 182 KB]

    ...stay, however needs to be free or costs substantially reduced, the cost appears to be a barrier to on notice applications. 6. What are the Panel's proposals that relate to the 2014 family justice reforms? 2014 Panel's proposals Parenting Through Separation Programme (PTS) becoming compulsory for people who want to apply to the Family Court Parties are expected to attend PTS if they intend to engage with FDR or make an application to the Court. Ag...