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Search results for parenting through separation.

1307 items matching your search terms

  1. MOJ0343.1_YoungWit_Mar18_WEB.pdf [pdf, 1.8 MB]

    For young witnesses and their parents, carers, family and whānau Moving through the criminal justice system What happens and how to get support 0800 650 654 1 Witnesses are a very important part of the criminal justice system in New Zealand. They give vital evidence in investigations and court cases and help make sure that the right people are held to account for crimes they commit. It is important to find the support...

  2. Justice Matters - issue 13 - December 2018 [pdf, 2.2 MB] the Secretary for Justice and Chief Executive of the Ministry and I want to use this column to express my thanks to you all. The Ministry is a large, complex organisation that delivers justice services in many different forms. Whether that be through Treaty settlements, policy advice, court services or the provision of legal aid (to name just a few of our services), everything we do is about delivering justice and supporting the justice system. What we do is not easy, but it is im...

  3. Family Court Rewrite Submission - Warwick Marshall [pdf, 264 KB]

    ...they hadn’t yet experienced this. Collation of useful data and patterns 50. Hundreds of supervised contact reports could be analysed to identify common themes and patterns that might help improve measures to prevent family violence or parenting issues. Trends and common themes could be fed into parenting courses or parenting through separation or creation of new and more relevant courses. Recommendations That the 2014 Family Justice reform review:...

  4. Adoption Law Reform Targeted Engagement Report [pdf, 3.6 MB]

    ...1955, the Adult Adoption Information Act 1985, and the Adoption (Intercountry) Act 1997. Most adoptions in Aotearoa take place under the Adoption Act 1955, which mandates a transfer of the legal rights and responsibilities for children from birth parents to adoptive parents. The adoption order also removes the child’s legal relationship to their birth family, whānau, hapū, and iwi. The Adoption Act does not currently outline set purposes of adoption. Currently, the Adoption Act 1955...

  5. Family Court Rewrite Submission - OCC [pdf, 591 KB]

    ...Recommendation 1: Note the previous recommendations made by the Office of the Children’s Commissioner in our first submission, with particular attention to: Previous recommendation 1: That a system-wide mechanism is developed to support children through the family justice system and ensure their views are sensitively and appropriately gathered and given weight. This could take the form of a child advocate who stays with the child throughout the process, or some other child-centred m...

  6. Family Court Rewrite Submission - Resolution Institute [pdf, 685 KB]

    ...The emphasis on non-adversarial and out of court approaches  The concept of an integrated Family Justice Service  People being able to access services through many different points  Courts referring parties who have not taken part in Parenting Through Separation or Family Dispute Resolution back to these services except in urgent cases Focus on children Resolution Institute supports:  Children having access to quality child-friendly information  Children bein...

  7. Pomare - Estate of Peter Here Pomare (2015) 103 Taitokerau MB 95 (103 TTK 95) [pdf, 264 KB]

    ...entitled to succeed, or shall be entitled to succeed only to a specified lesser extent, to any beneficial interest in Maori freehold land to, or than that, which that person would otherwise be entitled to succeed on the death of that person's parents or either of them. (3) Every order under subsection (2) of this section shall have effect notwithstanding anything in section 19 of the Adoption Act 1955. [19] Therefore, notwithstanding that Peter executed a will in 1988 it is o...

  8. Tawhi - Estate of Te Autu Nick Tawhi (2016) 143 Waiariki MB 115 (143 WAR 115) [pdf, 206 KB]

    ...children receive his Māori freehold land interests and that the Court grant her a life interest in her husband’s estate. [2] Pareraututu Tawhi (Mr Tawhi’s sister) objects to Bella receiving a life interest. Pareraututu argues that Te Autu was separated from Bella and had been separated for over ten years at the time of his death. Further, Te Autu had entered into a subsequent de facto relationship with Maria Henry. [3] Bella Tawhi confirmed that while her and Te Autu were sep...

  9. LCRO 49/2016 QG v WW (8 May 2018) [pdf, 183 KB]

    ...for a review of a decision by the [Area] Standards Committee [X] (the Committee) to take no further action in respect of his complaint concerning conduct on the part of Ms WW. Background [2] Mr QG and Ms BA had twins in 2002. Mr QG and Ms BA separated not long after the twins were born and have both remained involved in their upbringing. The family has been a regular user of Family Court processes. There is evidence that suggests both parents have medical conditions that can af...

  10. Family Court rewrite submission: New Zealand Law Society [pdf, 1 MB]

    ...greatly inform the panel’s report to the minister. In the Law Society’s view implementing the following three key changes would have an immediate positive effect on the Family Court: • allowing lawyers to act in all matters in respect of parenting and guardianship disputes, both pre and post-proceedings, and increasing the availability of legal aid; • bringing pre-court processes back under the umbrella of the Family Court, reinstating a limited number of counselling sess...