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Search results for parenting through separation.

1349 items matching your search terms

  1. Cannabis Legalisation and Control Bill Exposure Draft for Referendum [pdf, 2.2 MB]

    ...functions include— • establishing a cap to limit the amount of cannabis available for sale in the licensed market; and • licensing and authorising controlled activities at each stage of the cannabis sup- ply chain; and • setting potency limits through controls on the amount of THC (tetrahydrocan- nabinol – the main psychoactive compound in cannabis) permitted in cannabis products; and • administering and collecting excise taxes, levies, and fees; and • promoting responsible ca...

  2. 2019 Court User Survey Results Report [pdf, 2.2 MB]

    ...26 32 35 32 38 29 29 31 29 33 29 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 Much better than expected 4 3 2 Much worse than expected Page 24 ­ ‹#› Sometimes those with very low expectations of an organisation have their perceptions challenged through a service experience. This means they would say the service was ‘better than expected’ but they had a low expectation in the first place. To investigate the achievement of expectations further, we analysed whether the service was...

  3. Court-User-Survey-2023.pdf [pdf, 1.9 MB]

    ...and unprofessional. They need training in people skills, how to approach people, have compassion and learn about what language is appropriate to use with people.” Criminal case support person, Waitakere Court “Witnesses need to be in a separate area as I’m getting to feel that my safety is at threat. I can’t use the toilet for fear the person would follow me.” Criminal case witness, Manukau Court “I am impressed with the level of safety measures that are present, a...

  4. [2021] NZEnvC 111 Weston Lea Limited v Hamilton City Council [pdf, 23 MB]

    ...conditions subject to the hearing were: (a) conditions S(f), 216 and 219 regarding the classification of reserves; (b) condition 73 regarding the objectives of the management plans; (c) condition 114 regarding the design of Roads RD00l and RD002 through the East-West Shelterbelt 5 ( d) conditions 11 7 and 118 regarding bat monitoring and pre-construction monitoring; (e) condition 125(£) regarding predator control; (f) conditions 150A, 150B (and associated conditions and adv...

  5. 16-May-2020-Regional-Plan-Water-for-Otago-with-PC-7-8-proposed-amendments.pdf [pdf, 16 MB]

    ...details of the values and specific management requirements of particular water resources. Glossary and Appendices These provide additional explanations including a glossary of key terms used in this Plan. Maps This Plan contains maps (in a separate volume) to be used in conjunction with the provisions of the Plan. 1.4 Process of Plan preparation A number of legal instruments, which were operative in Otago on 1 October 1991 (when the Resource Management Act came into force), fo...

  6. Court User Survey 2021 Results Report [pdf, 1.5 MB] outside can be a problem. Otherwise, all good.” Administrative reasons not related to a case, Hastings Court “They can be pretty poor at times, there is not a lot of guidance. I have also had some pretty awkward experiences going through security.” Administrative reasons not related to a case, Christchurch Court “I felt very welcomed, it could have been intimidating with the security in the entrance but they offered me a mask.” [Other court case, Auckland Hi...

  7. PC8 Urban Common Bundle - Volume 3 [pdf, 13 MB]

    ...providing details of the values and specific management requirements of particular water resources. Glossary and Appendices These provide additional explanations including a glossary of key terms used in this Plan. Maps This Plan contains maps (in a separate volume) to be used in conjunction with the provisions of the Plan. 1.4 Process of Plan preparation A number of legal instruments, which were operative in Otago on 1 October 1991 (when the Resource Management Act came into for...

  8. 2021-11-05 ORC - RPW Chapters - tracked version - updated [pdf, 8.3 MB]

    ...12.B.3.1. 7.C.5 Minimise the adverse environmental effects of discharges With respect to discharges from any new stormwater reticulation system, or any extension to an existing stormwater reticulation system, to require: by requiring: (a) The separation of sewage and stormwater; and (b) Measures to prevent contamination of the receiving environment by industrial or trade waste; and (c) The use of techniques to trap debris, sediments and nutrients present in runoff. Part A:...

  9. 2021-11-03 ORC - RPW Chapters - tracked version [pdf, 8.2 MB]

    ...12.B.3.1. 7.C.5 Minimise the adverse environmental effects of discharges With respect to discharges from any new stormwater reticulation system, or any extension to an existing stormwater reticulation system, to require: by requiring: (a) The separation of sewage and stormwater; and (b) Measures to prevent contamination of the receiving environment by industrial or trade waste; and (c) The use of techniques to trap debris, sediments and nutrients present in runoff. Part A:...

  10. 2021-11-03 ORC - RPW Chapters - clean version [pdf, 8.2 MB]

    ...12.B.3.1. 7.C.5 Minimise the adverse environmental effects of discharges With respect to discharges from any new stormwater reticulation system, or any extension to an existing stormwater reticulation system, to require: by requiring: (a) The separation of sewage and stormwater; and (b) Measures to prevent contamination of the receiving environment by industrial or trade waste; and (c) The use of techniques to trap debris, sediments and nutrients present in runoff. Part A:...