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Search results for parenting through separation.

1320 items matching your search terms

  1. AML/CFT Statutory Review - summary of form submissions [pdf, 820 KB]

    ...are there any additional topics that Codes of Practice should focus on? What enhancements could be made to Codes of Practice? Please share your comments below. 39 Question 1.41: Does the requirement for businesses to demonstrate they are complying through some equally effective means impact the ability for businesses to opt out of a Code of Practice? 39 Does the requirement for businesses to demonstrate they are complying through some equally effective means impact the ability for busine...

  2. 2020 Cannabis Referendum Public Release 27 April 2021 [pdf, 5.9 MB]

    ...propose that the final Bill and the Summary of polices are publicly released on the referendum website as soon as practicable. This will ensure effective dissemination out to voters and allow sufficient time for them to consider legalising cannabis through the proposed regime before the referendum on 19 September 2020. Background 10. In December 2018 Cabinet agreed to hold a referendum at the 2020 General Election to determine whether legislative provisions for legalising cannabis shoul...

  3. Cabinet paper - Summary of policies Cabinet minutes - Exposure draft Cannabis Legalisation and Control Bill [pdf, 6 MB]

    ...propose that the final Bill and the Summary of polices are publicly released on the referendum website as soon as practicable. This will ensure effective dissemination out to voters and allow sufficient time for them to consider legalising cannabis through the proposed regime before the referendum on 19 September 2020. Background 10. In December 2018 Cabinet agreed to hold a referendum at the 2020 General Election to determine whether legislative provisions for legalising cannabis shoul...

  4. [2018] NZEmpC 60 FGH v RST [pdf, 720 KB]

    ...3 Price Waterhouse v Fortex Group Ltd CA179/98, 30 November 1998 at 17-18. success; this type of pleading often contains the additional flaw of overlooking r 114 which requires each cause of action to be separately pleaded. What we are saying is that both the Court and opposite parties are entitled to be advised of the essential basis of a claim or defence, and all necessary ingredients of it, so that subsequent processes and the trial itself

  5. [2023] NZEnvC 051 Aratiatia Livestock Limited v Southland Regional Council [pdf, 4.2 MB]

    ...Regulations 2020 and Resource Management (Stock Regulation) 2020 are not under consideration in this decision. Section 32AA [7] In contrast with the Fifth Interim Decision,3 the court’s assessment of the provisions pursuant to s 32AA is not set out separately. As will become clear, we have considered whether provisions advanced by individual parties are the most appropriate way to achieve the relevant objectives when compared to the decision version provisions. In doing so we...

  6. Covid-Priority-W.pdf [pdf, 2.2 MB]

    ...parties met these criteria and they were therefore granted participation rights in this priority inquiry: • Lady Tureiti Moxon on behalf of Te Koohao Health Limited, a Maaori health provider which is part of Whaanau Ora; Lady Moxon is chair of its parent body the National Urban Maaori Authority (Wai 2910). • Rewiti Paraone, Kevin Prime, Erima Henare, Pita Tipene and Waihoroi Shortland on behalf of Te Runanga o Ngati Hine, representing the interests of the Ngati Hine Health Trust, a...

  7. Covid-Priority.docx [docx, 6.5 MB]

    ...interested parties met these criteria and they were therefore granted participation rights in this priority inquiry: Lady Tureiti Moxon on behalf of Te Koohao Health Limited, a Maaori health provider which is part of Whaanau Ora; Lady Moxon is chair of its parent body the National Urban Maaori Authority (Wai 2910). Rewiti Paraone, Kevin Prime, Erima Henare, Pita Tipene and Waihoroi Shortland on behalf of Te Runanga o Ngati Hine, representing the interests of the Ngati Hine Health Trust, a Maaor...

  8. [2023] NZEnvC 204 Aratiatia Livestock Limited v Southland Regional Council [pdf, 3.5 MB]

    ...this shortly.7 [11] Forest & Bird/Fish & Game are concerned that this objective may be interpreted as maintaining the status quo. We disagree. The intent of the objective is to support increased ecosystem resilience and cultural values through its focus on the timing, frequency, extent and method of carrying out flood conveyancing activities; this is an improvement outcome. [12] Federated Farmers does not support the court’s drafting, proposing instead an amendment to...

  9. [2021] NZEnvC 184 Tasman District Council v Awaroa Aerodrome Ltd [pdf, 1 MB]

    ...for the Council. [9] At the conclusion of the hearing the Court identified a senes of eight issues which it required counsel to address in their closing submissions. Counsel have done so, in some cases agreeing and some cases not. We will not separately consider those issues but have used the information provided to inform our decision-making on the primary issue before the Court in this case - whether operation of the Airstrip is permitted by existing use rights as contended by t...

  10. Smith v Wellington City Council [pdf, 146 KB]

    ...across the top of the window and these project either side of the windows by about 40-50mm. Mr White is critical of the failure to seal the ends of these flashings, and I noticed that the flashings had not been properly sealed where they passed through the slot in the Harditex sheets. Both of these failings could be allowing some water to get in behind the windows, although there is no direct evidence to show that there are leaks for these reasons. 5.8.3 There are no jamb or...