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Search results for parenting through separation.

1320 items matching your search terms

  1. LA Provider Manual Part 1 Approvals - December 2018 [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...Reference: Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006, section 39(3) Fit and Proper Person All applicants must provide information to satisfy the Secretary that they are a fit or proper person to provide legal aid services or specified legal services. This is a separate requirement to the New Zealand Law Society’s requirement that a person must be a ‘fit and proper person’ in order to be admitted to the bar. The Secretary can consider the following information to determine if an applican...

  2. LA - Provider manual - Part 1 [pdf, 523 KB]

    ...Reference: Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006, section 39(3) Fit and Proper Person All applicants must provide information to satisfy the Secretary that they are a fit or proper person to provide legal aid services or specified legal services. This is a separate requirement to the New Zealand Law Society’s requirement that a person must be a ‘fit and proper person’ in order to be admitted to the bar. The Secretary can consider the following information to determine if an applicant...

  3. [2014] NZEmpC 23 Greenslade v Jetstar Airways Ltd [pdf, 293 KB]

    ...practicable, provide the employee with the rest break in the middle of the work period. (3) Where section 69ZD(3) applies, an employer must, so far as is reasonable and practicable, provide the employee with— (a) the rest break one-third of the way through the work period; and (b) the meal break two-thirds of the way through the work period. (4) Where section 69ZD(4) applies, an employer must, so far as is reasonable and practicable, provide the employee with— (a) t...

  4. Standards Committees v Deliu [2016] NZLCDT 41 [pdf, 441 KB] LCDT 008/12. While there was only one such particular in this set of charges, it can be seen as further example of the behaviour that is covered by the Judges’ charges. [20] Other matters were: (a) Making an untenable argument that the parents should have care of their children in the RL case (incompetent); (b) The application to remove the litigation guardian in RL (incompetent); (c) The “misconceived and hyperbolic” submission in RL (by itself – lapse of judgment...

  5. LA Provider Manual Part 1 - provider approvals [pdf, 990 KB]

    ...Reference: Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006, section 39(3) Fit and Proper Person All applicants must provide information to satisfy the Secretary that they are a fit or proper person to provide legal aid services or specified legal services. This is a separate requirement to the New Zealand Law Society’s requirement that a person must be a ‘fit and proper person’ in order to be admitted to the bar. The Secretary can consider the following information to determine if an applican...

  6. [2021 NZACC 189 – CD v ACC (30 November 2021) [pdf, 578 KB]

    ...judgment. Legal framework [27] The test for incapacity is set out in s 103(2) of the Accident Compensation Act (the Act), which provides: 103 Corporation to determine incapacity of claimant who, at time of personal injury, was earner, on unpaid parental leave, or recuperating organ donor … (2) The question that the Corporation must determine is whether the claimant is unable, because of his or her personal injury, to engage in employment in which he or she was employed w...

  7. Proactive Release - Amendments to the Criminal Proceeds (Recovery) Act 2009 [pdf, 2.7 MB]

    ...the confidentiality of Introduction advice; Cabinet paper • 9(2)(g)(i) to protect free and frank advice; Office of the Minister of Justice and 5 September 2022 • 9(2)(h) to maintain legal professional privilege. Note that there is also a separate proactive release for additional material regarding the Criminal Activity Intervention Legislation Bill. 6 Criminal Activity Intervention Legislation Some information has been withheld in Bill and Criminal Proceeds (Recovery) accordanc...

  8. Proactive-release-OIA-review-Aug22.pdf [pdf, 30 MB]

    ...public and the media) 3 The “good government” withholding grounds are 9(2)(f) of the OIA, concerned with the maintenance of constitutional conventions; and 9(2)(g)(i) of the OIA concerned with maintaining the effective conduct of public affairs through the free and frank expression of opinion. RE LE AS ED B Y TH E MIN IS TE R OF JU ST IC E 5 • legislation that is easy to understand and apply • good information for those requesting and providing information • goo...

  9. Waitangi Tribunal theme A - Old land claims [pdf, 7.2 MB]

    ...accuracy of the data in the extensive 1375 claims listed in this report (organised by Rangahaua Whanui district). In this section Russell also defines some of the key terms used to describe aspects of old land claims. Since many of these terms are used throughout this report, a brief glossary follows: • Crown grant: the legal instrument by which the Crown attempted to guarantee secure title to a defined area. Written boundary descriptions within the grant document defined 1840S grants...

  10. Waitangi Tribunal - Part 1 Rangahaua Whānui District Auckland [pdf, 6.3 MB]

    ...landlessness and social and economic marginalisation on a scale comparable to, if not more severe than, some of those areas affected by confiscation. Aside from an area in the north of the region, the Seventy Mile Bush, most of the land was alienated through Crown purchases during the 1850s. The bulk of the Seventy Mile Bush was purchased in the early 1870s. By the 1880s, Maori of the area were left with an ever-diminishing rump. For the purposes of this study, 'Wairarapa' refe...