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1307 items matching your search terms

  1. [2017] NZEmpC 85 Ramkissoon v Commissioner of New Zealand Police [pdf, 668 KB]

    ...Daniel (more commonly known as Sean) Ramkissoon has three personal grievances which were removed by the Employment Relations Authority to this Court for hearing at first instance. 1 He says he was disadvantaged unjustifiably in his employment (two separate grievances) and that he was dismissed constructively and unjustifiably by his employer, the Commissioner of Police (his third grievance). The remedies claimed by Mr Ramkissoon include:  reinstatement as a police officer with...

  2. Independent Electoral Review Final Report [pdf, 11 MB]

    ...democracy at home and worldwide, and piecemeal change won’t deliver what we need. The changes we’ve recommended, taken together as a package, will significantly improve the strength and resilience of our electoral system. The central thread running through our recommendations is our vision to make the electoral system fairer, clearer and more accessible so that as many people as possible can take part in it. Making our electoral system fairer is one way we think more New Zealanders...

  3. Independent Electoral Review Final Report Accessible word doc [docx, 9.5 MB]

    ...democracy at home and worldwide, and piecemeal change won’t deliver what we need. The changes we’ve recommended, taken together as a package, will significantly improve the strength and resilience of our electoral system. The central thread running through our recommendations is our vision to make the electoral system fairer, clearer and more accessible so that as many people as possible can take part in it. Making our electoral system fairer is one way we think more New Zealanders can be...

  4. [2017] NZEnvC 124 Skyline Enterprises Ltd v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 12 MB] argues that this makes it irrelevant. Rather, s 3 defines 'effect' to include 'any potential effect of low probability which has a high potential impact'. Self-evidently, and again it is undisputed, loss of human life through fire is such an impact. We readily accept ZJV's submission that the proper management of fire risk is a matter going to s 5, RMA. That is in the sense that, unless we can be satisfied that fire risk is properly managed, we cannot...

  5. 2017 Population report [pdf, 14 MB]

    ...a high rate of care and protection intervention among high and medium risk under 17s, even for the segments not grouped by care and protection interventions. Reducing crime among young people with care and protection involvement can be achieved through youth mentoring, school-based and family-based behaviour programmes, therapeutic interventions, and outdoor programmes. Together, the segmentation model and intervention evidence form an outline of known best practice for crime preven...

  6. [2017] NZEnvC 162 Mawhinney v Auckland Council [pdf, 24 MB]

    ...Tab 174 [Environment Court (2015) document 2]. 7 [15] Returning to the AEE, it continues8 (relevantly) : 16 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL 16.2 The proposal is to obtain resource consent for the division of the land known as Waitakere Forest into separate allotments to be used for countryside living, and then to sell the subject land or part of it to one or more third party developers to carry out the subdivision. There is no proposal on the part of the applicants to use land as defi...

  7. Transcript - Dunedin - Hearing - PC7 - 17 May to 20 May 2021 [pdf, 2.9 MB]

    .............................................................. 496 2 OTAGO REGIONAL COUNCIL v NGA RUNANGA & Ors NOE ENV DUNEDIN - (17 May 2021) COURT RESUMES ON MONDAY 17 MAY 2021 AT 9.33 AM THE COURT: JUDGE BORTHWICK Good Morning, we’ll just take a quick call through see who’s here, so Mr Maw, you’re here, Ms Mehlhopt you’re here, Mr Page, Mr Welsh, Ms Baker-Galloway and there may well be other parties, farming parties who are representing 5 themselves, so Good Morn...

  8. 2021-03-12 ORC PC7 - Transcript - up to end of day 3 [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...December 2023. The Council is due to notify a new regional policy statement in June 2021. This 10 will include, as objectives, the long-term visions for freshwater in the Otago region. These long-term visions are currently being developed through engagement with communities and tangata whenua. They will express the aspirations of communities and tangata whenua for each FMU, or part FMU. This will provide the foundation for freshwater management in the new land and 15 water...

  9. ENVC Matiatia party corresp WMLFeb15 affidavit M Dunn [pdf, 17 MB]

    ...along with another property (Lot 51 DP159304) to the south, in a freehold title (NA 129A!130) by the Council. There are a few memorials recorded against the property title. 12. An electricity easement crosses part of Lot 8. It appears to pass through the eastem end of Option 3 car park area. This matter would require further investigation and be taken into account in the final deSign of the Option 3 proposal. 13. Also I note from the aerial photograph what appears to be a walking...

  10. ENVC Matiatia party correspondence - WML Feb15 - affidavit M Dunn [pdf, 17 MB]

    ...along with another property (Lot 51 DP159304) to the south, in a freehold title (NA 129A!130) by the Council. There are a few memorials recorded against the property title. 12. An electricity easement crosses part of Lot 8. It appears to pass through the eastem end of Option 3 car park area. This matter would require further investigation and be taken into account in the final deSign of the Option 3 proposal. 13. Also I note from the aerial photograph what appears to be a walking...