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Search results for parenting through separation.

1320 items matching your search terms

  1. Separation agreements & Orders

    ...former partner dies without leaving a will, you will lose the right to inherit. Caring for children If you can’t agree about how you will care for your children, there are ways we can help you come to agreement without having to go to the Family Court: Parenting Through Separation Family Dispute Resolution If you still can’t agree after the course and mediation, you can go to the Family Court to get a decision made. Find out more about resolving disagreements on how to care for your child...

  2. Parenting Through Separation - Samoan [pdf, 320 KB] aso malolo • nisi mataupu e aoga mo matua – e aofia ai fuafuaga po‘o fea e a‘o‘oga ai le fanau, galuega fa‘atino pe a tuua le a‘oga, lotu, togafitiga i foma‘i, po o latou suafa. O le fuafuaga faa-matua ua ta‘ua o le Making a parenting plan o se fuafuaga e faigofie ona fa‘aaoga ma fesoasoani ia te oe i au fa‘aiuga ma fa‘amaumauga. A fia maua se kopi, fesili i le Ofisa o Fa‘amasinoga o latalata ane ia te oe pe imeli i le Afai e te...

  3. Evaluation of Parenting Through Separation programme [pdf, 2.8 MB]

    Parenting Through Separation’ Programme Evaluation of the Evaluation of the ‘Parenting Through Separation’ Programme Prepared for the Ministry of Justice by Jeremy Robertson and Jan Pryor Roy McKenzie Centre for the Study of Families, Victoria University July 2009 Disclaimer All reasonable effort has been made to ensure that the information provide...

  4. Parenting Through Separation - Hindi translation [pdf, 386 KB]

    अलग होन ेके बाद की जान ेवाली परवररश अपन ेबच्चों के लिए सर्वश्षे्ठ व्यरस्थाएँ करनथा यह केरि एक सथारांश है। अधिक वरररण के लिए, ऑनिथाइन JUSTICE.GOVT.NZ/FAMILY/CARE-OF-CHILDREN पर जथाएँ जब आप अिग होत ेहैं, तो आपके बच् ेपर

  5. Parenting Through Separation - Māori translation [pdf, 325 KB]

    TE TIAKI TAMARIKI I MURI I TŌ KŌRUA WEHETANGA TE WHAKARITE I NGĀ WHAKARITENGA PAI RAWA MŌ Ō TAMARIKI HE WHAKARĀPOPOTOTANGA ANAKE TĒNEI. MŌ ĒTAHI ATU TAIPITOPITO, HAERE KI TE JUSTICE.GOVT.NZ/FAMILY/CARE-OF-CHILDREN Ina wehe kōrua, ko te tikanga ko ō tamariki te mea nui katoa. He pai ake mō ngā tāngata whai pānga katoa mēnā ka oti te whakarite i te tiaki ia rā o ō tamariki me ngā whakaritenga whai wāhi me te kore haere ki te kōti. Ka tau te wairua o ngā tamariki i roto