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497 items matching your search terms

  1. Waitangi Tribunal - Part III Te Urewera [pdf, 6.7 MB]

    T E U R E W E R A P A R T I I I Downloaded from Downloaded from Downloaded from Downloaded from W A I T A N G I T R I B U N A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 2 W A I 8 9 4 T E U R E W E R A P r e - p u b l i c a t i o n P a r t I I I From self-governing native res

  2. Waitangi Tribunal Vol 3 Kāhui Maunga Report [pdf, 13 MB]

    t e K ā h u i M a u n g a Downloaded from Downloaded from Downloaded from Downloaded from t e K ā h u i M a u n g a The National Park District Inquiry Report Volume 3 Waitangi Tribunal Report 2013 Wai 1130 Downloaded from Downloaded from National Library of New Zealand Catalo

  3. MLC National List Maori Land in New Zealand.xlsx [xlsx, 2 MB]

    Metadata Title: National List of Māori Land in New Zealand Date: 10/8/21 Published by: Office of the Chief Registrar, Māori Land Court, Ministry of Justice, Wellington Email: URI: Disclaimer: Release Notes: The information contained in this spreadsheet is a snapshot of data from the Māori Land Information System of the Māori Land Court,

  4. MLC - National list of Māori land in New Zealand [xls, 4.8 MB]

    ...Island Maori Freehold Land 20.2343 1 504883 TWP 22678 Maukiekie Island, Tokaatara, Tutemakohu, Tikoraki Point, Te Karipi, Paitu Head and Amiria Rock Maori Freehold Land 0.9648 1 521266 TWP 22736 Paeko Island, Tawhiroko Point, Matiaha Head & Islands Offshore Maori Freehold Land 1.5251 1 521265 TWP 22815 Section 37 Block XXV Jacobs River Hundred Jacobs River Hundred Blk XXV Sec 37 Maori Freehold Land 1.4265 1 SL7B/39 TWP 22890 Lot 15A1 Block B Otakou Maori Reserve Otakou MR Blk B Sec...

  5. National List of Māori Land in New Zealand 2017 [xls, 4.8 MB]

    Metadata Title: National List of Māori Land in New Zealand Date: 6/30/17 Published by: Office of the Chief Registrar, Māori Land Court, Ministry of Justice, Wellington Email: URI: Disclaimer: Release Notes: The information contained in this spreadsheet is a snapshot of data from the Māori Land Information System of the Māori Land Court

  6. National List of Māori Land in New Zealand 2018 [xls, 4.8 MB]

    ...WAI 294294 Ouruwhero Nos 3 S 1 and 3 S 2 E Rangitoto A1A & A1B2 Section 7 Incorporation Maori Freehold Land 68.364 1 SAPR281/53 TTK 30780 Owhetu Owhetu Maori Freehold Land 8.642 1 313085 TWP 22736 Paeko Island, Tawhiroko Point, Matiaha Head & Islands Offshore Maori Freehold Land 1.5251 1 521265 WAR 39233 Paengaroa North B8 Maori Freehold Land 13.2954 1 SA37C/619 WAR 39194 Paengaroa North B9 Maori Freehold Land 15.072 1 SA31C/493 WAR 39208 Paengaroa North K Maori Freehold Land...

  7. MLC National List Maori Land in New Zealand [xlsx, 2 MB]

    Metadata Title: National List of Māori Land in New Zealand Date: 10/8/21 Published by: Office of the Chief Registrar, Māori Land Court, Ministry of Justice, Wellington Email: URI: Disclaimer: Release Notes: The information contained in this spreadsheet is a snapshot of data from the Māori Land Information System of the Māori Land Court,