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488 items matching your search terms

  1. Index to the Wai 1040 inquiry [pdf, 1 MB]

    ...Date received: 07 Oct 87 Claimant: T Smith & others Representing: Whangaroa Maori Executives, Tribes of Whangaroa Concerning: Takou river, Mangonui river, Bay of Islands, fishing grounds, sea coasts, onshore and offshore shell fishing quotas, sea and harbour coastal waters, coastline fisheries, lands, estates, forests, minerals, wildlife, ecology, environment, farming, land development, fish, seaweed and marine life, Local Government Act, Town and Country l...

  2. Wai 1040 Northland inquiry index [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...Date received: 07 Oct 87 Claimant: T Smith & others Representing: Whangaroa Maori Executives, Tribes of Whangaroa Concerning: Takou river, Mangonui river, Bay of Islands, fishing grounds, sea coasts, onshore and offshore shell fishing quotas, sea and harbour coastal waters, coastline fisheries, lands, estates, forests, minerals, wildlife, ecology, environment, farming, land development, fish, seaweed and marine life, Local Government Act, Town and Country l...

  3. Waitangi Tribunal Vol 1 Tauranga Moana [pdf, 13 MB]

    ...north-western boundary line, to the mouth of the Wairākei Stream on its south-eastern side. It includes the modern-day tauranga City, Mount Maunganui Borough, and several smaller population centres such as Katikati and pāpāmoa. In addition to the offshore islands of tūhua (Mayor Island), Mōtītī, and Kārewa, it also embraces a number of inshore islands, the largest of which are Matakana and rangiwaea. The boundary of the district coincides almost exactly with what is often referred...

  4. 16-May-2020-Regional-Plan-Water-for-Otago-with-PC-7-8-proposed-amendments.pdf [pdf, 16 MB]

    ...Plan: Water also manages, such as the land application of animal waste and the discharge of pesticides. The Regional Plan: Coast is concerned with sustainable resource management from the line of mean high water springs to 12 nautical miles offshore (the coastal marine area). This Regional Plan: Water does not deal directly with any matter in the coastal marine area. The boundary between a water body as covered in this Regional Plan: Water and the coastal marine area, is mapped...

  5. MFAT report Human Rights in NZ 2010 [pdf, 4.7 MB]

    Human Rights in New Zealand Ngä Tika Tangata O Aotearoa 2010 The plain English version of Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has been translated into the heritage languages of the five major population groups in New Zealand. They are Pakeha/European, Mäori, Samoan, Chinese, Indian. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. I te whänautanga mai ö te tangata, kähore he here, e örite ana töna tapu, töna mana, me

  6. Independent Electoral Review Final Report [pdf, 11 MB]

    Final Report Our recommendations for a fairer, clearer, and more accessible electoral system November 2023 He Arotake Pōtitanga Motuhake Independent Electoral Review This report may be cited as: Independent Electoral Review, 2023. Final Report: Our Recommendations for a Fairer, Clearer, and More Accessible Electoral System. Wellington: New Zealand. ISBN 978-0-473-69963-5 (Print) ISBN 978-0-473-69964-2 (Online) This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 I

  7. 2021-10-27 ORC - PC8 - Common Bundle - Volume 3(b) [pdf, 13 MB]

    The Cry of the People Te Tangi a Tauira Ngāi Tahu ki Murihiku Natural Resource and Environmental Iwi Management Plan 2008 CB1626 Photo credits for artwork (previous page) Main Photo Source: Venture Southland Kererū (wood pigeon, Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae) Source: Venture Southland Faces Sourced through: SXC Imagery The Kererū is a quiet, humble yet noble bird. Kererū eat the berries of the trees and spread the seeds throughout the land. May the message be spread through

  8. Independent Electoral Review Final Report Accessible word doc [docx, 9.5 MB]

    2 Final Report [image: Independent Electoral Review Logo] He Arotake Pōtitanga Motuhake Independent Electoral Review Final Report Our recommendations for a fairer, clearer, and more accessible electoral system November 2023 This report may be cited as: Independent Electoral Review, 2023. Final Report: Our Recommendations for a Fairer, Clearer, and More Accessible Electoral System. Wellington: New Zealand. ISBN 978-0-473-69963-5 (Print) ISBN 978-0-473-69964-2 (Online) [image:

  9. PC8 Urban Common Bundle - Volume 3 [pdf, 13 MB]

    ...Regional Plan: Water also manages, such as the land application of animal waste and the discharge of pesticides. The Regional Plan: Coast is concerned with sustainable resource management from the line of mean high water springs to 12 nautical miles offshore (the coastal marine area). This Regional Plan: Water does not deal directly with any matter in the coastal marine area. The boundary between a water body as covered in this Regional Plan: Water and the coastal marine area, is mappe...

  10. 2021-10-27 ORC - PC8 - Common Bundle - Volume 2 [pdf, 13 MB]

    ...Plan: Water also manages, such as the land application of animal waste and the discharge of pesticides. The Regional Plan: Coast is concerned with sustainable resource management from the line of mean high water springs to 12 nautical miles offshore (the coastal marine area). This Regional Plan: Water does not deal directly with any matter in the coastal marine area. The boundary between a water body as covered in this Regional Plan: Water and the coastal marine area, is mapped...