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Search results for offshore.

488 items matching your search terms

  1. 2017 NZSSAA 037 (17 July 2017) [pdf, 214 KB]

    ...having an overarching responsibility for the Finnish social security scheme. Contention that the Finnish and New Zealand superannuation provide for sufficiently similar contingencies [14] As previously noted s 70(1) of the Act requires that the off-shore pension must form part of a programme providing benefits, pensions and periodical allowances for the contingencies for which such payments are made under New Zealand social security legislation. The Ministry pointed to decision S...

  2. Waitangi Tribunal Kaupapa Inquiry Programme Appendix [pdf, 163 KB]

    ...modification - Material culture Mokomokai, artefacts, heritage, museum collections, archives, monuments, films/audiovisual works 7 11 Natural resources and environmental management - Mineral and atmospheric resources Minerals (surface, underground, offshore); atmospheric resources - Coastal marine resources Regulation of fishing, water quality, pollution; marine reserves, customary fishing, whales, dolphins, impact of pollution and run-off on coastal marine resources, impact of comme...

  3. [2018] NZEnvC 053 Canterbury Regional Council v Le Roy [pdf, 1 MB]

    ...baling is being carried out by at least 2 people, baling 9-10 hours per day; (iii) completed container order forms must be supplied on a monthly basis by the Companies to the Regional Council; (iv) shipping documentation for every container sent off-shore during the removal process period is to be supplied by the Companies on a monthly basis to the Regional Council; (v) freight documentation with bales per container sent off-shore during the removal process period must be suppli...

  4. [2024] NZEnvC 071 The New Zealand King Salmon Co. Limited v Marlborough District Council [pdf, 453 KB]

    ...Appendix 2, as follows: Map Sub Area Key Characteristics Additional Reference Commer1ts and I noted modifications 83 Cape Lambert - Largely unmodified section of coast with Some commercial Cape Jackson exposed rocky bluffs, headlands and trawling offshore. reefs. Very High levels of natural Offshore areas in character. Waitui Bay are - Cape Lambert Scenic Reserve. commercially - Adjoins Coastal Marine Area G at dredged for Cape Jackson. scallops. An Outstanding Natural Cha...

  5. Calder v Bharani [2017] NZIACDT 12 (4 August 2017) [pdf, 146 KB]

    ...Zealand’s immigration regime, and for the reputation of his profession. [16] He has been practising in an environment where high level skills are required. Mr Bharani faced a very serious allegation of being party to unlicensed persons in an offshore office providing immigration advice. Had that element of the complaint been upheld, it would have been a very serious matter; under New Zealand law, such conduct amounts to a criminal offence and the professional consequences of...

  6. 2017 NZSSAA 069 (5 December 2017) [pdf, 178 KB]

    ...2 [2] The issue is governed by s 70 of the Social Security Act 1964 (the Act). [3] The essential principle behind s 70 of the Act is that New Zealand taxpayers should not pay New Zealand Superannuation to put a person who is entitled to an offshore pension into a better position than a person who has remained in New Zealand through the whole of their working life. [4] There are two considerations in cases dealing with this issue. The first step is to establish as a question of...

  7. INZ Calder v Ahmed [2019] NZIACDT 35 (23 May 2019) sanctions [pdf, 161 KB]

    ...the process by an adviser who is licensed and therefore both knowledgeable and subject to a code of professional standards. [22] I accept that the mode of rubber stamping undertaken by Mr Ahmed is at the lower end of the spectrum. He did not use offshore agents, but his own on-shore staff presumably working at the same office he did and where he would therefore have some oversight. More importantly, I found that Mr Ahmed was involved with the clients and their applications at the...

  8. [2024] NZEnvC 072 McCallum Bros Limited v Manuhiri Kaitiaki Charitable Trust [pdf, 7.2 MB]

    ...refusal and advancing evidence, particularly as to mana whenua effects.1 [5] The application for consent was not commenced by McCallum Bros but by Kaipara Limited. The consent sought to enable Kaipara Limited to “renew” an existing consent for offshore sand extraction. The consent expired in 2023. It also 1 We use “mana whenua effects” in the substantive appeal decision, as opposed to the commonly used “cultural effects”. 3 sought to extend the area of extraction to...

  9. [2022] NZEnvC 079 Woolworths New Zealand Limited [pdf, 320 KB]

    ...relies 9 on the presence of Bielby factors to justify the extent of the award that it is seeking. [31] We note that after receiving the application, the court had sought additional submissions in light of the High Court decision of EPA v BW Offshore Singapore PTE Limited (‘BW Offshore’)10 after becoming aware of the decision after the application by Woolworths was lodged. It is useful to refer to that decision and to counsel’s submissions. [32] In BW Offshore, the High...

  10. [2024] NZEnvC 085 McCallum Bros Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 201 KB] on matauranga Māori. ______________________ 65 Evidence of Olivia Haddon, 20 April 2023, at [17]. REASONS Introduction [1] This was an appeal by McCallum Bros Limited against Auckland Council’s decision declining consent for offshore sand extraction at Pakiri Beach. [2] On 11 April 2024, the Court issued a decision refusing the appeal, and confirming the decision of the Commissioners.1 Correction sought [3] On 12 April 2024, counsel for Te Whānau o Pākiri (Te...