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Search results for offshore.

488 items matching your search terms

  1. [2018] NZEnvC 227 Taranaki Energy Watch Incorporated v South Taranaki District Council [pdf, 12 MB]

    ...production· At each well-site, one or more well-heads may be consented. Ms Roberts says that each well-head may be drilled an unlimited number of times.10 [16] A 2013 report" recorded that between 1950 and 2012, there were 557 wells drilled offshore and onshore in Taranaki. The report also stated "[t]here are over 70 producing wells in Taranaki extracting hydrocarbons from underground rock formations for processing above ground". Approximately 80 producing well-heads i...

  2. Waitangi Tribunal - Wai 2200 A186 Scoping report [pdf, 3.3 MB]

    Wai 2200 Ngātiawa / Te Āti Awa Research Needs Scoping Report Tony Walzl WALGHAN PARTNERS 18 January 2016 Wai 2200 Porirua ki Manawatū District Inquiry Report commissioned by the Waitangi Tribunal Wai 2200, #A186 camerja Official camerja Received camerja Text Box 18 Jan 2016 2 Contents INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................

  3. Management Committee of Mangatawa Papamoa Blocks Incorporation - Lot 1 DPS 65413 and Part Mangatawa Papamoa SO 452445 (2018) 156 Waikato Maniapoto MB 77 (156 WMN 77) [pdf, 732 KB]

    ...the necessity to comply with territorial and in some cases regional authority planning rules. [58] Faced with those difficulties, many owners resort to self-help remedies. On many of the Māori land blocks, particularly in rural areas and on the offshore islands of the wider Tauranga District, there is a proliferation of what I call “informal” housing. Others would say it is illegal. The housing often takes the form of caravans, shipping containers and small dwellings which a...

  4. Proactive Release - Amendments to the Criminal Proceeds (Recovery) Act 2009 [pdf, 2.7 MB]

    ...amendments to CPRA [SWC-20-MIN-0074.01 refers]. A new power to respond to transnational offending Problem definition: Evidentiary hurdles in transnational cases impede investigations 20. Police has identified cases of significant assets, derived from offshore offending, being laundered in New Zealand real estate, commercial businesses, and the financial sector. New Zealand’s reputation as a safe, secure, and high integrity jurisdiction incentivises efforts to launder illicit funds...

  5. INZ (Calder) v Tian [2019] NZIACDT 48 (19 July 2019) [pdf, 387 KB]

    ...licensed immigration adviser must be honest, professional, diligent and respectful and conduct themselves with due care and in a timely manner. Legislative requirements 3. A licensed immigration adviser must: … c. whether in New Zealand or offshore, act in accordance with New Zealand immigration legislation, including the Immigration Act 2009, the Immigration Advisers Licensing Act 2007 and any applicable regulations. Professional relationships 10. A licensed immigration advi...

  6. Darryl Sycamore [pdf, 457 KB]

    ...restricting the search to publications after 2011, to assess whether any recent relevant available information had been overlooked by JLC in his review. A total of 193 articles and reviews were found. I reviewed the titles of all 193 items to exclude offshore wind farm developments and impacts on taxa other than birds, resulting in a refined list of 93 items. I read the abstracts of all 93 items to identify studies or reviews of specific relevance. In the text below I cite specific s...

  7. Auckland Standards Committee 4 v O'Boyle [2021] NZLCDT 15 (29 April 2021) [pdf, 381 KB]

    ...had received a bequest of $70,000 and had been trading in puppies on TradeMe. The client formed the view that the only way Mr C could have obtained copies of her photographs showing her injuries, information about her plans to take the children offshore, her inheritance, and her selling puppies was by improperly accessing her Facebook Messenger account. The client formally complained to Police on 3 June 2018. Police noted the complaint as: “accesses computer system for dishones...

  8. Recommendations Recap Issue 15 [pdf, 453 KB]

    ...Priestly [2018] NZCorC 8 (1 February 2018) CIRCUMSTANCES On 19 June 2016, Raymond John Priestly went to Pourerere Beach to dive for paua. He was located, clearly deceased, by a rescue helicopter at 5pm, submerged at sea approximately 200 metres offshore from where he had entered the water. The cause of his death was drowning. This was an inadvertent consequence of his own actions, and the state of his diving gear. COMMENTS OF CORONER RYAN To: Water Safety New Zealand, N...

  9. Stephen Brown (dated 6 June 2017) [pdf, 15 MB]

    ...particular, its effects – from evaluation in respect of the NCCLPA (and the NZCPS). I consider that the Supreme Court’s King Salmon decision supports such an interpretation: in that case, the King Salmon enclosures proposed for Port Gore lay well offshore of Pig Bay and its ONL, yet the Supreme Court determined that the effects of the proposal on that ONL had to be thoroughly addressed, notwithstanding this physical separation.5 In the present case, it is apparent that the NCCLP...

  10. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 TGKL case law 2 Paku Bay [pdf, 142 KB]

    ...improvements discussed during the course of the hearing and in this decision, is adopted. In particular, the Court is anxious to see final designs showing more detail in relation to landscaping and the treatment of the north-eastern area and access to the offshore pontoon. The conditions should explicitly address the water quality monitoring programme and the proposed marina management plan. [26] The Court invited the applicants and the parties to discuss the final conditions. That occurred, a...