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Search results for offshore.

497 items matching your search terms

  1. Proposals against incitement of hatred and discrimination Summary of submissions [pdf, 4.7 MB]

    ...felt that this would bring the legislation up to date with technology changes. However, questions were raised about the impact of Proposal Four for New Zealanders in regard to international law because a 41 lot of online harm comes from offshore accounts. A few submitters questioned how the Government was going to keep New Zealanders safe from international incitement to hatred. Caveated support for Proposal Four Given the importance of freedom of expression, some submitters f...

  2. Rangahaua Whanui National Overview volume 1 [pdf, 881 KB]

    NATIONAL OVERVIEW volume i Professor Alan Ward Waitangi Tribunal Rangahaua Whanui Series WAITANGI TRIBUNAL 1997 A Waitangi Tribunal publication © Copyright Waitangi Tribunal 1997 isbn 1-86956-207-0 Edited and produced by the Waitangi Tribunal Published by GP Publications, Wellington, New Zealand Printed by GP Print, Wellington, New Zealand Set in Times Roman This report was commissioned by the Waitangi Tribunal as part of its Rangahaua Whanui research programme. Any views express

  3. E9 Kurt Grant - Construction Methodology - EIC - Applicant [pdf, 24 MB]

    ...Wynyard Edge Alliance | America’s Cup – Wynyard/Hobson Construction Environmental Management Plan (DRAFT) Rev C |August 2018 Page | 15 Dredged material that is not contaminated will be transported from the dredged area by barges to a permitted offshore disposal site. The barges will typically operate in a relay system, with between 7 and 12 barge movements per week. Dredged material from Wynyard basin not suitable for disposal at sea may be used in mudcrete placed in the CMA (beneath...

  4. AMLCFT Statutory Review Consultation Document [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...interested in hearing about better and more innovative ways to for the system to work. Another related consideration is the size and nature of our economy. New Zealand is a relatively small developed economy, with many businesses being subsidiaries of offshore parent businesses. Businesses may also provide a more general service which can be provided by specialist businesses in other, larger economies. We also may be more reliant on overseas investors and businesses to offer services in...

  5. E99 Karl Cook and Vijay Lala – Planning - RE – Applicant [pdf, 3.6 MB]

    ...mixing and a) placement of mudcrete in the CMA; Details of the locations, quantities and timing of dredging and placement of b) mudcrete in the CMA; Measures to ensure that at no time shall any material be placed outside the co-c) ordinates of the offshore disposal grounds; Details of the physical characteristics of the dredged material, based on visual d) observation, to be provided to the Council throughout the physical works period; Monitoring and reporting (refer to Conditio...

  6. [2024] NZEnvC 227 Te Mana Moana o Ngati Irapuaia Trust v Bay of Plenty Regional Council [pdf, 1.8 MB]

    ...basin on the western side of the Ōpōtiki Harbour/Waioeka Estuary and the establishment of facilities within the basin, including: (a) a commercial wharf providing berthage and loading/unloading facilities for vessels servicing the marine farms offshore; (b) a lifting bay with a travel lift to remove vessels and transport to an integrated hardstand area for maintenance and repairs; (c) marina berths (170) comprising of floating pontoon structures to timber piles; (d) a boat...

  7. [2018] NZEnvC 088 Clearwater Mussels Limited v Marlborough District Council [pdf, 21 MB]

    ...Lambert - Cape Jackson': Key values Largely unmodified section of coast with exposed rocky bluffs, headlands and reefs. Cape Lambert Scenic Reserve Adjoins Coastal Marine Area G at Cape Jackson Additional comments Some commercial trawling offshore. Offshore areas in Waitui Bay are commercially dredged for scallops. [151] The pEMP maps what it terms 'Inner Port Gore' as HNC. App 2 describes its key values as follows: Relatively sheltered and largely unmodified...

  8. E67 Vaughan Smith - Planning - EIC - VHHL [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    ...unwanted/biosecurity risks species and / or the transfer of those threats off-site; and c) To ensure that any operators of any vessels visiting the event are aware of their obligations to avoid the spread of any unwanted/biosecurity risk species to Hauraki Gulf or offshore islands. [Comment: Typo in the first line of the condition.] 116. The BMP shall include: Identification of any unwanted/biosecurity risk species present; Identification of the potential for transfer of threat s...

  9. Panuku Developments Limited Amended Proposed Conditions 18 July 2018 [pdf, 2.1 MB]

    Key: Changes - as per Auckland Council’s Section 87F Appendix U shown underline and strikethrough Changes - agreed alternatives to Auckland Council’s Section 87F Appendix U shown underline and strikethrough Changes - discussed but yet-to-be agreed alternatives/deletions to Auckland Council’s Section 87F Appendix U shown underline and strikethrough Changes - proposed in response to submissions shown underline and strikethrough Panuku/expertsdiscussions with Council/experts ongoingt

  10. E30 First Planning JWS [pdf, 2.7 MB]

    ...risks species and / or the transfer of those threats off-site; and d) To ensure that any operators of any vessels visiting the event are aware of their obligations to avoid the spread of any unwanted/biosecurity risk species to Hauraki Gulf or offshore islands. 116. The DBMP shall include: Identification of any unwanted/biosecurity risknon-indigenous (threat) species present; Identification of the potential for transfer of threat species off-site; and Measures to avoid or min...