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488 items matching your search terms

  1. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 TGKL case law 3 effects [pdf, 2.1 MB]

    ...kilometres and extend seawards for approximately 1.1 to 1.5 kilometres. It would stretch from just south of Cable Road, north along the coast to a point opposite the end of Flemings Road. The southern half would be set approximately 550 metres off-shore with long lines runuing parallel to the shore, and the northern half approximately 1 kilometre from the coast with long lines running perpendicular to the shore. [3] After a hearing of submissions the Council issued a decision dated...

  2. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 TGKL lay attach 3 hazardous substances [pdf, 881 KB]

    ...Copper (I) oxide Approved with controls HSR000920 Antifouling paint containing 521 g/litre cuprous oxide Hempels Antifouling 7177 Copper (I) oxide Approved with controls HSR000921 Antifouling paint containing 1000 g/kg cuprous oxide (Part B) VC Offshore Extra (Part B) Copper (I) oxide Approved with controls HSR000922 Antifouling paint containing 754 g/litre cuprous oxide and 550 g/litre zinc oxide Warpaint Marine Fouling Inhibitor Copper (I) oxide Approved with controls HSR...

  3. NZ Law Commission review of the law of Trusts [pdf, 2.4 MB]

    REVIEW OF THE LAW OF TRUSTS November 2010, Wellington, New Zealand | R E P O R T 1 1 9 A TRUSTS ACT FOR NEW ZEALAND August 2013, Wellington, New Zealand | R E P O R T 1 3 0 E31(130) August 2013, Wellington, New Zealand | REPORT 130 REVIEW OF THE LAW OF TRUSTS A TRUSTS ACT FOR NEW ZEALAND The Law Commission is an independent, publicly funded, central advisory body established by statute to undertake the systematic review, reform and development of the law of New Zealand

  4. Waitangi Tribunal theme U - Land with All Woods and Waters [pdf, 1010 KB]

    ...1995, pp 27–31 2. M M Roche, Forest Policy in New Zealand, Palmerston North, Dunmore Press, 1987, p 23 3. From the statement of claim received by the Waitangi Tribunal, 9 October 1991. 9 The Land with All Woods and Waters2.2 human interaction on offshore refuges, and protected from interaction with acclimatised species.4 A philosophy of eco-system restoration has developed out of third world critiques of western resource management, and is a dialogue between ecologists and indigenous pe...

  5. Memorandum of Counsel for The Point 6 September 2018 [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...mixing and placement of mudcrete in the CMA; Details of the locations, quantities and timing of dredging and placement of mudcrete in the CMA; Measures to ensure that at no time shall any material be placed outside the co- ordinates of the offshore disposal grounds; Details of the physical characteristics of the dredged material, based on visual observation, to be provided to the Council throughout the physical works period; Monitoring and reporting (refer to Conditions 55 t...

  6. Applicant's Revised Conditions 24 August 2018 [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...mixing and placement of mudcrete in the CMA; Details of the locations, quantities and timing of dredging and placement of mudcrete in the CMA; Measures to ensure that at no time shall any material be placed outside the co- ordinates of the offshore disposal grounds; Details of the physical characteristics of the dredged material, based on visual observation, to be provided to the Council throughout the physical works period; Monitoring and reporting (refer to Conditions 55 t...

  7. RIA Terrorism Suppression Act part 1 [pdf, 949 KB]

    ...| 12 and is currently going through the Select Committee stage. This Bill establishes a limited control order regime which will apply to New Zealanders arriving in New Zealand after being involved in terrorist or violent extremist activity offshore. In general, the criminal law and, in this case, the enforcement of counter-terrorism offences and use of counter-terrorism powers is appropriately placed with the state, particularly given the constraints on human rights. No...

  8. RIS - Control Orders [pdf, 918 KB]

    ...detained by local forces.4 Internationally, countries are working on approaches to manage the potential return of their citizens. The numbers who may return to New Zealand are not known, nor is it possible to know how many New Zealanders may travel offshore to support or join violent extremist or terrorist networks in the future. The impact of terrorism and violent extremism activity can be significant and far-reaching, including heightened fear amongst the general public, harm to...

  9. Stanimirovic v Levarko [2018] NZIACDT 3 (7 February 2018) [pdf, 350 KB]

    ...supervision of a qualified professional. [4] Unfortunately, there have been a series of complaints addressed by this Tribunal concerning a practice known as “rubber-stamping”. Typically, this has arisen where a licensed immigration adviser has used off-shore agents who recruit clients, prepare immigration applications, send them to the licensed immigration adviser to sign off and file them with Immigration New Zealand (INZ). This Tribunal has made it clear the activity is unla...

  10. MOJ Privacy Guidelines [pdf, 3.5 MB]’s accurate, up to date and relevant before you use it. 9. Securely dispose of it when you no longer have a lawful reason to keep it. 10. Use it for the purpose you collected it. 11. Only share it for a lawful reason. 12. Only transfer it to an offshore entity that is subject to privacy laws with comparable safeguards to New Zealand’s. 13. Only assign and use unique identifiers as permitted. For the full text of the principles go to: Privacy Act and Principles clipboard-list-c...