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Search results for offshore.

488 items matching your search terms

  1. Directory of Official Information 2019 S-U [pdf, 1.7 MB]

    Directory of Official Information Listings S-U About This is a living document. We endeavour to update it whenever there are changes to be made. If your department or agency’s information is out of date, please email with the necessary amendments. We can send you a MS Word version if you need. Ministerial Relations and Services Strategy, Governance & Finance Ministry of Justice | Tāhū o te Ture ma

  2. Education and Training Bill Advice [pdf, 275 KB]

    ...sanctions for non-compliance; • establishing dispute resolution panels to help students and their whānau resolve complaints and disputes with their school; • prohibiting the awarding of the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) offshore, except in limited circumstances; Performance, funding and support • enabling the Education Review Office to obtain governance and management information from controlling entities (e.g. parent companies) where the information...

  3. MSC v Scholes [2013] NZIACDT 58 (10 September 2013) [pdf, 239 KB]

    ...Ms Rubio is exempt from being licensed. This is a reference to section 11(h) of the Act. It provides that where persons provide “advice only in respect of applications... for a temporary entry class visa-temporary visa-student visa”, and do so offshore, they are exempt from the requirement to be licensed. [109] However, it appears that Ms Scholes has regarded that as authority for Ms Rubio to act on her behalf and perform her professional duties. That is not correct. [110] That is f...

  4. LCRO 188/2018 KB v WQ and LT (22 January 2021) [pdf, 264 KB]

    ...development offered investors an opportunity to purchase first right of refusal agreements (“FRR agreements”) in respect to units that were to be constructed. [4] The development was being marketed both within New Zealand and, it appears, extensively offshore. [5] Mr WQ and Mr LT were partners in the firm Q Law Limited (QLL). [6] In around April 2011, QLL was instructed to act for AHVL. [7] QLL was instructed to review the FRR agreements, and to receive payments into the Q Law...

  5. Hahn v Walke [2019] NZIACDT 19 (8 April 2019) [pdf, 306 KB]

    ...[98], [101]–[102] & [112]. 12 Statement of reply form, 10 May 2018, at Part 4: Ms Walke’s email of 4 June 2018 to the Tribunal. 13 Legislative requirements 3. A licensed immigration adviser must: … c. whether in New Zealand or offshore, act in accordance with New Zealand immigration legislation, including the Immigration Act 2009, the Immigration Advisers Licensing Act 2007 and any applicable regulations. Advisers 29. A licensed immigration adviser must not mis...

  6. Waitangi Tribunal - issue 68 of Te Manutukutuku [pdf, 2.7 MB] and practices, burials ; genetic modification ; material culture : mokomokai, artefacts, heritage, museum collections, archives, monuments, films/audiovisual 7 Natural resources and environmental management Minerals (surface, underground, offshore) ; atmospheric resources ; foreshore and seabed ; water ; regulation of fishing, water quality, pollution ; marine reserves, customary fishing, whales, dolphins, impact of pollution and run-off on coastal marine resources, commerc...

  7. [2022] NZCAA 01 (28 February 2022) [pdf, 338 KB]

    ...Collector of Customs (Northern Region) [54] T h e Adidas decision concerned circumstances similar to the present case, in that the appellant was a wholly owned subsidiary of an overseas corporate. The appellant had an exclusive right to use the offshore corporate's intellectual property to manufacture and then sell those products in New Zealand. The licence agreement did not oblige the New Zealand subsidiary to pay royalties, but it did so. The Court took the view the products...

  8. Minute of the Environment Court (dated 17 March 2017) [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...consents in 2016 supported by considerably greater information on the composition and dispersal characteristics of the discharge plume than provided for in 2013 application. A report was filed with the application entitled "South Taranaki Bight Offshore Iron-Sand Extraction and Processing Project - Impact Assessment- August 2016" (the Impact Assessment). [12] Trans-Tasman also provided a number of technical reports referenced in the Impact Assessment. It is these referen...

  9. E13 Stephen Priestley - Infrastructure and Coastal Processes - EIC - Applicant [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    ...locations are predicted to remain within or better than the “fair” 240 hour band. 7.10 Stormwater discharges at the Daldy St outfall (near North Wharf) remain in Freemans Bay and are transported into the Viaduct Harbour rather than being flushed offshore into the main Waitemata Harbour channel as currently occurs. These discharges are slowly reduced as water exchanges with each tide. Actual stormwater effects within the harbour are likely to be affected by the time of stormwate...

  10. Ram v Tan [2016] NZIACDT 39 (9 August 2016) [pdf, 207 KB]

    ...order to be able to depart New Zealand prior to INZ taking enforcement action. This was essential to avoid the disadvantages that flow from being a deported person, such as the prohibition on return and inability to file a visa application even from off-shore. I did not perceive any realistic opportunity for him to regularize his immigration status while remaining on-shore. I managed over time to extract all four passports from Terry Aasa and to return these to the Complainant. It w...