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Search results for offshore.

488 items matching your search terms

  1. [2021] NZEnvC 195 Canyon Vineyard Limited v Central Otago District Council [pdf, 913 KB]

    ...costs are awarded at all. This would normally be the position in relation to plan appeals under Schedule 1 or in cases where some aspect of the public interest counts against an award of costs being made. Environmental Protection Authority v BW Offshore Singapore Pte Ltd12 [16] After Bendigo's application was lodged with the court, the court became aware of a High Court decision of Environmental Protection Attthoriry v BW Offi'hore Singapore Pte Ltd ('Btf7 Offshore)...

  2. [2022] NZEnvC 028 Bridesdale Farm Developments Limited v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 229 KB] to proceedings before it to pay to any other party the costs and expenses incurred by the other party that the court considers reasonable. This has been described as a broad discretion.4 However, in Environmental Protection Authority v BW Offshore Singapore Pte Ltd (‘BW Offshore’), the High Court reiterated the importance of not being inconsistent, when exercising the discretion, with well-established principles.5 In particular, as part of a wider civil justice system,...

  3. [2022] NZEnvC 232 Taranaki Energy Watch Incorporated v Taranaki Regional Council [pdf, 547 KB]

    ...authorised disposal. Activity Rule Coastal management area Classification Standards/terms/conditions Matters of cControl/discretionnotification (32) (61) Policy reference Drilling of an eExploration or appraisal well drilling by an offshore installation or drilling ship, or directional drilling by a land based drilling rig, and placement of a well structure in, on, under or over the foreshore or seabed and any associated: (a) repair, alteration, extension and ab...

  4. [2019] NZSSAA 38 (23 July 2019) [pdf, 189 KB]

    ...funding; which, may be a tax or a participant/employer base, an individual or a collective account to fund entitlements, and the conditions for benefit entitlements also vary. Section 70 accordingly has a broader focus than those attributes. Offshore pensions are generally offset if they have a similar purpose and function to New Zealand Superannuation, the details have little significance in the analysis. [4] There are two considerations in cases like the present case: [4.1] Th...

  5. Dr Nicholas Tony Shears - Evidence in Chief [pdf, 485 KB]

    ...Zealand (Photo: N. Shears, 13/11/2015) 240 Ecology of reefs in the Bay of Plenty Shallow reef communities in the Bay of Plenty are typical of those found in other parts of the Northeastern bioregion (Shears et al. 2008b). Specifically, the offshore islands in the Bay of Plenty such as Tuhua have a variety of reef habitats, and seaweed and invertebrate assemblages, that are typical of other offshore islands along the northeast NZ coast (e.g. Mokohinau Is, Poor Knights Is). The reef...

  6. [2019] NZEmpC 5 Hatcher v Burgess Crowley Civil Ltd [pdf, 268 KB]

    ...Ltd, Judge Couch held that the Court could hear and decide matters which were not actually determined by the Authority, providing they were a part of the Authority’s investigation.3 [10] As was observed by (now) Chief Judge Inglis, in Udovenko v Offshore Marine Services (NZ) Ltd, an overly technical approach is not to be taken on this issue, as this would enable form to trump substance.4 The Court referred to dicta of the Court of

  7. Scope of the New Zealand Crime & Safety Survey top What areas and types of dwellings were in scope? The following table shows what areas and types of dwellings were visited as part of the NZCASS.   In scope Out of scope Sampled areas North Island South Island Waiheke Island All other offshore New Zealand islands Meshblocks containing fewer than nine dwellings Dwellings Permanent, private dwellings Residents of aged-care facilities living independently in permanent, private dwellings (eg self-contained unit or apartment)...

  8. BORA Taxation (International Taxation, Life Insurance, and Remedial Provisions) Bill [pdf, 165 KB]

    ...2. The Bill seeks to make a significant number of amendments to New Zealand’s suite of revenue legislation. In particular, the Bill is designed to: • effect a major overhaul of the international tax rules by introducing a tax exemption for offshore companies owned by New Zealand businesses and exempting most foreign dividends received by New Zealand companies from tax, while containing the associated risk to the New Zealand tax base; • introduce comprehensive changes to the ta...

  9. OIA-103287.pdf [pdf, 166 KB]

    ...Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) to the Ministry of Justice (the Ministry) seeking information about international organisations with diplomatic privileges. Specifically you requested: “Which organisations (established either locally or off-shore) have had their executive officers and/or employees granted: a) special privileges that exempt them from specific rules and regulations normally applicable to N.Z. residents and companies (e.g. diplomatic-type exemptions to customs regula...

  10. Kaupapa inquiry programme Appendix B Jan 2021 [pdf, 115 KB]

    ...12 Natural resources and environmental management – Environmental management – Mineral and atmospheric resources – Coastal marine resources Resource Management Act, climate change mitigation Minerals (surface, underground, offshore); atmospheric resources Regulation of fishing, water quality, pollution; marine reserves, customary fishing, whales, dolphins, impact of pollution and run-off on coastal marine resources, impact of commercial overfishing on customary res...