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Search results for offshore.

488 items matching your search terms

  1. ENV-2016-CHC-000047 Blueskin Energy Limited v Dunedin City Council - Evidence- John Craig [pdf, 133 KB]

    ...Science for Conservation 289, Department of Conservation, Wellington. 53pp. Rodgers, K. 2006. Blowing in the wind. New Zealand Geographic 75: 104-12 Scottish natural Heritage. 2005. Guidance, survey methods for use in assessing the impacts of offshore wind farms on bird communities. SNH 2011, Use of avoidance rates in the SNH collision risk model. Stewart, AM; & JL Craig. Movements, status and access to nectar in the tui. NZJ Zool 12:...

  2. [2019] NZCAA 2 (26 February 2019) [pdf, 275 KB]

    ...that address. However, that company was removed from the register in December 2014, and had been registered under the industry classification of an interior design or decorating consultancy service. The sole director was recorded as having an offshore address. Customs ascertained that there is no office maintained by the company at the Auckland address. [16] Accordingly, it was a matter of public record that the agent’s identity on tax invoices was potentially bogus as from the...

  3. [2020] NZSSAA 4 (28 April 2020) [pdf, 224 KB]

    ...the Supreme Court established is that a person can only be ordinarily resident in one country at a given time. At any time, XXXX was ordinarily resident in Singapore or Cambodia, he could not be ordinarily resident in New Zealand. Absences offshore and visits to New Zealand [7] We need to consider XXXX’s absences from New Zealand, and the reason for them before we reach a conclusion as to where he was ordinarily resident at material times. As noted, aside from a short interv...

  4. Bayne v Ngati Rehua Ngati Wai ki Aotea Trust Board - Ngatirehua Ngatiwai ki Aotea Trust (2015) 115 Taitokerau MB 41 (115 TTK 41) [pdf, 228 KB]

    ...provide that evidence as they have been excluded from the negotiations with the Crown. Mr Chambers also refers to the deed of mandate which defines the Trust’s claim area as “within the bounds of Aotea (Great Barrier Island) and its various offshore islands…” 13 10 It is noted that no evidence has been produced to show that the Trust has relied on Judge Spencer’s decision in obtaining its mandate. 11 114 Taitokerau...

  5. LCRO 39/2019 Yuri Lukas v BW and CV (29 November 2019) [pdf, 151 KB]

    ...immigration agent. [75] Mr Lukas warned Mr BW there was no guarantee this would succeed and advised that “the normal procedural for the people with unlawful status is this: an unlawful person has to leave the country and apply for any kind of visa offshore”.32 [76] Notwithstanding his own advice, and the outcome of the first application pursuant to s 61,33 Mr Lukas made three applications34, all of which received the same response. [77] Mr Lukas says that he acted on instructi...

  6. ENVC paper Guizhou Province Judges 2015 [pdf, 337 KB]

    ...Act. These deal respectively with general controls over discharge of contaminants into the environment; restrictions on dumping and incineration of waste and other matters in the coastal marine area; discharge of harmful substances from ships and offshore installations; prohibitions in relation to radioactive waste or other radioactive matter, and other waste, in the coastal marine area; and a general duty on people to avoid unreasonable noise. These sections of the Act largely poin...

  7. [2020] NZSSAA 5 (28 April 2020) [pdf, 204 KB] New Zealand until starting to travel, his connections in New Zealand are ordinary and to be expected for someone who has had his home in New Zealand for all his life. [35] XXXX did provide Mr Brown with some business support when travelling offshore, but he has not engaged in employment or commerce outside New Zealand beyond that. He has continuously owned commercial property through a company, and managed those 10 investments, as well as more recently owning a res...

  8. INZ (Calder) v Ahmed [2019] NZIACDT 18 (2 April 2019) [pdf, 225 KB]

    ...51(1). 7 Section 53(1). 8 Z v Dental Complaints Assessment Committee [2008] NZSC 55, [2009] 1 NZLR 1 at [97], [101]–[102] & [112]. 9 Legislative requirements 3. A licensed immigration adviser must: … c. whether in New Zealand or offshore, act in accordance with New Zealand immigration legislation, including the Immigration Act 2009, the Immigration Advisers Licensing Act 2007 and any applicable regulations. [44] The obligations set out in the Code are personal to...

  9. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 AC rebuttal Nicole Bremner [pdf, 209 KB]

    ...main points in this regard. 87. In terms of Mr Greve's and Ms Lewis' concerns with cumulative / precedent effects, I consider that the grant of a consent for the marina should not in itself establish a precedent for marinas in other offshore island locations. I would expect that each such proposal would be assessed on its merits through independent resource consent processes. 31555669:629148 88. Similarly, submissions to the PAUP by the Applicant and others wil...

  10. INZ (Calder) v Ji [2019] NZIACDT 50 (19 July 2019) [pdf, 246 KB]

    ...Client Care 2. A licensed immigration adviser must: … e. obtain and carry out the informed lawful instructions of the client, and … Legislative requirements 3. A licensed immigration adviser must: … c. whether in New Zealand or offshore, act in accordance with New Zealand immigration legislation, including the Immigration Act 2009, the Immigration Advisers Licensing Act 2007 and any applicable regulations. Written Agreements 18. A licensed immigration adviser must...