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Search results for offshore.

488 items matching your search terms

  1. Directory of Official Information M-O [pdf, 564 KB]

    ...main areas of responsibility: Regulation: Maritime NZ influences, develops and maintains the international and national safety, security and environmental protection policies, regulations and rules that govern the operation of vessels, ports and offshore installations in New Zealand waters. This includes 11 regulatory stewardship for the maritime system in New Zealand, administering New Zealand’s international maritime obligations, and supporting the Minister of Transport and...

  2. Directory of Official Information M-O [pdf, 573 KB]

    ...main areas of responsibility: Regulation: Maritime NZ influences, develops and maintains the international and national safety, security and environmental protection policies, regulations and rules that govern the operation of vessels, ports and offshore installations in New Zealand waters. This includes 11 regulatory stewardship for the maritime system in New Zealand, administering New Zealand’s international maritime obligations, and supporting the Minister of Transport and...

  3. Directory of Official Information M-O [pdf, 585 KB]

    ...main areas of responsibility: Regulation: Maritime NZ influences, develops and maintains the international and national safety, security and environmental protection policies, regulations and rules that govern the operation of vessels, ports and offshore installations in New Zealand waters. This includes 8 regulatory stewardship for the maritime system in New Zealand, administering New Zealand’s international maritime obligations, and supporting the Minister of Transport and...

  4. Advice on consistency of Bills with the Bill of Rights Act

    ...Bill Sections 14, 21, and 25 (c) Government Bill 2024 Racing Industry Amendment Bill No Issues Government Bill 2024 Social Security Amendment Bill Sections 14, and 19 Government Bill 2024 Māori Purposes Bill Section 14 Government Bill 2024 Offshore Renewable Energy Bill Sections 14, 18, 21, and 25 (c) Government Bill 2024 Resource Management (Consenting and Other System Changes) Amendment Bill Sections 27 and 25 (c) Government Bill 2024 Employment Relations (Pay Deductions for Par...

  5. [2021] NZEnvC 140 Protect Aotea v Auckland Council [pdf, 545 KB]

    ...on appeal can undertake any competing assessment of those matters. b) POAL’s marine dumping consent forms part of the existing environment and the dredging consents sought by POAL may not be refused on the ground that there should be no offshore dumping. REASONS Introduction These two appeals are against a decision of independent hearing commissioners appointed by the Auckland Council (the Council) granting two resource consents to Ports of Auckland Limited (POAL). One...

  6. Ngati Pahauwera Report of Independent Assessor December 2015 [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...preferable to adopt the language of s 9, which refers to high-water rather than low-water springs. Secondly, there was some reference to Ngati Pahauwera individuals being able to explore through diving, reefs and shellfish sites approximately 200 metres offshore.20 Ngati Pahauwera’s submissions urge an outer boundary of 12 nautical miles, which is the statutory maximum. Their submissions (in no necessary order of importance) make the following points: • Iwi ownership has never been t...

  7. Anti-corruption guide for NZ businesses [pdf, 223 KB]

    ...� (vi) Due Diligence • Organisations must undertake appropriate due diligence on third parties There is compelling evidence that third parties are frequently used to conceal bribe payments, particularly in offshore transactions. 15 This includes agents and other intermediaries, consultants, representatives, distributors, contractors, suppliers and joint venture partners, whether individuals or companies. Due diligenc...

  8. [2022] NZEnvC 043 Marine Farming Association Incorporated v Marlborough District Council [pdf, 5.3 MB]

    ...- Geomorphology of limestone coastline includes several coastal geopreservation sites: Needles Point Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary, Flaxbourne River folds and thrusts, and the Chancet Rocks. - Broad and deeply incised mudstone shore platforms and offshore reefs characterise the marine environment around Cape Campbell. - Colonies of New Zealand fur seals at Chancet Rocks and the Needles. - Coastal platforms and ecological values of importance, with Marlborough endemic flora common, rock...

  9. Joanne Barbara Noble - Evidence in Chief [pdf, 3.2 MB]

    ...MV Rena). \ 116. It is not clear whether Mr Lawrence has considered the Resource Management (Marine Pollution) Regulations 1998 (Marpol -regulations) or s158 of the RMA. These provisions apply to discharges and dumping from ships, aircraft and offshore installations. These regulations are often overlooked, and information regarding their content has been provided in the Coastal Discharges section of the Proposed Plan to raise awareness (refer Part 4, Section 3.2 and 3.3). 117. Re...

  10. [2019] NZEnvC 167 Western Bay of Plenty District Council v Bay of Plenty Regional Council [pdf, 13 MB]

    ...districts. The island's location and its limited accessibility creates a Very High valued sense of remoteness and isolation. Takiri ko te ata i o matawhau. (The connection of Mauao which stands sentinel over all the islands, inner harbour and offshore, of Tauranga Moana) The whakataukT expresses the visual and landscape connections to the chiefly maunga, Mauao and the mainland where many of our wider whanau live. The expression is shared wider with Tauranga Moana, regionally and na...