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Search results for offshore.

488 items matching your search terms

  1. The Registrar of Immigration Advisers v Niland [2018] NZIACDT 52 (21 December 2018) [pdf, 262 KB]

    ...Code: Client Care 2. A licensed immigration adviser must: … e. obtain and carry out the informed lawful instructions of the client Legislative requirements 3. A licensed immigration adviser must: … c. whether in New Zealand or offshore, act in accordance with New Zealand immigration legislation, including the Immigration Act 2009, the Immigration Advisers Licensing Act 2007 and any applicable regulations. Written Agreements 18. A licensed immigration adviser mus...

  2. Hoete v Faulkner - Motiti North C No 1 Block (2017) 136 Waikato Maniapoto MB 278 (136 WMN 278) [pdf, 302 KB]

    ...10 Motiti Avocados Limited v Minister of Local Government [2013] NZHC 1268. 11 Environment Court Directions (19 December 2013) Department of Internal Affairs < for people, communities and businesses/Offshore island administration/Development of the Motiti Island Environmental Management Plan/First Hearing (December 2013) Environment Court directions> at [12]. 12 Ibid. 13 Hoete v Minister of Local Government [2014] NZEnvC 228. 14

  3. CAB An Anti-Corruption Work Programme for New Zealand [pdf, 188 KB]

    ...the nexus to transnational organised crime and the risk of corruption faced by New Zealand businesses operating overseas. They will focus on the vulnerabilities inherent to specific sectors, or themes of economic activity, including those existing offshore. 19 The actions are also informed by New Zealand’s participation in the International Public Sector Fraud Forum (the Forum). The Forum was initiated following work in the United Kingdom aimed at better identifying and mitigating the...

  4. Bott v Standing [2012] NZIACDT 44 (24 August 2012) [pdf, 109 KB]

    ...overseas clients of $635,769.49 are less than the total fees Mr Standing received. [69] Mr Standing is facing complaints before this Tribunal that he procured the payment of fees and failed to perform work; in many cases those fees were deposited into offshore bank accounts. [70] This information is sufficient to raise a concern that Mr Standing has received a substantial body of fees which have not been accounted for. [71] Accordingly, the Tribunal puts Mr Standing on notice that if...

  5. Andrew Michael Collins - Evidence in Chief [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...of outstanding natural character. On page 326 of Appendix J, RPS - refer my Attachment 1. 7 1108 • Map 21a in Appendix I of the RPS (Natural Character Maps) which shows the MNE Area as being primarily High Natural Character, but with six offshore islands and reefs being of Outstanding Natural Character; followed by an extract from Appendix J (Natural Character Attributes) that sets out the details of the MNE area and its character. The MNE is explained6 as covering "the...

  6. [2023] NZEmpC 118 Halse v Hamilton City Council [pdf, 209 KB] him against the Employment Relations Authority:19 [21] Here, CultureSafe has not looked after the grievants. The Authority records that they are visa-dependent workers for whom English is a second language and that one of them is currently offshore. As the Authority notes, their personal circumstances may put them in a category of employees who are inherently vulnerable. Their interests ought to have been paramount in CultureSafe's engagement with Manuka Health and with the Au...

  7. [2020] NZEnvC 117 Swap Stockfoods Limited v Bay of Plenty Regional Council [pdf, 644 KB]

    ...(Australia) Ptd Limited. Agrifeeds' Memorandum of counsel in support of joint application for waiver, dated 13 July 2020. 3 principle activities include the purchase, manufacture and distribution of animal feeds and agricultural products both offshore and within New Zealand. (c) ADM NZ is part of the global ADM network and is a bulk importer of stockfeed into New Zealand. ADM has a warehouse and sales footprint covering both the North and South Islands and is based in Mou...

  8. [2021] NZEmpC 231 A Labour Inspector of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment v JDFOODS Ltd [pdf, 242 KB]

    ...Jayant and Deepti Kaushal are husband and wife and are both citizens of India. The Labour Inspector believes that once they have sold their business and personal assets in New Zealand, there is a risk the proceeds of sale could be transferred off-shore and/or that they might relocate to India or to Australia, where they would be able to relocate as New Zealand citizens. During the course of the investigation, the three complainants advised the Inspectorate that Jayant and Deepti K...

  9. Jia v Wang [2011] NZIACDT 30 (19 September 2011) [pdf, 106 KB]

    ...practices, account for fees properly, and dishonest and misleading behaviour. [22] She frankly accepted what occurred caused her considerable concern. In particular: [22.1] The fee of $20,000 was excessive. The normal fee was less than $5,000 for an offshore person seeking a work visa. This raised the suspicion that there was overcharging of a naïve person; alternatively some of the funds were to be used (unlawfully) to induce an employer to provide a position of employment that was not...

  10. E68 Colin Williams - Navigation Safety - EIC - Sanford Ltd [pdf, 821 KB]

    ...of Fisheries, now known as Ministry of Primary Industries. I joined the commercial sector in 1996. During my tenure in the commercial sector I have had several employed and contracted roles for small to medium size operations in New Zealand and offshore, as well as significant engagements with two of the largest operators in the commercial sector namely Sealord Group Limited and Sanford Limited. 4. I am authorised to give this evidence on behalf of both Sanford and AFPL. While,...