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Search results for offshore.

488 items matching your search terms

  1. E33 Sam Morgan - Coastal - EIC - Council [pdf, 712 KB]

    ...a Management Plan for Dredging and Placement of Mudcrete in the CMA (MPDPM)6. Material that has been identified as being contaminated will be disposed of to an approved land-based site. The remaining material will be disposed of at the approved offshore disposal site east of Great Barrier Island. These are considered to be appropriate means of disposal and therefore the effects of which will be less than minor. 7.13 The Auckland City Centre Residents Group7 raised the potential of c...

  2. Racing Industry Bill [pdf, 152 KB]

    ...clauses which prima facie limit the right of freedom of expression, such as requirements to: publish and make copies of rules available; prepare and provide budgets, financial statement and annual reports; provide specified requested information if an offshore betting operator. These provisions are necessary for the efficient and effective operation of the racing industry and clearly justified. 38. The provisions identified in paragraph 34 and 37 are also proportionate and go no further...

  3. New Zealands all-of-Government response to organised crime [pdf, 413 KB]

    ...New Zealand Customs Service has established the Integrated Targeting and Operations Centre, responsible for coordinating its overall activity and effectively targeting interventions to identify risks. Immigration New Zealand has deployed the Offshore Border Operations Centre, Risk Targeting Programme, an Airline Liaison Officer network offshore and the Advance Passenger Screening System (APP) to target identity crime and people smuggling. In response to emerging cyber threats, a...

  4. [2014] NZEmpC 118 Pyne Gould Corp Ltd v West [pdf, 80 KB]

    ...anticipation of there being some documents in this category that may contain legal advice and before any search had been able to be conducted for PGC with Deloitte, who hold records on behalf of PGC. It was explained that PGC moved its place of business offshore in January 2014 and as a result Deloitte now held documents generated by PGC in New Zealand. c) Mr Mogridge said that, as Chairman, he attended all Board meetings of PGC. He was not present at any Board meeting on 16 Se...

  5. [2016] NZSSAA 038 (16 May 2016) [pdf, 41 KB]

    ...payment from the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) of $29,019.25. The appellant informed the Ministry of her receipt of this money. She advised that $6,600 had been used to repay a credit card debt and $10,000 had been used to purchase silver offshore. She had purchased 402.759 ounces which was stored in a vault in Singapore. Further funds were set aside with the intention of purchasing a car in the future. [4] The appellant was advised that the $29,019.25 received from ACC wou...

  6. [2023] NZEnvC 100 Director-General of Conservation v Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency [pdf, 336 KB]

    ...Referring to Waitangi Tribunal Report on Te Rohe Potae claims part IV, released on 22 December 2020. [83] [84] [8SJ [86] 25 To assist the Court, in light of the High Court’s decision in Environmental Protection Authority v BW Offshore Singapore Pte Ltd (BW Offshore),55 Waka Kotahi provided information attempting to apply the High Court costs scale to the Environment Court proceedings (as if they had been High Court proceedings). The total indicative High Court cos...

  7. Electoral-Amendment-Regulations-No-2-2022-Final.pdf [pdf, 819 KB]

    ...for general elections from 10 to 13 days to accommodate public holidays potentially falling within the current 10-day timeframe; 1 Part 4 provides remote special voting for voters in Tokelau, Campbell Island, Raoul Island, Ross Dependency, vessels, offshore installations, remote islands administered by Department of Conservation, and remote locations overseas. 2 Services will be provided within New Zealand business hours. The Electoral Commission has advised this means services will be avai...

  8. Koso v Chief Executive Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment [2014] NZHRRT 39 [pdf, 133 KB]

    ...Information Act, a failure to properly process a Privacy Act request can result in an award of damages against the Ministry. [17] Immigration New Zealand generally processes around 16,500 privacy requests a year, of which 1,200 are processed by offshore Branches. Innovation Branch, or iBranch in Auckland processes all privacy requests for Auckland, Hamilton, Palmerston North and Wellington. Those requests relate to: [17.1] Electronic files held on the INZ Application Management Sys...

  9. [2022] NZEnvC 071 Hamilton City Council v Global Metals Solutions Limited [pdf, 162 KB]

    ...codified in Rule 14.6 of the District Court Rules 2014, are: (a) where arguments are advanced that are without substance; 7 Taima Marine Limited v lf7aikato Regional Co1111cil [2006] NZRJ\iA 485 (HC). 8 Environmental Protection Alltho,ify v BW Offshore Singapore Pte Ud [2021] NZHC 2577 at [19]. 9 Foods!!iffs (Otago So11thla11d) Prope,ties Limited v Dunedin City Cot111cil (1996) 2 ELRNZ 138. 10 Environment Court Practice Note 2014, at clause 6.6. 11 DFCNZLtdvBiel~y [1991] NZLR 587....

  10. [2020] NZIACDT 32 - BV v Aiolupotea (27 July 2020) [pdf, 207 KB]

    ...March 2018. A visitor visa was then granted by Immigration New Zealand to the complainant on 23 March 2018, due to expire on 6 June 2018. [10] The complainant was advised by Mr Aiolupotea to leave New Zealand before the visa expired and to wait offshore for the outcome of the citizenship application. However, the complainant, who says he was not advised by Mr Aiolupotea of the expiry date of the visa, remained unlawfully in New Zealand after its expiry. [11] On 5 September 2018,...