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Search results for no licence.

7539 items matching your search terms

  1. [2020] NZEnvC 221 Oak Hill Vineyard Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 566 KB]

    ...background music (as that term is defined in s11(b) of the Consent Decision for LUC60332143 (Consent Decision) subject to conditions 20 and 21 in LUC 60333143, and only in the Restaurant and Function Room until 1 0pm, Freddie's cafe, the Off-Licence area, the Wine Caravan and Quench Bar until 8pm, all as shown on Attachment 2, and Marquee sites 2 and 3, including the outdoor areas associated with those Marquee sites, as shown on Attachment 1 until 8pm, and on the hillside areas in...

  2. 2025 NZPSPLA 017.pdf [pdf, 130 KB] license is subject to the following conditions: [a] Should Seki Security fail to comply with the requirements of the Act in future, for example employ security workers who do not hold valid COAs or fail to file annual returns, the company licence will likely be immediately suspended and potentially cancelled. 2 [b] Mr Tepa must engage in business management training and provide confirmation of completion of the courses he undertakes to the Authority. [c] Mr Tep...

  3. OWRUG - EiC - Edgar Parcell (5 Feb 2021) [pdf, 105 KB]

    ...separation from Kawarau Station. That is how we have these small holdings today. These smaller holding average in area of between 30-40ha, enough to run a cow and horse and to provide for their families. 7. Kawarau station had secured a mining race licence from the Bannockburn creek some 10 miles away. It also had some smaller rights from Shepherds creek near the homestead. These were acquired firstly for wool scouring and later for irrigation. 8. But it was not until 1918 tha...

  4. Budget 2024 Full-List-of-Fee-Changes.pdf [pdf, 369 KB]

    ...mistake or omission (c) transmission of injunction to High Court (a) $200 (b) $200 (c) $60 (a) $220 (b) $220 (c) $66 Filing an application in respect of the noting of any record, certificate, declaration, Order in Council, instrument, permit, consent, or notice under the (a) Forests Act 1949 $20 $22 (b) Land Transfer Act 1952 (c) Government Roading Powers Act 1989 (d) Māori Affairs Restructuring Act 1989 (e) Crown Minerals Act 1991 (f) Resource Managemen...

  5. 1.-Full-List-of-Fee-Changes-23-July.pdf [pdf, 366 KB]

    ...of mistake or omission (c) transmission of injunction to High Court (a) $200 (b) $200 (c) $60 (a) $220 (b) $220 (c) $66 Filing an application in respect of the noting of any record, certificate, declaration, Order in Council, instrument, permit, consent, or notice under the (a) Forests Act 1949 $20 $22 (b) Land Transfer Act 1952 (c) Government Roading Powers Act 1989 (d) Māori Affairs Restructuring Act 1989 (e) Crown Minerals Act 1991 (f) Resource Management Act 19...

  6. The Trustees of Otanemutu Lands Trust v Boynton - Opape 2A2A (2011) 38 Waiariki MB 46 (38 WAR 46) [pdf, 143 KB] order under s.438/53 amending the Trust Order dated 6 March 1981 relating to the Otanemutu Lands Trust by the inclusion of these Opape blocks, including Opape 2A2A with an additional clause inserted as follows: “That the trustees shall permit and allow William Lanigan to occupy Opape 2A2A Block rent free for as long as he shall wish subject to his paying all rates in respect thereof and maintaining the dwelling house in a responsible condition and provided that the trustees...

  7. MfE - EiC - T A D Ensor - Planning (5 Feb 2021) [pdf, 315 KB]

    ...PLANNING PROVISIONS REFERRED TO 26 APPENDIX B: TRACKED CHANGE PROVISIONS 31 APPENDIX C: COSTS AND BENEFITS 35 1 6121072_1 SUMMARY OF EVIDENCE Purpose of PC7 1. The objective of Plan Change 7 (Water Permits) to the Regional Plan: Water for Otago (PC7) is to put in place an interim framework to transition toward the long-term sustainable management of surface water resources while a new Land and Water Regional Plan (LWRP) is developed....

  8. RIS Regulatory Systems Justice Amendment Bill package [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...mediation provided by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE). It also hears disputes relating to unit title developments, such as disputes about unpaid levies, up to a value of $100,000. • The PSPLA is responsible for overseeing the licencing system for people working in the private security industry, receiving complaints, and exercising disciplinary functions. • The NZPB is responsible for considering long term offenders for parole, or release on compassionate...

  9. 2021-05-19 Minute - PC7 - Recall of Witnesses & Updated Timetable [pdf, 221 KB]

    ...working days in advance of the empanelment of witnesses. If further direction is sought, the Regional Council – having conferred with the parties – is to file a memorandum no later than 3 pm Friday 21 May 2021. Expert Conference Topic: Deemed Permits & Rights of Priority4 I will make the directions proposed in the JWS. The following witnesses are to be recalled in the week commencing Monday 24 May 2021 and jointly empanelled: (a) Tom de Pelsemaeker (ORC); (b) Sally...

  10. 2021-05-19 Minute - PC7 - Recall of Witnesses & Updated Timetable 2 [pdf, 221 KB]

    ...working days in advance of the empanelment of witnesses. If further direction is sought, the Regional Council – having conferred with the parties – is to file a memorandum no later than 3 pm Friday 21 May 2021. Expert Conference Topic: Deemed Permits & Rights of Priority4 I will make the directions proposed in the JWS. The following witnesses are to be recalled in the week commencing Monday 24 May 2021 and jointly empanelled: (a) Tom de Pelsemaeker (ORC); (b) Sally...