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Search results for no licence.

7538 items matching your search terms

  1. [2023] NZIACDT 24 WN v Lawlor (25 August 2023) [pdf, 207 KB]

    ...The narrative leading to the complaint is set out in the earlier decision and will only be briefly summarized here. [5] Mr Lawlor was at the relevant time a licensed immigration adviser and director of Lawlor & Associates Ltd, of Thames. His licence expired on 7 January 2023. [6] The complainant, a national of Cambodia, engaged Mr Lawlor to obtain residence for himself. An application filed by Mr Lawlor was successful, with residence being granted on 10 July 2021. [7] Me...

  2. OIA-Private Security Personal Licensing Authority [pdf, 161 KB]

    ...(PSPLA). Specifically, you requested: 1. The number of instances in the past five years where the Authority has found a person in contravention of s 23 of the Private Security and Private Investigators Act 2010. That is, a person who requires a licence under the Act has failed to hold a licence. 2. Of these instances, how many persons without a licence faced charges under s 23 of the Act? Please include details of the penalties incurred. 3. How many of these persons, if any, faced char...

  3. ENV-2016-AKL-000243 Vernon v Auckland Council [pdf, 140 KB]

    ...precinct, unless a specific exclusion is varied by the precinct. Excludes: (1) in all zones, projections (other than those listed in (2)-(4) below) that are up to: 00 not exceed (a) 2m in width on any elevation; and (b) 1.5m above the maximum permitted activity height or the daylighting standard for the site, whichever is the lesser height.-;- (2) in all zones: (a) steeples, spires, minarets and similar structures on places of worship that do not exceed 2m in width on any elevati...

  4. 2021-04-11 - Evidence Summary - Claire Perkins - 12 April 2021 [pdf, 75 KB] my EIC). My position during the proceedings of the focus group included that trying to insert any additional environmental enhancement matters within a six-year rollover would not be cost-effective, efficient or create an attractive path for permit holders due to the cost and time involved in obtaining sufficient information for the consent application process. Examples of this type of information required to support applications includes efficiency of use, residual or minimum...

  5. Gemmell v Phillips - Mohaka A4B (2023) 103 Takitimu MB129 (103 TKT 129) [pdf, 264 KB]

    ...tīmatanga Introduction [1] The Mohaka A4B block is 526.296 hectares in area and is located on the East Coast of the North Island, between Napier and Wairoa. It is managed by the Mohaka A4B Trust. There are four trustees.1 They have granted a licence over part of the block to generate income for approximately 57 beneficial owners. There is a problem. They say that the block is used by Bessie Phillips, Padre Phillips and the Patolu Trust (“the respondents”) so as to preven...

  6. REAA CAC 10054 v Hume [2014] NZREADT 10 [pdf, 82 KB]

    ...Assessment Committee 10054) under ss.73(a), 73(c)(iii) and 73(d) of the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 (“the Act”). [2] Counsel for the prosecution (Mr L J Clancy) submits that the appropriate penalty is cancellation of the defendant’s salesperson’s licence. We record that the defendant firmly declined to participate in this penalty process but represented himself and gave evidence at the substantive hearing. 2 Charge 1 [3] In our said 17 October 2013 decision we found...

  7. Matheis v Ling [2016] NZIACDT 30 (13 June 2016) [pdf, 169 KB]

    ...reviewing the material filed by Ms Ling’s counsel she accepted: [4.1] Ms Ling was licensed under the regime prior to a requirement for formal training; and [4.2] The Registrar would expect Ms Ling to complete a refresher course when renewing her licence, if the Tribunal did not impose other training requirements. The Complainant [5] The complainant did not provide submissions. Mr Ms Ling [6] Ms Ling’s counsel provided submissions, and supporting material that are critical to t...

  8. CAC20003 v Cooper [2013] NZREADT 44 [pdf, 26 KB]

    ...para [33] of our 28 January 2013 decision we made the following remarks: “The defendant has succumbed to financial, domestic and health pressures but has been cooperative throughout. It may be that there be no cancellation or suspension of his licence but, perhaps, a censure, some required re-education and a commitment to costs when he has got back on his feet. We are conscious that due to the defendant’s rather hopeless financial position, it may not be appropriate to impose a pr...

  9. Factsheet Sale and Supply of Alcohol Amendment Regulations 2017 - Calculating Tobacco Excise [pdf, 191 KB]

    ...stores now must exclude tobacco excise from their annual sales revenue. This factsheet provides guidance and examples on how to do this. What is a grocery store? Under section 32 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 (the ‘Act’), an off-licence can be issued for premises that are determined to be a grocery store. Under section 33 of the Act, a grocery store is defined as a shop that: • has the characteristics normally associated with grocery stores AND • comp...

  10. AQ v Mudaliar [2015] NZIACDT 93 (16 October 2015) [pdf, 132 KB]

    ...approach was open. However, the Tribunal later upheld another complaint that Mr Mudaliar dishonestly misrepresented his client’s employment to Immigration New Zealand. The Authority then took the view that the Tribunal should cancel Mr Mudaliar’s licence. 3 The complainant [5] The complainant did not provide submissions. Mr Mudaliar [6] Mr Mudaliar accepted the Tribunal’s decision in part and contested it in others. He made no specific...