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Search results for no licence.

7538 items matching your search terms

  1. Justice Cluster Strategic Narrative [pdf, 376 KB] high-risk and critical incidents. Seeks to protect the public from harm that could be caused by firearms and allows fit and proper people to possess firearms for legal purposes while mitigating risks. Improve the tracing of firearms by licence holders and enable Police to trace the origin of those recovered from crime scenes and offenders. It will also assist licence holders to meet their obligation to ensure they sell or loan their firearms to those holding a cur...

  2. CAC10003 v Kumandan [2013] NZREADT 17 [pdf, 20 KB]

    ...Member Hearing: On the papers DECISION AS TO INTERIM SUSPENSION PURSUANT TO S 115 REAL ESTATE AGENTS ACT [1] On the 5 April 2012 the Tribunal found Mr Kumandan guilty of misconduct and in a decision dated 12 June 2012 cancelled his licence. [2] Mr Kumandan appealed to the High Court. In a decision dated 19 December 2012 the High Court upheld the Tribunal’s finding of misconduct upheld the appeal on penalty. The Court remitted the penalty decision back to the Tribun...

  3. Millane 14 July 2014 NZSHD 10 [pdf, 22 KB]

    ...applicant Raymond Patrick Millane is the same Raymond Patrick Millane who was convicted of the four charges in Christchurch on 22 June 2011 which include the conviction under s.239 of the Crimes Act 1961. The full name, the date of birth and the driver licence number of the convicted person are identical with details supplied by the applicant in his application. [11] Such a conviction under s.239 of the Crimes Act 1961 is a ‘specified offence” as defined in 4 of the Act. [12] By vi...

  4. Alagappa v Ah-Kuoi [2015] NZIACDT 89 (17 September 2015) [pdf, 17 KB]

    ...Ah-Kuoi apologised to the complainant and her family. I accept what happened was a result of Mr Ah-Kuoi undertaking work for which he did not have the skills; he did not intentionally breach his professional obligations. Mr Ah-Kuoi does not now hold a licence, and his financial position is not strong. [4] The complainant seeks a refund of fees of $4,500. [5] After reviewing the options with Mr Ah-Kuoi, and the other parties I am satisfied this is a case where the focus on financial aspe...

  5. Tamang v Varquez [2015] NZIACDT 78 (31 July 2015) [pdf, 186 KB]

    ...contrition, no understanding of his responsibilities, and appears not to comprehend why his conduct was unacceptable. He apparently suggests the practice where he delivered his professional services was dishonest or worse. However, he personally held the licence as a licensed immigration adviser, not the practice, so he was personally responsible for professional service delivery. If he worked in an unsatisfactory practice that reflects badly on Mr Varquez, it does not mitigate his non-com...

  6. Proactive release - Real Estate Authority (Licensing) Amendment Regulations 2021 [pdf, 1.8 MB]

    ...Real Estate Agents (Licensing) Amendment Regulations 2021 make two minor and technical policy changes to the Real Estate Agents (Licensing) Regulations 2009, to: 2.1 update the educational prerequisites for agent, branch manager and salesperson licences following a recent review; and 2.2 give the Registrar of the Real Estate Agents Authority (REA) the discretion to accept a prescribed qualification completed outside the period specified in the Regulations. Updating prescribed qualif...

  7. CAC 10063 v Raj - Penalty Decision [2012] NZREADT 62 [pdf, 20 KB]

    ...Raj is no longer practicing as a real estate agent and therefore many of the penalties available to the Tribunal are not available. However we note that had Mr Raj still been an agent we would have considered seriously suspending or removing his licence as the appropriate penalty for this charge. However we cannot impose such a penalty. The Tribunal may censure Mr Raj and may fine him up to $15,000. 2 [3] Mr Barron-Afeaki on behalf of Mr Raj made comprehensive submissions bu...

  8. BORA Financial Markets (Derivatives Margin and Benchmarking) Reform Amendment Bill [pdf, 129 KB]

    ...contributor to a financial benchmark (‘a contributor’) to provide information or data to a licensee, authorised body, or other entity, where it is necessary or desirable for the generation or operation of the financial benchmark specified in a licence. 1 See, for example, Slaight Communications v Davidson 59 DLR (4th) 416; Wooley v Maynard 430 US 705 (1977). 8. A contributor is defined to mean a person, usually banks, whose activit...

  9. Finau v Tangilanu [2014] NZIACDT 96 (01 October 2014) [pdf, 184 KB]

    ...the circumstances giving rise to the complaint were: [2.1] The complainant engaged Ms Tangilanu to assist with a request for a visa. She lodged the request and Immigration New Zealand requested further information. At that point, Ms Tangilanu’s licence expired, so she could not respond to Immigration New Zealand. The loss of her licence precluded further work. [2.2] In the lead up to her licence expiring, the adviser did not inform her client in writing that she would no longer be abl...

  10. Tuumotooa v Tangilanu [2014] NZIACDT 101 (01 October 2014) [pdf, 189 KB]

    ...Tangilanu, [2.4] Ms Tangilanu did not pass the information to Immigration New Zealand, [2.5] The complainants’ application failed as the Ms Tangilanu did not pass on the information, [2.6] After that point the Tribunal cancelled Ms Tangilanu’s licence and she took no steps to inform her clients of their circumstances or assist with engaging ongoing professional support. [3] The Tribunal found Ms Tangilanu was negligent, failed to meet the Code of Conduct’s duties of care, dili...