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7538 items matching your search terms

  1. 16-May-2020-Regional-Plan-Water-for-Otago-Table-of-Contents-PC-7-8-proposed-amendments.pdf [pdf, 84 KB]

    ..................................................................................................... 12-43 New Rule 12.C.0.4 (discharge – prohibited) ................................................................. 12-44 New Rule 12.C.1.4 (discharge – short term permitted) .................................................. 12-55 New Rule 12.C.2.5 (discharge – restricted discretionary) .............................................. 12-58 Chapter 13 Amended Rule

  2. 2021-06-02 Minute - PC7 - Conference of counsel (priorities) [pdf, 193 KB]

    ...COURT CONFERENCE OF COUNSEL (PRIORITIES) (2 June 2021) _______________________________________________________________ [1] This Minute is released for the purpose of case management and directs counsel to meet and confer on the topic of deemed permits and rights of priority. [2] The topic has already been the subject matter of expert conferencing. The court invited the planners to conference on options for inclusion in PC7. In their joint witness statement, the planners sta...

  3. BORA Family and Whanau Violence Legislation Bill [pdf, 237 KB]

    ...Moonen v Film and Literature Board of Review [2000] 2 NZLR 9 (CA) at [15]: “This right is as wide as human thought and imagination”. 3 BORA VET FAMILY VIOLENCE LEGISLATION BILL:3784173_3 respondent with a protected person may also be permitted if reasonably necessary in an emergency, or if authorised by the Family Court 13. The proposed amendments in Part 2 align with proposed amendments to Part 2A of the Domestic Violence Act for programmes and prescribed services. On ma...

  4. [2023] NZIACDT 7 - EQ v McCarthy (20 March 2023) [pdf, 205 KB]

    ...appropriate sanctions. BACKGROUND [4] The narrative leading to the complaint is set out in the earlier decision of the Tribunal and will only be briefly summarised here. [5] At the relevant time, Mr McCarthy was a licensed immigration adviser. His licence expired on 27 April 2022. He is a director of Corporate Migration NZ Ltd, of Masterton. [6] The complainant and her family (her husband and daughter) are nationals of Bulgaria. Their representative is Mr Feschiev, a New...

  5. OWRUG Updated Supplementary S Dicey Planning 24 March 2021 [pdf, 789 KB]

    ...order to effectively incentivise applicants to pursue the 6 year option, that pathway needs to be as simple, cost effective and risk free for the applicant as possible. 8. The background context of PC7 is: (a) all applications to replace deemed permits will have already been lodged before a decision on these proceedings is issued; and (b) Many of these applications have been made under the non-complying activity rule as well as the restricted discretionary or discretionary rule...

  6. Nisha v Devi [2011] NZIACDT 23 (7 July 2011) [pdf, 90 KB]

    ...resident, in Fiji engaged the Adviser to pursue an application for residence in New Zealand. Initially, she dealt with the Fiji office. [6.3] The Complainant and the Adviser entered into a written agreement relating to applying for a residence visa or permit. The agreement provided the company would first make an application for the Complainant to be registered with the New Zealand Teachers Council. The agreement had provisions relating to the termination of the agreement including th...

  7. What happens if you don't pay your fines?

    ...away from your address. If you have committed traffic offences in someone else's car and the fines are not paid, their car could also be seized and sold. Unpaid fines can stop you from driving. If you have unpaid traffic fines or reparation, your driver licence may be suspended. That means you won't be able to legally drive in Aotearoa New Zealand or overseas. Losing your licence can affect you in many ways. If you're caught driving while your licence is suspended, the vehicle you're driving (w...

  8. How to fill in the paper form

    ...person has filled in the form. Your ID must: be a clear and readable copy exactly match the details in your form – write your name on the form exactly as it is on your ID not be defaced. You must use one of the following: Your New Zealand driver licence. This can be current or expired within the last 2 years, but must not be cancelled or a temporary licence. Your New Zealand passport. This must be signed and can be current or expired within the last 2 years, but must not be cancelled. Your...

  9. Get your own criminal record

    ...filled in the form. Your ID must: be a clear and readable copy exactly match the details in your form – write your name on the form exactly as it is on your ID not be defaced. You must use one of the following: Your New Zealand or Australian driver licence. This can be current or expired within the last 2 years, but must not be cancelled or a temporary licence. Australian driver license numbers can be entered in the same field as a NZ driver license number when submitting your request...

  10. Benjamin - Te Puna 154D3B2B (2003) 73 Tauranga MB 235 (76 T 235) [pdf, 555 KB] For these reasons the Applicant has applied for the injunction. The application under s 18(1)(a)/93 asks the Court to determine rights of occupation as between the Applicant and Mr Smith. In August 1989 the trustees of the land granted a licence to occupy to Mr Smith. On A03-7212. A03-7215 Minute Book: 76 T 236 10th August 2001 the Court granted an occupation order to the Applicant, which gave her an area of occupation of 988 square metres as defined on the plan an...