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7538 items matching your search terms

  1. SFM Ltd v VI Ltd WJ Ltd [2021] NZDT 1705 (7 September 2021) [pdf, 172 KB]

    ...flicked up into the high voltage line which caused a large outage affecting around 862 customers, of which 170 customers required repairs to their properties. The overhead lines are owned by SFM Ltd (SFM). 2. VI Ltd had been issued a high load permit to transport the house. The permit enabled a load of 5.4 meters or lower to travel a designated route within the period given in the permit and without an escort provided by SFM. The route VI was travelling was part of the preferred route...

  2. [2024] NZEnvC 150 Kaiuma Farm Limited v Marlborough District Council [pdf, 395 KB]

    ...REGARDING JURISDICTION _______________________________________________________________ 2 A: We find that the commissioner was wrong to have concluded that he had jurisdiction to allow an amendment to a land use consent to include a s15 discharge permit for the discharge of sediment. B: Costs are held over until after the substantive decision on appeal. REASONS [1] This is a decision on a preliminary determination of a point of law as to whether jurisdiction existed to allow...

  3. 2020-12-07 Statement of Evidence of Tom de Pelsemaeker on behalf of the ORC - Appendix C [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...copyright New Zealand 2019 This document is to be made available on the Ministry for the Environment website: iv v Contents Executive Summary 7 Introduction 9 Deemed permits 14 Overview of the Otago planning framework 17 The Otago Regional Policy Statement 18 Regional Plan: Water for Otago 21 Current Council capacity and capability 26 Kāi Tahu perspectives 29 Stakeholder perspectives 31 Findings...

  4. [2019] NZEnvC 039 New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters Incorporated v Kapiti Coast District Council [pdf, 611 KB]

    ...the operative district plan did not provide for amateur radio activities in any specific way, through the submission and hearing process for the PDP, a set of provisions was developed for these activities. These include two policies, a detailed permitted activity rule and a restricted discretionary activity rule. [3] While the Appellants have not sought changes to the objectives and policies in the PDP, they are seeking amendments to the permitted activity standards, primarily to re...

  5. D-G Conservation - Supplementary - M J Brass - Planning (18 March 2021) [pdf, 152 KB]

    ...further changes which I recommend. 9. The 14 March version proposes a significantly simplified approach – in essence the plan change is pared back to be ‘procedural only’, providing a controlled activity pathway for replacement of existing permits where the consent duration sought is no more than 6 years. Any replacement permit where the term sought is more than six years would be a non-complying activity. 10. This approach addresses concerns raised in the hearing that seeking...

  6. Bullent v Standing [2012] NZIACDT 54 (30 August 2012) [pdf, 131 KB]

    ...On 29 October 2010, Mr Standing wrote regarding the new Immigration Act 2009, and discussed whether existing forms could be used for a period after the new Act came into effect. He was, again, identified as a licensed immigration adviser, and his licence number was stated. [20] In an email to Mr Standing’s office dated 2 November 2010, Ms Bullent indicated her family had reached the point where they were planning their move to New Zealand, and sought advice from Mr Standing’s office...

  7. Te Tumu Paeroa v Wharerau - Lot 9 DP 37339 (CFRNA971/29) (2015) 107 Taitokerau MB 262 (107 TKT 262) [pdf, 176 KB]

    ...Tumu Paeroa has filed an application as per s 20(d) of Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 (“the Act”) seeking an order that Neil Wharerau, his family and their invitees are in possession of Lot 9 DP 37339 (“the property”) without right, title or licence. The application also seeks an order removing them from the property. [2] As is standard practice with oral decisions I reserve the right to amend this decision but only as to form and not as to substance and not to change the o...

  8. [2024] NZIACDT 24 – FM v Yang (23 October 2024) [pdf, 108 KB]

    IMMIGRATION ADVISERS COMPLAINTS AND DISCIPLINARY TRIBUNAL Decision No: [2024] NZIACDT 24 Reference No: IACDT 005/24 IN THE MATTER of a referral under s 48 of the Immigration Advisers Licensing Act 2007 BY THE REGISTRAR OF IMMIGRATION ADVISERS Registrar BETWEEN FM Complainant AND XI TODD YANG Adviser DECISION (Sanctions) Dated 23 October 2024 REPRESENTATION: Registrar: Self-represented

  9. 9.2 Appendix 2 to JWS 9 - Section 32AA Analysis [pdf, 119 KB]

    ...matter of discretion (a)(ii) so that it is consistent with matter of control (a). o Amend the words ‘Where a consent being replaced…’ in the step (1) of the Methodologies described in Schedule 10A.4.2 and 10A.4.3 to state ‘Where a consent and permit being replaced…’. o Replace the word ‘rounded’ to ‘adjusted’ in step (3) of the Methodologies described in Schedule 10A.4.2, 10A.4.3 and 10A.4.4 to be consistent with 10A.4.1(3). • A change to entry condition (vii) of...

  10. 2020-12-07 Statement of Evidence of Tom de Pelsemaeker on behalf of the ORC - Appendix F.pdf [pdf, 542 KB]

    Page 1 of 2 Ministerial direction to refer the Otago Regional Council’s proposed Plan Change 7 – Water Permits to its Regional Plan to the Environment Court Having had regard to all the relevant factors, I consider that the matter requested to be called in by Otago Regional Council (ORC), being proposed Plan Change 7 – Water Permits to its regional plan, is part of a proposal of national significance. Under section 142(2) of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA), I direct thi...