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Search results for no licence.

7538 items matching your search terms

  1. [2021] NZREADT 48 - Kan (30 August 2021) [pdf, 260 KB]

    ...Stevens on 14 February 2020 that he had decided to relinquish his involvement in real estate. Ms Stevens advised him in response that the complaint procedure would continue regardless of whether he continued as a licensee. Mr Kan’s current licence expired on 31 March 2020 and has not been renewed. The charge and the Tribunal’s substantive decision [9] The charge against Mr Kan was filed on 26 March 2021. It was alleged that his conduct in misappropriating rent money generated...

  2. Arms (Firearms Prohibition Orders) Amendment Bill (No 2) [pdf, 187 KB] of a licensed dealer, a shooting range, or a firearms club. 6. Further, it is an offence for any other person to knowingly supply firearms, parts or ammunition to a person who is subject to a FPO. 7. The Bill also provides that a firearms licence cannot be granted to a person who, in the opinion of a commissioned officer of Police, is a member of a gang. Further, a commissioned officer of Police may revoke a firearms licence if its holder is, or is seeking to become, a m...

  3. FIANZ-Submission.pdf [pdf, 13 MB]

    ...not have detected the terrorist it certainly did not find that the Police’s failures did not contribute to the Attack. 13 Our central contention is that, but for the New Zealand Police’s failures in issuing the terrorist with a firearms licence, the Attack would not have occurred, so that the Police’s failures can justifiably be said to have resulted in the Attack. Argue that the Police should never have issued the terrorist with a firearms licence, that in doing so the...

  4. CAC 20006 v Azimi [2014] NZREADT 97 [pdf, 33 KB]

    ...was misconduct; because she either knew that their real estate activities were fraudulent or she must have inferred that.” [4] Accordingly, we found the charges proved. The Committee’s position is that the Tribunal should cancel Ms Azimi’s licence and fine her. The Purposes and Principles of Disciplinary Orders [5] McGrath J, for a majority of the Supreme Court (Blanchard, Tipping and McGrath JJ) in Z v CAC [2009] 1 NZLR 1 (at [97]), has stated: “… the purpose of statut...

  5. NTT v Gong [2019] NZIACDT 65 (12 September 2019) Sanctions [pdf, 113 KB]

    ...on 5 August 2019 in NTT v Gong.1 [2] It found that Ms Gong failed to properly document the professional relationship, as she had known the client socially prior to being instructed on the immigration matter. Ms Gong had admitted breaching the Licenced Immigration Advisers Code of Conduct 2014 (the Code). [3] It is now for the Tribunal to determine the appropriate sanctions, if any. BACKGROUND [4] The narrative leading to the complaint is set out in the decision of the Tribuna...

  6. [2021] NZREADT 39 - Lee (29 July 2021) [pdf, 243 KB]

    ...s 85 Notice”) [2] The Tribunal has now received submissions as to penalty from counsel for the Authority. No submissions were received from or on behalf of Mr Lee. Facts [3] At all relevant times Mr Lee was the holder of a salesperson’s licence under the Act. On 13 March 2020 the Committee decided pursuant to s 78(b) of the Act to inquire into and investigate whether he had carried out real estate agency work in respect of the sale and purchase of the property at 40 B Buckl...

  7. Kuttikkatt v Standing [2014] NZIACDT 112 (14 October 2014) [pdf, 251 KB]

    ...following a decision upholding a complaint against Mr Standing in [2014] NZIACDT 40. [2] The complainant engaged Mr Standing to apply for residence visas for her and her family, but the adviser did not complete the process. This Tribunal cancelled his licence due to an unrelated complaint. The adviser did not tell the complainant what had happened, refund the fees he had taken in advance or arrange for ongoing representation. [3] The Tribunal found Mr Standing had breached the following...

  8. Singh v Devi [2011] NZIACDT 22 (7 July 2011) [pdf, 103 KB]

    ...pursuant to section 45 of the Immigration Advisers Licensing Act 2007 (the Act) by the Registrar of the Immigration Advisers Authority. It concerns a complaint of failing to carry out client instructions to progress an application for a residence visa/permit; and then failing to communicate and return personal documents. [2] The Registrar has referred the complaint as incompetence amounting to a breach of section 44(2) of the Act. The Code of Conduct developed pursuant to section 37 of th...

  9. Albert – Lake Waikaremoana (2013) 74 Waiariki MB 276 (74 WAR 276) [pdf, 104 KB]

    ...the payment of any rent; and (ii) The lessee or any other person in occupation of the land or part of the land neglects or refuses to quit and deliver up possession of the land: (b) Where the occupier of any Maori freehold land under a lease or licence, either written or verbal, is in arrear in the payment of rent for such period that the lessor or licensor is entitled to exercise a right of re-entry under the terms of the lease or licence: (c) Where the occupier of any Maori freehol...

  10. Palad v Tan [2015] NZIACDT 13 (03 March 2015) [pdf, 155 KB]

    ...refunding the fees and had not personally received the money, she said a third party was responsible. In particular, she said Mr Mehta, who had a role in the practice, should make any payments. Discussion The Tribunal has already cancelled Ms Tan’s licence [11] Ms Tan’s licence has already been cancelled by the Tribunal as a result of a separate complaint (refer NQE v Tan [2013] NZIACDT 46, [12] It is not necessary to impose any further period of prohibitio...