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7538 items matching your search terms

  1. Proactive-release-20240715-CAB-Regulatory-Systems-Justice-Amendment-Bill_Final.pdf [pdf, 9.6 MB]

    ...and for grieving families. The change reduces these burdens and future-proofs the legislation for technological change. 5.2 Amend the Private Security Personnel and Private Investigators Act 2010 to explicitly allow the Private Security Personnel Licencing Authority (PSPLA) to accept complaints about people who are allegedly working without a licence or certificate of approval. This amendment will assist the PSPLA to carry out its statutory function of ensuring that people working in th...

  2. 2021-02-19 Tom de Pelsemaeker - Reply - Planning - Recommended decisions on submissions (19 Feb 2021) [pdf, 2 MB]

    ...stated An efficient, effective and fair regulatory framework that provides for greater security for the Otago Region and horticulture An Objective, Policies and methods for an interim framework that provides for longer term (20 year) replacement of permits with review conditions; without 'clawing back' allocation or preventing irrigation of land uses prior to a new Land and Water plan framework that gives effect to the NPSFM Reject All Plan Change 7 70014 70014.01 Leaning R...

  3. Tom De Pelsemaeker - ORC Final Evidence-in-Reply - Recommended Decisions on Submissions (25 June 2021) [pdf, 2 MB]

    ...stated An efficient, effective and fair regulatory framework that provides for greater security for the Otago Region and horticulture An Objective, Policies and methods for an interim framework that provides for longer term (20 year) replacement of permits with review conditions; without 'clawing back' allocation or preventing irrigation of land uses prior to a new Land and Water plan framework that gives effect to the NPSFM Reject All Plan Change 7 70014 70014.01 Leaning R...

  4. Martin, G N - EiC (5 Feb 2021) [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    AGENDA Council Meeting Public Excluded 2020311 1.1. Water Permits Plan Change Prepared for: Council Report No. P&S1833 Activity: Regulatory: Policy Development LGOIMA: 48(1)(d), Sec 48(2)(a)(i) Author: Peter Constantine, Consultant Planner Endorsed by: Gwyneth Elsum, General Manager Strategy, Policy and Science Date: 1 March 2020 PURPOSE [1] To obtain approval for public notification of proposed Plan Change 7 - Water Permits to the Regional Plan: Water for Otago (the RPW). EXECU...

  5. LLC v ICQ [2012] NZIACDT 10 (28 March 2012) [pdf, 137 KB]

    ...In person Date Issued: 28 March 2012 2 DECISION Preliminary [1] Ms LLC engaged Ms ICQ as a licensed immigration adviser. [2] Ms LLC was in a situation where she had not left New Zealand at the time her permit expired. Ms ICQ lodged applications with Immigration New Zealand seeking the exercise of discretion to allow her to be granted a new permit. [3] The applications were not successful, and Ms LLC complains that Ms ICQ did not inform her of...

  6. Hamilton Runs Ltd - EiC - EiC (filed 5 Feb 2021) [pdf, 3.3 MB]

    ...We farm approximately 9000 sheep and 600 cattle. 5. We have farmed on our property for 25 years, self-funding the purchase and through years of hard work growing the business to what we have acquired today. Current Situation 6. We have a permit to abstract water from the Pigburn and Capburn water sources for irrigation, stock water and domestic purposes. We also have a small number of shares in the East Side Irrigation Company supplied from the consent holder, Maniototo Irrigati...

  7. DG v YT Ltd [2014] NZDT 566 (19 May 2014) [pdf, 157 KB]

    ...paid approximately $12,000.00 for repairs to the truck, and their car suffered damage of over $8,000.00. [3] The DGs sought cover for this loss under their policy with YT. However, YT declined cover on the grounds that BB was in breach of her licence conditions at the time of the collision. Clause 4 of the policy excludes cover in these circumstances. However, the DGs consider that, despite clause 4, s11 of the Insurance Law Reform Act 1977 entitles them to cover on the grounds t...

  8. Customs and Excise (Tobacco Products) Amendment Bill [pdf, 112 KB]

    ...Bill achieves this through imposing import controls. Water-pipe tobacco is made a prohibited import by including it within the definition of “tobacco products” in s 95A of the principal Act. This brings water-pipe tobacco within the scope of the permitting regime in schedule 3A of the principal Act. “Tobacco products” require a permit to import prior to importation. Any importation without a permit, or that is not in compliance with the conditions of the permit, would be subject to...

  9. [2022] NZEnvC 118 Otago Regional Council [pdf, 218 KB]

    ...the courts when they are relevant; per Environmental Protection Agency v BW Offshore Singapore Pte 2 Ministerial Direction of David Parker (Minister for the Environment) to refer the Otago Regional Council’s proposed Plan Change 7 – Water Permits to its Regional Plan to the Environment Court (8 April 2020) at CB: Vol 5, Tab 12A. 4 Ltd.3 In this instance it includes the principle that the costs ordered are to be reasonable in the circumstances. [10] I am reinforced in the...

  10. Brodav Ltd v Waters [pdf, 10 KB]

    ...determination pursuant to section 90(2). 2. Mr Bell, counsel for the Cook Family Trust, has now applied for such an order as the first respondents have failed to carry out the work which they had agreed to do including the obtaining of a permit. This work was to be done with the assistance of the seventh respondent. The building permit was to be applied for within two weeks of the settlement date being 23 February 2009. The work was then to be completed within six weeks of...