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7524 items matching your search terms

  1. Christie Alexis Lesley MARCEAU (CSU-2011-AUK-001471) [pdf, 12 MB]

    ...condition of a 24-hour curfew to his home address meant that Mr Chand had to be at the nominated address 24 hours per day, unless he was attending medical or legal appointments, in which case he had to be accompanied by his mother or aunt. He was not permitted to leave the house on his own. [118] Where bail is granted with conditions, police enforce the bail conditions. They do so through bail checks and ensuring that the conditions imposed (as set out in the bail bond) are 35 b...

  2. Protection Order applications June 2018 [xlsx, 263 KB]

    Contents Protection Order applications Protection Order application data is extracted from a live dataset that is used for operational purposes.  This means that data will be updated through late data entry and active applications progressing through the court process. Therefore, this data may differ to data reported elsewhere with a different extraction date. These tables were extracted on 17 September 2018. Contents: Table 1: Number of Protection Order applications, by

  3. Te Korowai Ture ā-Whānau: The final report of the Independent Panel examining the 2014 family justice reforms [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    Te Korowai Ture ā-Whānau: The final report of the Independent Panel examining the 2014 family justice reforms. May 2019 Although all reasonable steps have been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this document, the Ministry of Justice disclaims any and all responsibility for any inaccuracy, error, omission, or any other kind of inadequacy, deficiency, or flaw in, or in relation to, the information and fully excludes any and all liability of any kind to

  4. Protection Order applications December 2017 [xlsx, 262 KB]

    Contents Protection Order applications Protection Order application data is extracted from a live dataset that is used for operational purposes.  This means that data will be updated through late data entry and active applications progressing through the court process. Therefore, this data may differ to data reported elsewhere with a different extraction date. These tables were extracted on 12 March 2018. Contents: Table 1: Number of Protection Order applications, by app

  5. Protection order applications June 2019 [xlsx, 323 KB]

    Contents Protection Order applications Protection Order application data is extracted from a live dataset that is used for operational purposes, meaning the data will be updated with late data entry and active applications progressing through the court process. Therefore, this data may differ to data reported elsewhere with a different extraction date. These tables were extracted on 9 September 2019. Contents: Table 1a: Number and percentage of Protection Order applications, 

  6. Notification of applications that have not been finally determined (over 6 months old) - 28 February 2021 [pdf, 4.5 MB]

    ...Hoe Hoe 3B2B & Hua Sec 95B - Review of trust and Reduce trustees due to the passing of Desmond Hapimarika 231/93, 239/93 Maori Trustee 1. Awaiting Administrative Action A20200005011 19/05/2020 Section 4 Block I Town of Pipiriki - For a short term licence to occupy 338(12)/93 Melissa Joy Stewart 1. Awaiting Administrative Action A20200005012 19/05/2020 Riria Nancy Street also known as Mrs Riria (Lydia) Street or Mrs Riria (Lydia) Street-Karu or Riria Kaiwai or Riria Street or Mrs Riria St...

  7. Māori Land Court - Rule 5.11 Schedule - February 2018 [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    1 Notification of applications that have not been finally determined (over 6 months old) 28 February 2018 TAKE NOTICE THAT the following schedule of applications are hereby notified pursuant to rule 5.11(2)(b) of the Māori Land Court Rules 2011 being applications which are 6 months or older as at 28 February 2018, and which are currently held by the Registrar in the District set out, or, in the case of applications to the Chief Judge of Māori Land Court or those to the Mā

  8. 04-Appendix-Four-DCR_Part2.pdf [pdf, 30 MB]

    Waka Kotahi, NZ Transport Agency // Spoil Site Selection Report B2: Long List of Spoil Sites Assessed in MCA Process DESIGN WITH COMMUNITY IN MIND Stantec Level 15, 10 Brandon Street, Wellington, 6011 PO Box 13-052, Armagh, Christchurch, 8141 Tel 64 4 381 6700 | Communities are fundamental. Whether around the corner or across the globe, they provide a foundation, a sen

  9. Technical report of evaluation of the court-referred restorative justice pilot [pdf, 681 KB]

    ...were checked and verified at a number of stages. For some data files, a small sample of the data was checked for the accuracy of the data entry. Once the data were imported into Excel, the range of the variable was checked for out-of-bound or non- permitted values. Checks were also performed to ensure consistency within questionnaires and to ensure that related questions were coded appropriately.60 For parametric statistical tests, the distributions of the data were inspected to identif...