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Search results for no licence.

7535 items matching your search terms

  1. BORA Sale and Supply of Liquor and Liquor Enforcement Bill [pdf, 312 KB]

    ...the Bill Restrictions on access to alcohol and alcohol-related premises by people under 18 4. Clauses 34, 36-38 and 47 of the Bill provide for offences and ancillary measures in relation to the supply of alcohol to people under the age of 18 and permitting such people to enter and remain in licensed premises. 5. As such, the Bill - in common with existing restrictions on access to and use of alcohol by young people - gives rise to differential treatment on the basis of age in terms of...

  2. MfE - Supplementary - T A D Ensor - Planning (18 March 2021) [pdf, 476 KB] Pelsemaeker explains the rationale behind changes to Policy 10A.2.3 which include strengthening the non-complying pathway. 6. As I understand the 14 March version non-complying pathway, applications for resource consent to replace deemed permits or water permits that do not comply with the conditions of the controlled activity Rule 10A.3.1 (but of specific consideration Condition (i) requiring that duration sought is no more than six years) gain a non- complying status and ar...

  3. [2025] NZIACDT 07 - INZ v Tran (22 January 2025) [pdf, 196 KB]

    IMMIGRATION ADVISERS COMPLAINTS AND DISCIPLINARY TRIBUNAL Decision No: [2025] NZIACDT 07 Reference No: IACDT 022/24 IN THE MATTER of a referral under s 48 of the Immigration Advisers Licensing Act 2007 BY THE REGISTRAR OF IMMIGRATION ADVISERS Registrar BETWEEN IMMIGRATION NEW ZEALAND (Sarah Watson) Complainant AND THAH TAM THOMAS TRAN Adviser Decision on the papers SUBJECT TO SUPPRESSION ORDER DECISION (S

  4. Annexure 7 - Decisions on Submissions [pdf, 2.5 MB]

    ...relief in relation to other outcomes, such as duration. The controlled activity rule applies to non-consumptive takes. 4 The court has recorded an ‘accept in part’ decision to the Director-General’s of Conservation relief in relation to deemed permits and rights of priority. The court has not approved banding or other flow trigger, it has approved alternative relief. Annexure 7: Decisions on Submissions1,2,3,4 Provision ORC submission Number Submitter ID Submission Point...

  5. CAC 409 v Wong [2018] NZREADT 8 [pdf, 220 KB] work that would reasonably be regarded by agents of good standing as unacceptable). Factual background [2] There was no significant dispute as to the narration that follows. [3] Although he has now surrendered it, Mr Wong held an agent’s licence at the time of the events that are relevant to this charge. As from July 1993 he traded as “Able Realty”, or “Able Realty One” (“the Agency”). Mr Wong closed the Agency’s office premises in Papatoetoe in 2013, but...

  6. Palmer v Palmer - Joseph Hohepa and Gess Nukuhia Palmer Whānau Trust (2019) 180 Waikato Maniapoto MB 260 (180 WMN 260) [pdf, 305 KB]

    ...on Opureora 1B8B2B Sec.2 which is administered as an ahu whenua trust and vested in responsible trustees. The GH and JN Palmer Whānau trustees are one of the beneficial owners in the block. Issues raised include: (a) The applicant should be permitted to use the homestead, or part of it, for his health equipment (being a Continuous Positive Airways Pressure (CPAP) machine) that he is required to use to treat his sleep apnoea. (b) The applicant has a licence to occupy the Opureora...

  7. Chung & Anor v Yap [2014] NZIACDT 109 (10 October 2014) [pdf, 193 KB]

    ...benefit of the doubt, and consider that his use of unqualified staff occurred due to an innocent misunderstanding of the restrictions set down in the Act. I also accept that his undertaking to ensure he complies in the future is genuine. Mr Yap’s licence The principles [11] The authorities indicate it is a “last resort” to deprive a person of the ability to work as a member of their profession. However, regard must be had to the public interest when considering whether a person...

  8. [2019] NZREADT 48 - Thomson v CAC520 & Foote (7 November 2019) [pdf, 183 KB]

    ...submitted that the Committee was wrong to conclude that Mr Foote’s entry onto the property, in particular his entry into the laundry, was not an act of trespass. She submitted that the Committee was correct in finding that Mr Foote had implied licence to be on the property when he first entered onto the property through the front gate and went to the front door. However, she submitted, the Committee was wrong to find that that he had implied licence to re-enter the property via th...

  9. 2024 NZPSPLA 019.pdf [pdf, 103 KB]

    ...found to have breached the following sections of the Private Security Personnel and Private Investigators Act 2010: (i) Section 23(1)(g) and 23(2)(a) by carrying on a business as a crowd controller under the name Smart Security Services without a licence to do so. (ii) Section 45(2) by engaging at least one crowd controller on at least one occasion who does not hold a Certificate of Approval. (iii) Section 69 by failing without reasonable excuse to comply with the requirement to k...

  10. CAC10063 v Picknell [2013] NZREADT 41 [pdf, 57 KB]

    ...Sale and Purchase of Real Estate to a Ms Letele. The second charge related to the fact that from February 2011 Ms Picknell failed to report to the Real Estate Agents Authority the fact that Ms Letele was undertaking Real Estate Agency work without a licence. [3] Ms Picknell was found guilty of both of these charges and is now to be sentenced. [4] In imposing a penalty the Tribunal has the powers which are available under s.110(2) of the Real Estate Agents Act. These can include...