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7422 items matching your search terms

  1. Māori Land Court - Rule 5.11 Schedule - August 2018 [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    1 Notification of applications that have not been finally determined (over 6 months old) 31 August 2018 TAKE NOTICE THAT the following schedule of applications are hereby notified pursuant to rule 5.11(2)(b) of the Māori Land Court Rules 2011 being applications which are 6 months or older as at 31 August 2018, and which are currently held by the Registrar in the District set out, or, in the case of applications to the Chief Judge of Māori Land Court or those to the Māori

  2. Māori Land Court - Rule 5.11 Schedule - May 2018 [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    1 Notification of applications that have not been finally determined (over 6 months old) 31 May 2018 TAKE NOTICE THAT the following schedule of applications are hereby notified pursuant to rule 5.11(2)(b) of the Māori Land Court Rules 2011 being applications which are 6 months or older as at 31 May 2018, and which are currently held by the Registrar in the District set out, or, in the case of applications to the Chief Judge of Māori Land Court or those to the Māori Appell

  3. Waitangi Tribunal - Wai 2200 6.2.2 Scoping report [pdf, 2 MB]

    Table of Contents Introduction......................................................................................................................... 7 Research Themes and Issues........................................................................................... 8 Other research projects ..................................................................................................... 10 Other scoping inquiries .................................................................

  4. Waitangi Tribunal - Wai 2200 7.2.2 Scoping report [pdf, 2 MB]

    Table of Contents Introduction......................................................................................................................... 7 Research Themes and Issues........................................................................................... 8 Other research projects ..................................................................................................... 10 Other scoping inquiries .................................................................

  5. Waitangi Tribunal Bibliography Part 3 [pdf, 462 KB]

    ...Impacting on Ngati Hei’, research report commissioned by the claimants in association with the Crown Forestry Rental Trust, 2000, 31pp Wai 686 N3, Hauraki inquiry Johnston, Peter Tiki; MacDonald, Patricia N, ‘Puhiwai Block, Whangapoua Forest Licence; Investigations of Pts. Ramarama, Papatai, Iwituaroa, Otama East, and West, and Closed Road’, research report commissioned by the Crown Forestry Rental Trust on behalf of the claimants, 1993, 29pp Wai 686 A15, Hauraki inquiry Locke,...

  6. Waitangi Tribunal Bibliography Part 2 [pdf, 571 KB]

    WAITANGI TRIBUNAL BIBLIOGRAPHY Tribunal Reports, Publications and Research Reports Presented in Evidence 1975-2016 Part 2: Bibliography of Research Reports by Author Waitangi Tribunal 2017 ISSN 2463-7181 WT Bibliography 1975-2016 Part 2 3 March 2017 Page 1 of 146 In reports written by multiple authors, the relevant report is listed in the bibliography only under the name of the first author recorded i

  7. Waitangi Tribunal bibliography part 3 2019 [pdf, 900 KB]

    ...Impacting on Ngati Hei’, research report commissioned by the claimants in association with the Crown Forestry Rental Trust, 2000, 31pp Wai 686 N3, Hauraki inquiry Johnston, Peter Tiki; MacDonald, Patricia N, ‘Puhiwai Block, Whangapoua Forest Licence; Investigations of Pts. Ramarama, Papatai, Iwituaroa, Otama East, and West, and Closed Road’, research report commissioned by the Crown Forestry Rental Trust on behalf of the claimants, 1993, 29pp Wai 686 A15, Hauraki inquiry...

  8. Waitangi Tribunal bibliography 2021 part 3 [pdf, 538 KB]

    ...Impacting on Ngati Hei’, research report commissioned by the claimants in association with the Crown Forestry Rental Trust, 2000, 31pp Wai 686 N3, Hauraki inquiry Johnston, Peter Tiki; MacDonald, Patricia N, ‘Puhiwai Block, Whangapoua Forest Licence; Investigations of Pts. Ramarama, Papatai, Iwituaroa, Otama East, and West, and Closed Road’, research report commissioned by the Crown Forestry Rental Trust on behalf of the claimants, 1993, 29pp Wai 686 A15, Hauraki inquiry Locke,...

  9. People with finalised charges and convicted of firearm-related offences December 2023 [xlsx, 320 KB]

    Contents Firearm-related offences Firearm-related offences are the most comprehensive list of offences related to firearms. This includes all Arms Act 1983 offences and all other offences which include reference to firearms in their offence description (based on keywords such as firearm, pistol, airgun, restricted weapon/s, MSSA, ammunition). These data tables provide information on finalised charges (such as those that have been convicted and sentenced, withdrawn or with a not guilty

  10. Waitangi Tribunal bibliography 2020 Part 2 [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    WAITANGI TRIBUNAL BIBLIOGRAPHY Tribunal Reports, Publications and Research Reports Presented in Evidence 1975-2019 Part 2: Bibliography of Research Reports by Author Waitangi Tribunal 2020 ISSN 2463-7181 WT Bibliography 1975-2019 Part 2 19 February 2020 Page 1 of 149 In reports written by multiple authors, the relevant report is listed in the bibliography only under the name