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  1. July 2021 National Panui [pdf, 2.9 MB]

    ...required to enable us to forward a copy of the monthly National Pänui to you. Information about you will not be disclosed to any other person in a form that will identify you except where you have consented to such disclosure or where such is required or permitted by the Privacy Act 1993 or otherwise as permitted by law. You may at any time contact us to check the details held, request changes or unsubscribe by writing to the Pänui Analyst, DX Box SX11203, Wellington, or by email to MLCpa...

  2. Evaluation of early outcomes of Te Kooti Rangatahi/Rangatahi Court [pdf, 1.7 MB]

    EVALUATION OF NGĀ KOOTI RANGATAHI Evaluation of the Early Outcomes of Ngā Kooti Rangatahi Submitted to the Ministry of Justice 17 December 2012 EVALUATION OF NGĀ KOOTI RANGATAHI Final Report 2 He Mihi “E tipu e rea, ka tipu koe hei tangata. Ka ruru e koe ki te tūāuri Hei amonga mōhou ki te pūtake o ngā kōrero e!” (Te Wī o Te Rangi, Ngai Tamatea) E aku nui, e aku rahi, e aku whakatamarahi

  3. MLC 2018 March National Panui [pdf, 316 KB]

    ...required to enable us to forward a copy of the monthly National Pänui to you. Information about you will not be disclosed to any other person in a form that will identify you except where you have consented to such disclosure or where such is required or permitted by the Privacy Act 1993 or otherwise as permitted by law. You may at any time contact us to check the details held and request changes by writing to the Pänui Analyst, DX Box SX11203, Wellington, or by email to MLCpanui@justice....

  4. Waitangi Tribunal - District 13 Part 2 Northern South Island [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    RA N G A H A U A WH A N U I DI S T R I C T 13 THE NORTHERN SOUTH ISLAND DR G A PHILLIPSON PA R T I I OC T O B E R 1996 WO R K I N G PA P E R : FI R S T RE L E A S E WAITANGI TRIBUNAL RANGAHAUA WHANUI SERIES Other reports in the Rangahaua Whanui Series available: District 1: Auckland, R Daamen, P Hamer, and B Rigby District 7: The Volcanic Plateau, B J Bargh District 9: The Whanganui District, S Cross and B Bargh District 11a: Wairarapa, P Goldsmith District 11b: Hawke’s Bay, D Cowi

  5. July 2016 National Pānui [pdf, 315 KB]

    ...required to enable us to forward a copy of the monthly National Pänui to you. Information about you will not be disclosed to any other person in a form that will identify you except where you have consented to such disclosure or where such is required or permitted by the Privacy Act 1993 or otherwise as permitted by law. You may at any time contact us to check the details held and request changes by writing to the Pänui Analyst, DX Box SX11203, Wellington, or by email to MLCpanui@justice....

  6. Eichelbaum report [pdf, 441 KB]

    ...“source monitoring”; (11) Interviewers used direct, suggestive, leading, and multiple choice questions; (12) Detail provided by children was rarely challenged; (13) Interviewers used “social pressure” to elicit disclosures; (14) Interviewers permitted free play while disclosures were being elicited, challenging the children’s ability to distinguish fact from fiction; (15) Rather than challenge bizarre or fanciful accounts, the interviewers reaffirmed them; (16) Interviewers used a...

  7. September 2016 National Pānui [pdf, 306 KB]

    ...required to enable us to forward a copy of the monthly National Pänui to you. Information about you will not be disclosed to any other person in a form that will identify you except where you have consented to such disclosure or where such is required or permitted by the Privacy Act 1993 or otherwise as permitted by law. You may at any time contact us to check the details held and request changes by writing to the Pänui Analyst, DX Box SX11203, Wellington, or by email to MLCpanui@justice....

  8. April 2016 National Pānui [pdf, 286 KB]

    ...required to enable us to forward a copy of the monthly National Pänui to you. Information about you will not be disclosed to any other person in a form that will identify you except where you have consented to such disclosure or where such is required or permitted by the Privacy Act 1993 or otherwise as permitted by law. You may at any time contact us to check the details held and request changes by writing to the Pänui Analyst, DX Box SX11203, Wellington, or by email to MLCpanui@justice....

  9. February 2015 National Pānui [pdf, 285 KB]

    ...required to enable us to forward a copy of the monthly National Pänui to you. Information about you will not be disclosed to any other person in a form that will identify you except where you have consented to such disclosure or where such is required or permitted by the Privacy Act 1993 or otherwise as permitted by law. You may at any time contact us to check the details held and request changes by writing to the Pänui Analyst, DX Box SX11203, Wellington, or by email to MLCpanui@justice....

  10. March National Panui 2021 [pdf, 362 KB]

    ...required to enable us to forward a copy of the monthly National Pänui to you. Information about you will not be disclosed to any other person in a form that will identify you except where you have consented to such disclosure or where such is required or permitted by the Privacy Act 1993 or otherwise as permitted by law. You may at any time contact us to check the details held, request changes or unsubscribe by writing to the Pänui Analyst, DX Box SX11203, Wellington, or by email to MLCpa...