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7515 items matching your search terms

  1. O'Connell & Anor v Auckland Council & Ors [2013] NZWHT Auckland 7 [pdf, 294 KB]

    ...Cartwright engaged by the O’Connells, Simon Paykel, engaged by the Council, Noel Jellyman, engaged by Mr French and Mr Young, the assessor. [27] I address each of the leak locations and conclude in each case whether such a leak location has permitted water to penetrate and cause damage requiring remediation. Defect One - Gaps in the PVC drip edge to perimeter of roof sarking board [28] The experts agreed that the PVC preformed drip edge corner is generally formed...

  2. [2021] NZREADT 27 Harvey v Lowe (10 June 2021) [pdf, 388 KB]

    ...into the agreements and had authority from Mr Smith. [31] Mr McMenamin also submitted that the Committee erred in saying that trustees must act unanimously. He referred to s 38 of the Trusts Act 2019 (in force as from 30 January 2021), which permits modification or exclusion of the unanimity requirement by express or implied terms of the relevant trust deed. He submitted that this codifies the prevailing common law principle, and that without knowing the provisions of the trust...

  3. [2021] NZEnvC 165 Poutama Kaitiaki Charitable Trust v Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Toanga [pdf, 554 KB]

    ...supported by tangata whenua including Ngā Hapū o Poutama and whānau and hapū affiliating primarily with Ngāti Maniapoto and Tainui waka.48 Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Tama opposed the application on the basis that it would set an unintended precedent permitting “non-tangata whenua” to create a large Māori reservation in areas that traditionally fall within the domain of other iwi, in this instance Ngāti Tama. Such groups could then act contrary to the wishes of tangata whenua...

  4. McClelland v Schindler Lifts NZ Ltd [2015] NZHRRT 45 [pdf, 157 KB]

    ...remedies: (a) a declaration that the defendant has committed a breach of Part 1A or Part 2 or the terms of a settlement of a complaint: (b) an order restraining the defendant from continuing or repeating the breach, or from engaging in, or causing or permitting others to engage in, conduct of the same kind as that constituting the breach, or conduct of any similar kind specified in the order: (c) damages in accordance with sections 92M to 92O: (d) an order that the defendant perfo...

  5. Waitangi Tribunal - Ngāpuhi Mandate Inquiry report [pdf, 905 KB]

    ...situation, including (but not confined to) : ▶ its erroneous application of the ‘large natural groups’ policy to the whole of Ngāpuhi when a more flexible approach is required, especially when other smaller and less diverse iwi have been permitted to organise themselves on re- gional lines and provide mandates for their negotiation of Treaty claims ; ▶ a series of funding decisions which unfairly assisted the Tūhoronuku IMA to gain its mandate, predetermining that result ;...

  6. MacNaughtan v Accident Compensation Corporation (Treatment Injury/Causation) [2023] NZACC 160 [pdf, 327 KB]

    ...his own methodology and/or following any methodology that the Court could view as a scientific methodology … [82] Ultimately the Appeal Court said this: We therefore remand this case to the trial Judge to consider whether Dr Bremner should be permitted to testify as an expert on general causation, without reference to the PET study. [83] Mr Hawes-Gandar submits that Drs Law, Tatley and Daniels all arrive at reasonable conclusions and that it is Dr Tatley’s role in drug safety/p...

  7. [2024] NZEnvC 051 Hamilton City Council v Waikato District Council [pdf, 735 KB]

    ...Regional Policy Statement and National Policy Statement on Urban Development; c. The development does not constitute an integrated, sustainable, or planned or an efficient use of land; d. Lack of clarity as to exactly what types of activities are permitted to establish; e. Omission of effects on compact urban form and cross-boundary effects in respect of Hamilton City from the matters of discretion; f. Potential for significant adverse effects on Hamilton’s transport networks an...

  8. E66 Ian Munro - Urban Design - EIC - VHHL [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...for lighting; and b. luminated (back-lit) and all variable message or LED screen signage will be covered by the Event Management Plan or subject to separate resource consent or signage bylaw approval. 2.6. No more than two flag poles are permitted for each base (on the base building or its associated yard area), with each: a. extending to not more than 20 metres above finished ground or wharf level; and b. able to accommodate a flag with a total area of not more than 30...

  9. Standards Committees v Deliu [2016] NZLCDT 41 [pdf, 441 KB]

    ...29 LCDT 010/10, [2016] NZLCDT 25, at [58]. 30 Ibid at [53]-[56]. 21 the merits and instead slips into attacks on opponents and judicial officers. This appears to be an ingrained pattern. [72] Lawyers must not be permitted to behave in the manner demonstrated in this case, such as by attacking Judges and disrupting processes. Acting for lay clients in the manner proven in the incompetence charges, including causing them to incur unnecessary cost, is n...

  10. [2024] NZREADT 23 – CAC 2106 v Hu (29 July 2024) [pdf, 255 KB]

    ...but would not dispute that such a figure was too low. The vendors’ price expectation was $27–30M, though they were flexible. [69] The vendors were not aware of any commission sharing arrangement between Mr Hu and the purchaser and did not permit any such arrangement. Rui Kong and Boon Teck Soh [70] There are affirmations from Rui Kong (15 September 2023) and Boon Teck Soh (19 September and 20 November 2023), both certified translators, as to translating the text messages...