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7422 items matching your search terms

  1. October 2016 National Pānui [pdf, 275 KB]

    ...required to enable us to forward a copy of the monthly National Pänui to you. Information about you will not be disclosed to any other person in a form that will identify you except where you have consented to such disclosure or where such is required or permitted by the Privacy Act 1993 or otherwise as permitted by law. You may at any time contact us to check the details held and request changes by writing to the Pänui Analyst, DX Box SX11203, Wellington, or by email to MLCpanui@justice....

  2. 2018 NZEnvC 067 - Motiti Rohe Moana Trust and Others v Bay of Plenty Regional Council - Interim Decision of the Environment Court - 11 May 2018 [pdf, 14 MB]

    ...towards the MNEMA in that case.5 [10] There have been issues in relation to infrastructure within Significant Biodiversity A areas within the PRCEP, the subject of a recent appeal decision from the High Court,6 and decisions in relation to activities permitted within various overlays, including Biodiversity A, B and areas of significant cultural value. 7 This has led into issues in relation to iwi management. These have been the subject of interim decisions of this Court, appeals to t...

  3. [2017] NZEnvC 206 Ngai Te Hapu Incorporated v Bay of Plenty Regional Council [pdf, 4.1 MB]

    ...DECEMBER 2017 THE ASTROLABE COMMUNITY TRUST is hereby granted the following resource consents: a) To abandon the remains of the MV Rena, its equipment and cargo and associated debris on Otaiti, in the Coastal Marine Area, Bay of Plenty; and b) To permit any future discharge of contaminants (including harmful substances) from the MV Rena, its equipment and cargo and associated debris to the Coastal Marine Area, Bay of Plenty, subject to the following conditions: A. Purpose, scope an...

  4. [2015] NZEmpC 206 Fox v Hereworth School Trust Board [pdf, 620 KB]

    ...duties and authorities (delegatus non potest delegare) applies to trustees. Among or related to the trustees’ duties of diligence and prudence, is the duty not to delegate their duties or powers. Generally a trustee must act personally and is not permitted to delegate his or her powers and duties either to a co-trustee or to a stranger, and is personally responsible for the exercise of judgment and the performance of duty. … 7...

  5. BORA Parihaka Reconciliation Bill [pdf, 4.3 MB]

    ...standards. Administration of civil works contracts on behalf of Parihaka. In-kind Environmental Services Concept Plan Continue to work with the Parihaka community to give effect to the concept plan within the Proposed South Taranaki District Plan which permits a range of activities. Consenting under the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) Provide assistance to identify resource consent requirements under the RMA in relation to development plans for Parihaka. TE HUANGA -O RONGO 50 AP...

  6. [2016] NZEnvC 140 South Epsom Planning Group Inc & Three Kings United Group Inc v Auckland Council [pdf, 5.4 MB]

    ...this area. Winston Aggregates (now part of the Fletchers group) has been working the quarry since the 1920s. We understand that quarrying was originally undertaken without any form of planning approval and in latter years that activity has been permitted under the Business 7 Zone of the District Plan. Extraction of rock from the quarry has been largely completed and Fletchers is currently in the process of filling the quarry with clean fill pursuant to a consent granted by the Cou...

  7. [2018] NZEnvC 067 Motiti Rohe Moana Trust v Bay of Plenty Regional Council [pdf, 14 MB]

    ...towards the MNEMA in that case.5 [10] There have been issues in relation to infrastructure within Significant Biodiversity A areas within the PRCEP, the subject of a recent appeal decision from the High Court,6 and decisions in relation to activities permitted within various overlays, including Biodiversity A, B and areas of significant cultural value. 7 This has led into issues in relation to iwi management. These have been the subject of interim decisions of this Court, appeals to t...

  8. MLC 2017 06 National Panui [pdf, 286 KB]

    ...required to enable us to forward a copy of the monthly National Pänui to you. Information about you will not be disclosed to any other person in a form that will identify you except where you have consented to such disclosure or where such is required or permitted by the Privacy Act 1993 or otherwise as permitted by law. You may at any time contact us to check the details held and request changes by writing to the Pänui Analyst, DX Box SX11203, Wellington, or by email to MLCpanui@justice....

  9. [2015] NZEmpC 204 NZ Meat Workers & Related Trades Union Inc v AFFCO NZ Ltd [pdf, 533 KB]

    ...agreement at cl 11(b) and in the relevant site agreements of each plant. [101] Next, the plaintiffs say that cl 11.1 of the new ieas contains a requirement that meal breaks are to be taken “as and when the demands of business allow” and permits AFFCO, if it wishes, to remove two 15-minute breaks and consolidate them into a single 30-minute break. This difference has not been challenged by the defendant. [102] Next, the plaintiffs say that the new ieas contain a clause requir...

  10. MLC 2018 April National Panui [pdf, 301 KB]

    ...required to enable us to forward a copy of the monthly National Pänui to you. Information about you will not be disclosed to any other person in a form that will identify you except where you have consented to such disclosure or where such is required or permitted by the Privacy Act 1993 or otherwise as permitted by law. You may at any time contact us to check the details held and request changes by writing to the Pänui Analyst, DX Box SX11203, Wellington, or by email to MLCpanui@justice....