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Search results for no licence.

7535 items matching your search terms

  1. CAC20002 v Brar [2015] NZREADT 59 [pdf, 490 KB]

    ...before us on 22 July 2015, the defendant pleaded guilty to the above new charge and did not dispute the submissions for the prosecution as we have covered them above. Indeed, he seemed to accept them as put except that he does not wish to lose his licence under the Act. He stated to us that he made a mistake in signing the letter put to him by Ms Kaur. He emphasised that because of this prosecution he voluntarily suspended his real estate salesperson's license so he has not been in b...

  2. 2020-04-08-MfE-PC7-s-1422-Direction.pdf [pdf, 542 KB]

    Page 1 of 2 Ministerial direction to refer the Otago Regional Council’s proposed Plan Change 7 – Water Permits to its Regional Plan to the Environment Court Having had regard to all the relevant factors, I consider that the matter requested to be called in by Otago Regional Council (ORC), being proposed Plan Change 7 – Water Permits to its regional plan, is part of a proposal of national significance. Under section 142(2) of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA), I direct thi...

  3. Heng v Yap [2014] NZIACDT 110 (10 October 2014) [pdf, 198 KB]

    ...5,000 under the Malaysian Tribunal’s jurisdiction. [12] However, the Malaysian Tribunal equally does not have jurisdiction over New Zealand law; and particularly has no jurisdiction over professional standards imposed because of Mr Yap holding a licence as a New Zealand professional. [13] This decision is only concerned with professional responsibilities that arise under New Zealand law, which Mr Yap chose to accept to gain the benefits of New Zealand professional registration. There...

  4. HortNZ - Updated EiC - V Hodgson - Planning - 13 April 2021 [pdf, 879 KB] (09) 304 0429 IN THE ENVIRONMENT COURT OF NEW ZEALAND ENV-2020-CHC-128 CHRISTCHURCH REGISTRY I TE KŌTI TAIAO O AOTEAROA ŌTAUTAHI ROHE UNDER the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) IN THE MATTER of the Water Permits Plan Change – Plan Change 7, being part of a proposal of national significance directed by the Minister for the Environment to be referred to the Environment Court under section 142(2)(b) of the RMA AND IN THE MATTER of a...

  5. Naidu v Devi [2014] NZIACD 7 (05 February 2014 ) [pdf, 48 KB]

    ...Statement of Complaint; the central issue is an allegation that the adviser dishonesty conducted her practice by “signing off” documentation, while staff unlawfully provided immigration advice. Once her practice ended, due to the cancellation of her licence, the staff continued to provide immigration advice unlawfully. It appears the complaint is that the adviser did not assist with a “handover” of the complainant’s application to another licensed immigration adviser. [3] In ad...

  6. Prasad v Devi [2014] NZIACDT 33 (19 March 2014) [pdf, 139 KB]

    ...concern, as the complainant had full and accurate advice, and instructed her not to. He instructed her instead to keep lodging applications or requests without addressing Immigration New Zealand’s concerns. [5] This Tribunal cancelled the adviser’s licence on the basis of an unrelated matter; the complainant says the adviser did not tell him or give advice regarding his options. Instead, he discovered what happened from his own research. [6] The issue for the Tribunal is whether the...

  7. Māori Purposes Bill [pdf, 198 KB]

    ...State Highway 46, and State Highway 47”. 10. Clause 16 replaces s 4 of the Maori Purposes Act 1959 which provides that, unless an exception applies, a person must not enter or remain in or on any part of the Lake, unless that person holds an entry permit. The trustees of the Trust, or their agents, may issue entry permits authorising the holders to enter in and on the Lake. Section 18(1) of the Bill of Rights Act 11. Section 18(1) of the Bill of Rights Act affirms the right of peop...

  8. CAC 10007 v Wallace [2012] NZREADT 34 [pdf, 222 KB]

    ...winery/restaurant business. The First Charge [3] In relation to the first charge, the complainants allege disgraceful conduct by the defendant in entering into an agreement for sale and purchase as vendor to them (as purchasers) of a car park licence at Princes Wharf, Quay Street, Auckland, and obtaining $25,000 as a deposit and part payment of the settlement balance and retaining those funds, in circumstances where (it is put - taking the view most favourable to the defendant) her...

  9. Young people and alcohol: Some statistics to 2003 and 2004 on possible effects of lowering the purchase age [pdf, 512 KB]

    ...availability 17 2.1 Alcohol available for consumption 17 2.1.1 The volume of pure alcohol available for consumption per person aged 15 years and over 17 2.1.2 The volume of alcohol beverage of various types available for consumption 17 2.2 Liquor licences 19 2.3 Summary 20 3 Indicators of alcohol-related offending by minors 21 3.1 Minors drinking or possessing alcohol for consumption in a public place 21 3.1.1 Police statistics 21 3.1.2 Summary 22 3.2 Minors in restricte...

  10. CAC10003 v Kumandan [2013] NZREADT 28 [pdf, 46 KB]

    ...the papers PENALTY DECISION [1] This penalty decision is back before the Tribunal as a result of an appeal by Mr Kumandan of the Tribunal’s decision of April 2012 and its penalty decision dated 12 June 2012 cancelling Mr Kumandan’s licence. [2] The Tribunal has seen the decision of Justice Katz dated 19 December 2012 which sets out her decision on Mr Kumandan’s appeal. At paragraph 74 she found that the Tribunal misdirected itself as to the correct interpretation of s...