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7422 items matching your search terms

  1. [2024] NZEnvC 050 The Warehouse Limited v Auckland Transport [pdf, 16 MB]

    ...Contaminated Land Effects Assessment (Document Number: EB234‐1‐PL‐RP‐Z0‐ 000015) Eastern Busway Alliance 2 27.05.2022 Arboricultural Effects Assessment Document Number: EB234-1-PL-RP-Z2- 000022) Arborlab A 06.07.2022 Groundwater Permitted Activity Assessment (Document Number: EB234-1-PL-RP-Z2- 000044) Eastern Busway Alliance A 07.06.2022 Natural Character, Landscape and Visual Effects Assessment (Document Number: EB234‐1‐PL‐RP‐Z2‐000026) Eastern B...

  2. 4. Roebeck affidavit (with exhibits) [pdf, 7 MB] the extent such rule applies to this Trust. 28. PERPETUITIES AND VESTING DAY 28.1 The Vesting Day for the Trust is the day that is eighty years less one (1) day after the date of this Deed, that date being within the perpetuities period permitted by section 6 of the Perpetuities Act 1964 and the perpetuities period applicable to the Trust is hereby specified accordingly. On the Vesting Day, the Trustees shall hold the remaining capital and income of the Trust’s Assets on tru...

  3. Evaluation of Legal Aid providers survey [pdf, 897 KB] for 6 – 9 months in Wellington, Hamilton PDS expansion to further sites, including duty lawyer changes, was announced in April 2011, for November 2011 – 2012 in Dunedin, Tauranga, Hastings / Napier, and Christchurch when circumstances permit. Selection of duty lawyers for the Duty Lawyer Service Roster. Where this was prior to the establishment of a local PDS, PDS assumed leadership of the roster on the dates above. Duty lawyer changes came in on the following dates:...

  4. [2019] NZEmpC 65 Rayner v Director-General of Health [pdf, 795 KB]

    ...question the Ministry’s good faith obligations as well as its health and safety obligations. She requested immediate confirmation that an independent investigator be appointed, that the threat of dismissal be withdrawn, and that Mrs Rayner be permitted to return to the workplace to continue her duties. [94] Later that day, as a result of communications between Ms Oberndorfer and Ms AB, it was agreed that the parties would meet to discuss the outstanding issues. She, and Mrs Ra...

  5. [2017] NZEmpC 85 Ramkissoon v Commissioner of New Zealand Police [pdf, 668 KB]

    ...and, importantly, his “Outstanding [in the sense of yet to be attained] Qualifications”. These latter qualifications included, first, a qualification called “Management 101”. The evidence established, however, that Mr Ramkissoon had been permitted to enter directly the Management 201 course and, subsequently, Management 301, both of which papers he had passed. It seems clear that, in these circumstances, he would have been credited with the lesser qualification of Managem...

  6. Whānau Protect (National Home Safety Service) evaluation report [pdf, 2.4 MB]

    Whānau Protect National Home Safety Service Evaluation report Provider & Community Services Ministry of Justice November 2017 Disclaimer This research was undertaken by Provider and Community Services within the Ministry of Justice, with assistance from Gravitas Research and Strategy Limited. The Ministry acknowledges and thanks the National Collective of Independent Women’s Refuges, and their affiliated and associated refuges who helped with and

  7. Notification of Applications Over 6 months old that have not been finally determined (over 6 months old) - 31 August 2019 [pdf, 1.6 MB]

    1 Notification of applications that have not been finally determined (over 6 months old) 31 August 2019 TAKE NOTICE THAT the following schedule of applications are hereby notified pursuant to rule 5.11(2)(b) of the Māori Land Court Rules 2011 being applications which are 6 months or older as at 31 August 2019, and which are currently held by the Registrar in the District set out, or, in the case of applications to the Chief Judge of Māori Land Court or those to the Māori

  8. Notification of Applications that have not been finally determined (over 6 months old) - 31 May 2019 [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    1 Notification of applications that have not been finally determined (over 6 months old) 31 May 2019 TAKE NOTICE THAT the following schedule of applications are hereby notified pursuant to rule 5.11(2)(b) of the Māori Land Court Rules 2011 being applications which are 6 months or older as at 31 May 2019, and which are currently held by the Registrar in the District set out, or, in the case of applications to the Chief Judge of Māori Land Court or those to the Māori Appell

  9. Index to the Wai 1040 inquiry [pdf, 1 MB]

    ...updated: Page 5 of 44221-Feb-2018 Representing: Ngāti O Kahu Concerning: Mr Malcolm claims that firstly, an urupa reservation was not made as requested and secondly, that the Minister of Health has, contrary to the principles of the Treaty, issued a licence to remove his son's body to another cemetery Status: Consolidated 1.1.0019(a) Wai 179, 1.1(a) Amendment Received: 25 Nov 10 1.1.0020 Wai no: 186, 1.1 Date of SOC: 27 Feb 91 Date received: 04 Mar 91 Claimants: Takutai Moana Wikiriw...

  10. Wai 1040 Northland inquiry index [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...received: 29 Oct 90 Claimant: Colin Malcolm Representing: Ngti O Kahu Concerning: Mr Malcolm claims that firstly, an urupa reservation was not made as requested and secondly, that the Minister of Health has, contrary to the principles of the Treaty, issued a licence to remove his son's body to another cemetery Status: Aggregated 1.1.0019(a) Wai 179, 1.1(a) Amendment Received: 25 Nov 10 1.1.0020 Wai no: 186, 1.1 Date of SOC: 27 Feb 91 Date received: 04 Mar 91 Claimants: Takutai Moana Wiki...