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7422 items matching your search terms

  1. January 2016 National Pānui [pdf, 211 KB]

    ...required to enable us to forward a copy of the monthly National Pänui to you. Information about you will not be disclosed to any other person in a form that will identify you except where you have consented to such disclosure or where such is required or permitted by the Privacy Act 1993 or otherwise as permitted by law. You may at any time contact us to check the details held and request changes by writing to the Pänui Analyst, DX Box SX11203, Wellington, or by email to MLCpanui@justice....

  2. E7 Graeme McIndoe - Urban Design - EIC - Applicant [pdf, 2 MB]

    ...‘Event Legacy Plan’ that outlines detail of future events and provision for these.47 I do not agree that this is necessary, with legacy activity on the wharf being subject to AUP rules, and a separate consent necessary for anything departing from permitted activities rules and standards. Nevertheless, a variety of activities are provided for in the AUP, and additional information on likely event demand and potential is provided in the evidence of Mr Jones. This demonstrates the...

  3. Environment Court annual review 2015 [pdf, 2.4 MB]

    ...v Wellington City Council [2015] NZEnvC163 Judge Thompson, Commissioner von Dadelszen P and S Aitchison applied for declarations relating to the decision of Wellington City Council that a children’s play facility (“the structure”) was a permitted activity under Environment Court of New Zealand Annual Review 2015 50 the district plan, and that the council erred by issuing a certificate of compliance for the structure. The applicants owned and occupied an apartment at 2...

  4. January 2015 National Pānui [pdf, 213 KB]

    ...required to enable us to forward a copy of the monthly National Pänui to you. Information about you will not be disclosed to any other person in a form that will identify you except where you have consented to such disclosure or where such is required or permitted by the Privacy Act 1993 or otherwise as permitted by law. You may at any time contact us to check the details held and request changes by writing to the Pänui Analyst, DX Box SX11203, Wellington, or by email to MLCpanui@justice....

  5. Takimoana - Te Tii (Waitangi) B3 Ahu Whenua Trust (2014) 90 Taitokerau MB 67 (90 TTK 67) [pdf, 335 KB]

    ...[92] Mr Coutts submits that for these reasons the claim of equitable estoppel should be dismissed. The Law [93] In Commissioner of Inland Revenue v Morris 42 the Court of Appeal found that: The essence of the doctrine is that a person is not permitted to enforce strict legal rights when it would be unjust that he should be allowed to do so, having regard to the dealings which have taken place between the parties. But those dealings must amount to one party having been led by th...

  6. Green v EIT [2020] NZHRRT 24 [pdf, 985 KB]

    ...access to courts and tribunals. IPP 11 and the right of access to courts are not opposites or inconsistent. The interests of the person about whom the information is and those of the employee are balanced by the terms of IPP 11 which explicitly permit disclosure for the conduct of proceedings before any court or tribunal whether they be proceedings that have been commenced or are reasonably in contemplation. But just as the admissibility of evidence in such proceedings is for good reas...

  7. Final-Technical-Assessment-G-Hydrogeology-and-Groundwater-v2.pdf [pdf, 9.1 MB]

    ...that is accessible via their online data portal. Technical Assessment G: Hydrogeology & Groundwater Page 22 generally low yielding (<5L/s) and few have consent to abstract more than 50m³/day (0.6L/s).13 77. In 2021, there were 46 permitted groundwater abstractions within the HGMZ listed in Horizons' resource consent database.14 Consented takes were mainly for agriculture irrigation/water supply (62%), horticultural irrigation/water supply (29%) and recreationa...

  8. [2022] NZEnvC 162 Middle Hill Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    ...into the hearing there were still live issues regarding the traffic and transportation effects of the plan change. Those effects were resolved between the parties and amended rules put forward for the Court’s consideration. They related to permitted peak period traffic generation 47 Middle Hill’s reply submissions at [2.32]. 34 associated with the Middle Hill land resulting in amendments to Table I552.6.5.1 Threshold for development – transport. Amendments were al...

  9. CBA v LKJ Ltd [2014] NZHRRT 13 [pdf, 205 KB]

    ...such service to the public but refused to 19 provide the complainant with the service by reason of a prohibited ground of discrimination. It is then for the alleged discriminator to show that his, her or its actions came within one of the permitted statutory exceptions or within s 21B of the Act. [81] It is to be recalled that at the time they dealt with the plaintiff and at the time a decision was reached not to offer IVF treatment to the plaintiff, neither Dr A nor Counsellor B...

  10. Appendix-11_Michaela-Stout_S87F-Report_Water-Take_28-April-2023.pdf [pdf, 2.5 MB]

    ...groundwater in the area. If actual river flow at the point of abstraction is overestimated due to interactions between surface water and groundwater that have not been accounted for, this could lead to more water being abstracted than what is permitted by Policy 5-17(a). 67. The revised proposed conditions appear to withdraw the proposal to adjust flows recorded at the Koputaroa at Tavistock Road flow recorder for catchment area above median flows.6 What this means, is that Waka K...