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7515 items matching your search terms

  1. LCRO 75/2017, 210/2017 and 212/2017 SW v HB (31 October 2018) [pdf, 425 KB]

    ...alone in Court with Ms SW. Without that support, Ms HB says she may well have closed her practice. Ms HB says: We do a lot of talking about wellness, mental health and the demise of women practitioners, in particular, from the profession. If we permit practitioners to get away with this type of conduct and treat others in such an appalling way, we are only doing lip service to those issues. The conduct of [Ms] SW and her firm is exactly the kind of conduct which leads to practiti...

  2. Holmes v Housing New Zealand Corporation [2014] NZHRRT 54 [pdf, 214 KB]

    ...The Ministry will use the information to help identify people whose entitlement to Ministry of Social Development products or services may need reassessment. HNZC may also release your information to any other person or organisation if permitted by law. Can I ask to see the information held about me? Yes. You can also ask HNZC to correct any information about you. [38] Two important points are to be noted: [38.1] The Privacy Statement was about the use to which...

  3. Houlbrooke (2010) Matching farm dairy effluent storage requirements and management practices to soil and landscape features [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...2010. The code uses an adapted version of the FDE risk framework as a design standard in order to recommend concept storage requirements for installers to design against. Environment Waikato (EW) allows the application of FDE to land under a permitted activity rule. However, continued non-compliance has been a problem with council data suggesting that poor management has been the primary cause of non-compliance. EW has expressed concern that much of the poor management relates to...

  4. ENVC Matiatia transcript notice of motion 20150326 [pdf, 478 KB]

    ...what’s the position with parking in the transport precinct, if I can call it that, that’s different, apart from the 48 Waiheke Marinas Limited v Auckland Council – ENV-2013-AKL-000174 (26 Mar 2013) mixed use zone, the expectation for permitted is that it’s parking associated with a permitted activity and, if it’s not, then there would be a need for a consent, so there would be a consenting requirement there and that all needs to allow evidence, Sir, to fall into pla...

  5. Hay v Dodds [pdf, 235 KB]

    ...position. In this respect the law can be stated as follows: 1. The builder of a house owes a duty of care in tort to future owners. 2. For present purposes that duty is to take reasonable care to build the house in accordance with the building permit and the relevant building code and bylaws. 3. The position is no different when the builder is also the owner. An owner/builder owes a like duty of care in tort to future owners. The council’s position can be more simp...

  6. ENV-2016-AKL-000TBA Waste Management NZ Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...that this provision be amended to allow for degradation of amenity from rural activities and significant infrastructure (provided that solid waste disposal is recognised as significant infrastructure). 5. Policy 9 of Section 5.1, which requires permitted air discharges from vehicles to be assessed, modelled and monitored as part of any application that requires consent and that this policy would be unlikely to have any real effect as the applicant would have little or no control over t...

  7. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights - government reply to issues 6th report [pdf, 624 KB]

    ...held the policy breached section 19 of NZBORA, which provides for freedom from discrimination. 11. Parliament addressed the Atkinson decision by introducing the New Zealand Public Health and Disability Amendment Bill (No 2) 2013. This amendment permits and regulates public funding for the provision of health and disability services for family members. It gave the Crown discretion to deny funding on some prohibited grounds of discrimination. The Bill was the subject of a report und...

  8. [2018] NZEnvC 066 Hamilton City Council [pdf, 20 MB] the intersection of realigned Ruakura Road and Road 3, and the intersection of Road 3 and Old Ruakura Roads . The sign will not feature a directional arrow; x) two temporary sandwich-board signs advertising the Furniture Refabricator shall be permitted at Ruakura/Silverdale Road and Road 3/realigned Ruakura Road during the construction of the new realigned Ruakura Road. These temporary signs will be removed once the construction of new road layout is completed. The issues [9] Obje...

  9. [2018] NZEnvC 025 Minister of Corrections v Otorohanga District Council [pdf, 16 MB]

    ...PRISON OPERATIONS 1. All buildings on the site which are designed to hold prisoners overnight shall be contained within secure perimeters. 2. No additional vehicle entrances or road intersections with Waikeria Road or Wharepuhunga Road shall be permitted without Otorohanga District Council 's consent (as road controlling authority) for the location , design and construction of the vehicle entrances or road intersections. 3. In the event of an escape from Waikeria Prison, the...

  10. Review of community-based sentences in New Zealand [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...the removal of the upper age limit for those on whom the sentence could be imposed, the 1966 amendments limited the group of offenders excluded from the sentence (i.e. those who had served a previous institutional sentence) to those under 21, and permitted the offender to be placed on probation concurrently with, and not merely subsequently to, periodic detention, although the probation period could still continue for up to one year after the end of the periodic detention. By this time th...