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Search results for no licence.

7424 items matching your search terms

  1. Anti-corruption guide for NZ businesses [pdf, 223 KB]

    ...persons will likely pose a high risk, particularly where commissions are involved. Transactions: Certain transactions will also carry inherently higher risks, such as those involving political contributions, public procurement, charitable donations, permits and approvals issued by officials. An assessment of the above risk factors is not meant to be a burdensome exercise, nor is it an infallible way of accurately assessing risk. Nonetheless, the results of a risk assessment should ena...

  2. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 DM expert Bridget Gilbert [pdf, 208 KB]

    ...assessment 3 is deficient in that it does not address the following landscape matters which I consider to be relevant to an understanding of the landscape values of Matiatia Bay (i.e. the landscape): (a) the past, present and likely future (permitted or consented) activities in the area; and, (b) the memorability of the area; and, (c) the values to tangata whenua. 20. Furthermore, Mr Pryor's description gives little regard to the positive contribution of the existing swi...

  3. [2006] NZEmpC AC 50/06 Tu'itupou v Guardian Healthcare Operations Ltd [pdf, 134 KB]

    ...out of time. Consequently, it could only proceed if such a course was authorised under the empowering provisions of ss 219 and 221 ERA. There was no restriction on the amendments that might be made to the statement of claim, within the permitted period of 28 days. However, once that period had expired, an application to the Court under one or both of those sections was necessary. (paras 19, 21) (3) The Court had a general discretion under ss 219 and 221 ERA to allow an amen...

  4. Koria & Anor v Johnson & Ors [2013] NZWHT Auckland 14 [pdf, 208 KB]

    ...The bonus payments would require the construction time to be 12 weeks or Page | 17 under for a single level, and 15 weeks or under for a two storey dwelling. Day one would commence from the date of issue of the local authority building permits. [54] There was a great deal of evidence and argument at the hearing as to the true nature of Mr Hardy’s arrangements with Maxbuild. Mr Hardy’s counsel stated that he was an employee because he was working on a reduced wa...

  5. Hill - Otakanini Māori Reservation (2015) 108 Taitokerau MB 76 (108 TTK 76) [pdf, 423 KB]

    ...occupying trust property. This obligation is founded on the rule that a trustee must not put him or herself in a position where their duty and interest may conflict. 28 [100] In the present case the applicant states that this occupation was “permitted by the current trustees”. 29 As such it appears that Mrs Hohepa-Hapeta was authorised to stay there. The minutes for the trustee meeting where this was agreed have not been filed. There is no allegation that Mrs Hohepa-Hapet...

  6. Proactive release - Seventh Periodic Report under the Convention Against Torture [pdf, 2.5 MB]

    ...• on return after being temporarily removed in some cases • when initially segregated due to risk of self-harm • on return of at-risk persons into segregation • on arrival of transfers. 164. Strip-searching is also permitted if an officer reasonably believes a person possesses an unauthorised item, and it is necessary to detect it. 165. Corrections can also conduct searches of fully clothed people in prisons, staff and visitors through ‘scanner sea...

  7. 26.-Evidence-of-Ms-Jo-Healy-Social-Impacts.PDF [PDF, 352 KB]

    ...provides for the above recommendations and will assist in mitigating potential social impacts during the construction phase. 69. During operation the main change is the environment (rural to state highway) and although this may be within the permitted level, the residents are still likely to experience a change. This may be positive for the residents situated closer to SH57 (as they will experience less traffic noise) but may be negative for those dwellings located near the rural...

  8. [2015] NZEmpC 176 Lean Meats Oamaru Ltd v NZ Meat Workers & Related Trades Union Inc [pdf, 222 KB]

    ...alternative options for the payment of rest breaks. [67] Parliament deliberately contemplated the possibility of additional or enhanced breaks being agreed. Thus in s 69ZG(1), the possibility of superior entitlements being agreed is permitted; and in s 69ZH, if superior entitlements arise under another enactment, then the other enactment may prevail. By contrast, the possibility of payment for rest breaks being paid at a rate which was less than the employee’s normal...

  9. Burrows & Anor v CAC20002 & Ors [2015] NZREADT 17 [pdf, 248 KB]

    ...sensible course of such legal work. [72] We also agree with the Committee that the attendance of tradespeople with the purchaser (under the said access clause in the contract), to consider the state of the property and take measurements, was a permitted procedure. 14 [73] Frankly, it seems to us that those two issues are really only raised by the complainants as add-ons to their main concern that, as the vendors of the property, they required and considered that there was...

  10. Juror Satisfaction Survey: 2021 Report [pdf, 819 KB]

    ...rating of 52.8%. Juror Comments Regarding Parking “Parking allowance or scrap parking tickets through council” – Rotorua DC “No information was given for parking and I struggled to find a park” – Gisborne DC “Park permit was fantasic” – Nelson DC Juror Comments Regarding Waiting Areas and Jury Rooms “Jury room and assembly room were comfortable” – Auckland DC “Jury room was very small and cramped” – Napier DC “We were made to s...