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7424 items matching your search terms

  1. National Standards Committee 1 v Deliu [2016] NZLCDT 26 [pdf, 408 KB]

    ...practitioner, for purposes of his own, falsely or without foundation accuses a Judge of racism.” Freedom of expression [33] The practitioner submitted that his right to freedom of expression under s 14 of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 permitted him to make the claims he did. [34] The ambit of this right in similar circumstances has helpfully been considered by an earlier judgment of the Court of Appeal in relation to Mr Orlov. The Court noted the protection afforde...

  2. Have your say on the family justice system [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...reasons the Ministry got the information was to give it to someone else 3 • you have allowed it • it is authorised or required by law or, in exceptional circumstances, for reasons permitted under the Privacy Act 1993 such as to avoid prejudice to the prevention, detection, investigation, prosecution and punishment of offences; for law enforcement; or to prevent or lessen a serious and imminent threat to somebody’s li...

  3. LCRO 239/2016 RY v P AN and T AN (25 September 2018) [pdf, 314 KB]

    ...deposit be held by an independent stakeholder until she and Mr AN settled their purchase of the property from the builder on completion of the new house. Assuming the purchase agreement had been confirmed, the builder’s counter proposal would have permitted the builder’s lawyer to release the deposit as soon as the builder had completed its purchase of the property from the land developer. [93] As with issue (c) (Mrs AN’s request for advice), Mr RY states he would not have...

  4. Proposals against incitement of hatred and discrimination - discussion document - large print [pdf, 458 KB]

    ...Copyright (Marrakesh Treaty Implementation) Amendment Act 2019. It is for your own personal use and cannot be shared with anyone else. The author and publisher reserve the right to take legal action if the Act is breached. No unauthorised copying is permitted. Produced 2021 by Accessible Formats Service, Blind Low Vision NZ, Auckland Total print pages: 34 Total large print pages: 53 Additional Publishing Information This large print edition is a transcription of the fo...

  5. [2023] NZEnvC 055 New Zealand Transport Agency v Waikato Regional Council [pdf, 472 KB]

    ...including At Risk - Declining copper skink. Lizard management plan should be provided as part of consent application process. The proposed artificial bat roosts are not sufficient. The proposed tree felling protocol is out of date. Wildlife Act permits required. Condition required to ensure appropriate stormwater management. Stormwater discharge erosion must be avoided. Inconsistent with Te Ture Whaimana o Te Awa o Waikato – the Vision and Strategy for the Waikato Ri...

  6. LCRO 126/2023 EG v HJ (28 November 2023) [pdf, 283 KB]

    ...provide opportunity to parties to adduce fresh or new evidence at the review stage. A Review Officer must be cautious to ensure that he or she does not get cast into the role of a “first instance” determiner of the evidence. Such an approach, if permitted, would undermine the very process of review [57] Consequently, I have no jurisdiction to consider either the additional factual allegations relating to alleged conflict of interest on the respondent’s part and alleged improper...

  7. Wynn-Parke & Anor v CAC20008 & Ors [2015] NZREADT 8 [pdf, 232 KB]

    ...from the Bell Gully letters that it was disclosed. The building is derelict and we believe it is not connected to any services. We should point out that we have never been allowed to be on the property because the mortgagor (Mr Wilson) would not permit that. However we believe that the villa does not add to the value of the property. The requirement to have it removed is a diminution of the value of the property. 12 8) The Bungalow. It is not clear what Mr Wilson’s point...

  8. [2017] NZEnvC 196 Bay of Plenty Regional Council v Amandeep Singh [pdf, 8.9 MB]

    ...Chief Executive of the Regional Councilor delegate. 6.3 The consent holder shall ensure that any fill material brought into the activity site from any off-site location, comprises Glean fill as specified in condition 6.4, and sourced from compliant permitted activity site or authorised consented site. Consent Number: 68467 6.4 For the purposes of this consent, clean fill is defined as natural products such as clay, pumice, soil, and rock that are free of: '" Combustible...

  9. [2018] NZEmpC 8 Nisha v LSG Sky Chefs NZ Ltd [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...Authority’s determination was a genuine problem, the issue could have been resolved by the common practice of the parties agreeing that a consent judgment be issued which would have the effect of setting aside the substantive determination, as permitted by s 183 of the Act. 16 At [18] and [20]. 17 Nisha v LSG Sky Chefs New Zealand Ltd [2014] NZEmpC 160 at [18]. [39] A further objection was that the offer was insufficient...

  10. [2016] NZEmpC 87 Kupa v Silver Fern Farms Beef Ltd [pdf, 248 KB]

    ...[39] At the commencement of the meeting there was discussion as to whether Mr Kupa had been stood down or suspended. Although the company took the view that he had been stood down for health and safety reasons, the short point is that he was not permitted to continue working when he wanted to, and he had in effect been suspended. However, no claim has been raised as to this aspect of the matter. [40] In the course of the meeting, Mr Kupa repeated his account as to what had...