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Search results for no licence.

7424 items matching your search terms

  1. Directory of Official Information M-O [pdf, 564 KB]

    ...recommendations of advisory committees as to whether or not the Minister should consent to the distribution of a new medicine • To hear appeals under section 88 of the Medicines Act. This covers appeals against refusals by the Ministry of Health to issue licences to manufacture, pack or sell medicines; appeals against refusal by the Director-General of Health of an application for approval to carry out a clinical trial of a medicine; and appeals against a decision by the Director-Gener...

  2. 2019-11-13 Allen + Clarke FVB Pilot Evaluation Final Report 004 [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...least important – 5 most important Reside at [specify address] 5 Curfew [specify hours] 4 24-hour curfew 5 Report to police 0 Not to go to [specify person or address distance in meters] 5 Restricted travel 4 Not to drive 0 Not to enter licenced premises 1 Not to consume alcohol 3 Not to consume drugs 3 Non-association / contact victims 5 Non-association / contact co-offenders 0 Non-association / contact witnesses 3 Non-association / contact other 3 Bail...

  3. [2020] NZEmpC 175 O’Boyle v McCue [pdf, 612 KB]

    ...Ms McCue had abandoned her employment, there was no legal requirement for Ms O’Boyle to include her in the process. She went on to say that if Ms McCue was not going to return to work, work property should be returned, and a software licence held on Ms McCue’s home computer should be removed. [146] On 26 September 2018, Ms McCue responded to the formal letter. Again she stated she had not walked off the job; she said she had been told to leave. [147] She asked for...

  4. Access to Justice Business Survey Final Report - October 2024 [pdf, 767 KB]

    ...including licensing, compliance, health and safety’ 20.3% 10.1% 5.9% 5.6% 5.0% 4.3% 4.2% 4.0% 4.0% 3.7% 2.9% 2.7% 2.4% 1.9% 1.7% 1.2% 1.0% 0.6% 2.4% Customer debt or late payment Complaints from customers Regulation, including licencing, compliance, health and safety Internet security breaches or cyber crime Employees, including misconduct, complaints from employees Disputes with suppliers Raising capital or financial arrangements Tax Premises, such as issues with...

  5. [2024] NZEnvC 227 Te Mana Moana o Ngati Irapuaia Trust v Bay of Plenty Regional Council [pdf, 1.8 MB]

    ...Regional Council, PO Box 364, Whakatāne or email Please include the consent number RM21-0541-CC.01. 3 The consent holder has not obtained a resource consent for the emission of noise, therefore they are required to meet the Permitted Activity requirements of Rule NS 3 of the Regional Coastal Environment Plan. 4 Alteration includes, but is not limited to, attachments, colour, and/or materials. 5 All conditions must be fulfilled to the satisfaction of the Bay of P...

  6. [2023] NZEnvC 220 Federated Farmers of New Zealand v Waikato District Council [pdf, 1.7 MB]

    ...addition of a new clause (c) into Policy NH-P11 to enable mmor earthworks for the maintenance and/ or repair of farm tracks, where appropriate, to maintain well-being and prevent harm from inundation; (b) amendment to the heading of Rule NH-RS to permit the construction of a farm building with a flood resistant floor; and (c) amendment to Rule NH-R26 to enable earthworks associated with the repair and maintenance of tracks and fences for farming activities within 50m of the toe of...

  7. Derek Onley (filed 6 June 2017) [pdf, 820 KB]

    ...have existed for 30 years or more, and meet at least one of the criteria in Part II of Schedule 1, which is divided into ‘Archaeology and history’ and ’Wildlife and landscape’. The removal of any hedgerow to which the Regulations apply is permitted if it is required for carrying out development for which planning permission has been granted (and in other circumstances as set out under Regulation 6). Trees 5.20 Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) are made under the Town and Count...

  8. [2018] NZEnvC 181 Ballantyne Barker Holdings Ltd v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 19 MB]

    ...not be considered: i. as beneficia l under any of the following assessment matters unless the Council considers the vegetation (or some of it) is appropriate for the location in the context of the proposed development; and ii. as part of the permitted basel ine. She agreed with Ms Mellsop's opinion99 that the existing immature evergreen and exotic trees along the Ballantyne Road frontage are not beneficial and should not be considered as part of the permitted baseline. [8...

  9. [2012] NZEmpC 202 Cruickshank v CE of Unitec Institute of Technology [pdf, 446 KB]

    ...Industry Training Act 1992, the ITO is responsible for setting standards, arranging for training programmes and monitoring their quality. To preserve the independence of its role, however, the ITO does not itself offer training. This new regime has permitted others, including private sector organisations, to compete in the field that was once dominated (at least in the northern regions of New Zealand) by Unitec. [16] Another relevant background issue is the change in recent ye...

  10. July National Panui 2020 [pdf, 478 KB]

    ...Māori Act 1993. It will help en es aff ected by the COVID-19 restric ons to operate more eff ec vely, by allowing for: • an en ty to use electronic means (e.g. electronic vo ng and electronic signatures) when its cons tu on or rules do not permit this; • an en ty to temporarily modify its cons tu on or rules; • the Minister for Māori Development to grant exemp ons from certain statutory obliga ons under Te Ture Whenua Māori Act; and • the Chief Judge of the Māor...